Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1418: Weird power, the last battle

On the ancient battle platform of Yunxu, demonic energy raged in all directions.

Both of them practiced magic skills, and each move contained infinite magic energy, which burst out and was breathtaking.

Zhong Jie's moves are overbearing and stern, like a magic knife that drinks blood, while Xu Weilong is a mediocre boxing style, with so many strokes, calm and square.

No matter how Zhong Jie changes his moves, Xu Weilong is always the same, like a calm spring, steady and persistent output attack.

Soon, everyone found out what was wrong.

As time goes by, Zhong Jie, who originally had the advantage of crushing, began to weaken.


Xu Weilong slammed the Yu Xinghuang knife with a flat punch, blasting Zhong Jie out, spouting a mouthful of blood.

"Impossible! What the **** is going on with you? Cheating, it must be cheating!"

Zhong Jie wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and roared.

In the battle in the Saint Demon Hall, Xu Weilong and Feng Yanran joined forces, and he suppressed them. There is no reason why Xu Weilong has improved so much in a short period of time.

Moreover, the power never diminishes, which is simply incredible and impossible.

Xu Weilong sneered: "The weak always like to find reasons for their failures. Which eye did you see me cheating?"

Under the sneer, the figure exploded and punched again.

Zhong Jie gritted his teeth fiercely, and roared: "I don't believe it! The old men were defeated, but they dare to jump in front of my pure demons! With this knife, I will cut you into Nose!"

Zhong Jie held the knife in both hands, his face was fierce, he poured all the magic energy into the knife, and suddenly he chopped it off!

"Profound meaning—the magic prison is endless!"


The vast magical might burst out in an instant, bursting out of the sword continuously, pulling the infinite **** into the world!

Zhong Jie knew very well that something must have happened to Xu Weilong. If he couldn't finish his work, he would lose.

So it's a desperate fight!

Xu Weilong's face didn't change, and he still made a flat punch, and with a "bang", the magic light exploded on the tip of the fist, forming a defense.

Then there was another punch, "Bang!"

It was another punch, "Bang!"

In an instant, there were hundreds of punches, each of which was the pinnacle of air law, and immediately formed a piece of defense, but Zhong Jie's demon prison was always blocked.

The monsters that overwhelmed the earth are far stronger than Xu Weilong.

But Xu Weilong just didn't panic, he responded calmly, and punched again if he didn't have enough punches...and punched again...until enough!

"Boom Rumble", the huge magic power accompanied by the blade light, slashed on Xu Weilong's fist light.

Although a large number of fist lights are constantly shattering, new fists are added to form a defense and stand firm.

Zhong Jie's face changed drastically, very ugly.

Although Xu Weilong was still struggling, Zhong Jie knew that if this blow could not defeat him, there would be no chance later.

Sure enough, after Xu Weilong withstood the first wave of attacks, the entire Infinite Demon Prison was continuously torn apart under a series of fists.

Large swaths of fist light shot out from all directions, like stars in the dark night, dotted all over.


Finally, a fist shot across the sky, hit Zhong Jie hard, and knocked him out.

"Puff!" Zhong Jie spit out a gulp of blood, his breath fell to the extreme, his face was desperate, and said: "No need to fight, I give up!"

Up to this moment, Zhong Jie was exhausted, and he was no longer able to fight.

Xu Weilong was still full of energy, as if he had just entered the ring, without the slightest sign of fatigue.

Zhong Jie knew there must be a problem, but couldn't find evidence of cheating by the other party, what could he do? On the contrary, it seemed that I could not afford to lose.

Zhong Jie let out a long sigh, his face was sullen, he took the magic knife, turned and flew off the ring.

The spirits flowed in Dong Zhen's eyes, staring at Xu Weilong for a while, and then slowly said, "Xu Weilong wins."

The crowd suddenly burst into applause.

Although Xu Weilong also uses magic skills, he is a human race after all. But Zhong Jie is an alien.

At this point, all alien races have rolled out of the arena and stopped outside the championship battle.

Many warriors also breathed a sigh of relief. If the alien races into the finals and wins the first place, there will be nowhere to put the faces of hundreds of thousands of people.

After the applause weakened, Dong Zhen said: "Originally, Yang Wuxin will fight Zhong Jie for the third place. But Yang Wuxin is already crazy, so I don't have to fight. I now announce that this quarter-finals battle Zhong Jie is third, and Yang Wuxin is fourth. Next is the end of this year's Wushu Forum, the first battle. The first place will be between Xu Weilong and Yang Qingxuan."

He glanced at the two of them and said, "I don't know if the two are ready, can you just start?"

Xu Weilong smiled faintly and said, "I'm fine, we can start."

Yang Qingxuan lifted his eyelids, glanced at the ancient battle platform, flashed across, and said calmly: "I have a problem, I have to rest."

Everyone saw that there was still a large cyan on his body, and they knew that it was a sequelae after swallowing the sacred vessel, and it was only natural that they needed to continue to rest.

Dong Zhen nodded and said: "Yes, the rules allow."

Xu Weilong passed the fascinating light in his pupils without saying anything, and then stood with his hands in his hands and waited quietly.

In the void, Shi Yan frowned and said, "Brother Wuxian, what do you think?"

The glaucoma in Wu Xian's eyes was flowing, and he had been watching the game. At this moment, he withdrew his gaze and returned to normal black, and said in a deep voice, "The trouble is big, Xu Weilong is no longer Xu Weilong."

He paused, then explained in detail: "I mean, Xu Weilong's body and soul are still there, but it's completely changed. It's not the same Xu Weilong anymore."

Shi Yan said: "When Brother Wu Xian said, it was exactly what I was thinking in my heart. And combined with what someone had done before, I can almost be sure what's going on."

Wu Xian's face changed drastically, and he said in a deep voice, "You mean..."

Shi Yan nodded and said, "The three-corpse technique in the dusty ten tombs."

Wu Xian and Wu Shan changed their faces at the same time, and they were both shocked.

Wu Xian said angrily: "What is the enemy that made Lu Yukui sacrifice so much to refine Xu Weilong into his own three-corpse body!"

As soon as these words came out, all of them convulsed suddenly and fell into contemplation.

Wu Shan said: "Master Shi Yan awakened the dreamer, Yang Qingxuan displayed the Supreme Profound Sword Tomb, which is known to all at this moment, and Lu Yukui would sacrifice Yang Qingxuan at the expense of three corpses. , Lu Yukui must have also participated."

Wu Xian said: "The trouble now is that Lu Yukui's body of three corpses, Yang Qingxuan is by no means an opponent. This is considered an obvious cheating, but there is no evidence at all. Only when the three corpses grow to lose their self-consciousness can they be caught. Evidence. This is just the initial stage, no different from normal people."

Several people are worried and helpless.

In another void, Coluo said in shock: "Mother, this Xu Weilong, could it be that he was hit by the Three Corpse Cerebrates?"

Kunna nodded and said: "It is indeed the characteristic of the Three Corpse Cerebral Worm, which can be transformed into the Three Corpse of the Warrior. It's just that there are no insects in his body. It should be some kind of secret technique similar to the Three Corpse Cerebral. Three corpses."

Ke Luo sneered and said: "The secret method of refining the three corpses requires the willingness of the bearer to overcome the great fear. And the three corpse brainworms of our race, whether you want it or not, you can forcibly refine it. It's our race. Excellent skills."

Corot's face was all smug.

Kunna said: "The technique of the Three Corpses is to continuously cut off the self to prove the secret method of the Dao. The stronger the power of the Three Corpses, the stronger the Dao Nian obtained when they are cut off. But Xu Weilong only has air skills. The cultivation base of the realm, the warrior who refines it into the three corpses, when the three corpses is decapitated, not only can't get the half-way mind, but will be injured by the heavens. Tsk, for the strong of the realm, this sacrifice It's not that big."

Upstairs in Jinqueyu, the high-levels of the top ten and twenty-four houses were equally solemn.

Yin Xuanyu slowly said, "Xu Weilong's situation at this moment is like a certain state."

The public loser's heart moved, and said: "You mean...a puppet?"

Yin Xuanyu nodded and said, "It's a puppet, just a living puppet."

As soon as these words came out, everyone changed their expressions and seemed to have guessed something.

At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the sea of ​​clouds, "Breakthrough! Yang Qingxuan broke through again!"

All eyes were gathered on Yang Qingxuan, one by one was shocked.

The top ten had just broken through when defending, how long has it been before he broke another level.

Those who knew that he was the Holy Spirit Dao Body even frowned. Without the second half of the Qingyang Martial Scriptures, Yang Qingxuan actually broke through one after another and rushed directly to the latter stage of the air law, which is simply incredible.

On Yang Qingxuan's body, the power fluctuations spread from circle to circle, and one circle was stronger than one circle, which was just a sign of a breakthrough.

His hands quickly pinching the Jue suddenly stopped, the cyan luster on his skin faded into his body and became inaudible, and the flames all over his body returned to his body.

The power of the sacred artifacts was finally refined, and there was still a small amount of residual silt that could not be digested in a short time.

Yang Qingxuan opened his eyes abruptly, a gaze that cut through the sky like electricity, like a bright star on the sea of ​​clouds, fleeting, and becoming extremely calm, like an ancient well.

Yang Qingxuan condensed his whole body's true essence, stood up, and walked to the ring in front of the countless light.

"Hey, I said, don't lose!"

Zhong Jie said suddenly, pondered, and then said: "He is extremely weird. It's best to kill him with a thunderous force, otherwise it will be troublesome."

Yang Qingxuan smiled slightly and said, "Do you think I am you?"

As he said, he gave a long laugh, acting as a breeze, and flew off to the ring.

"Cut! Damn!"

Zhong Jie gritted his teeth and cursed, but there was a trace of worry in his eyes.

In the Hall of Glory, Lu Yukui sat vacantly, pinched out the weird tactics in his hands, and a sly grin appeared at the corner of his mouth. He said in a cold voice: "The old man will not hesitate to spend his comprehension of the way of heaven, and if he is hurt by the way of heaven, he will send you to the west! Yang Qingxuan , Your death date is up!"

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