Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1451: Beg

Hua Yunlu opened her mouth wide, the blood on her face faded quickly, and her eyes were full of panic and dullness.

I thought of many things in an instant, replaying in my mind all my life, all the joys and sorrows vanished in an instant.

The last thought in Hua Yunlu's mind, this universe of stars is so beautiful, but he will never see it again.

On the Shifang Star Terrace, the countless martial artists around, opened their eyes in amazement.

The head of the top ten and twenty-four families, the valley master of Baishigu, the top existence of the world, the great master of the realm king stage, was cut in half under this sword, and blood was spilled on the ground.

Until the two halves of Hua Yunlu fell to the ground, everyone's heart was violently shaken, one by one recovered.

"Hey! Dead...dead...really dead...!"

"Ah!...this...how is this possible?!"

Above the sea of ​​clouds, everything exploded. Everyone felt a huge chill, only feeling cold in their hands and feet.

The head of Baishigu, the strong man who stood at the pinnacle of this star field, died suddenly, embarrassed, and even bored.

The blood sword flashed in the air and disappeared.

Zhang San put his hands down, looked at Hua Yunlu's face, and said: "Hua Po is really shameless, she knows to lie, and she said she is not afraid of death, her eyes are obviously full of fear, cut, true hypocrisy."

"Zhang San, take my life!"

Feng Jinyu yelled, ignoring that he had snatched Yun Xinglie's body from Su Lishang's hands. Under the flash of his figure, he teleported behind Zhang San, and the big sword slashed down!

"Joke, you two sluts, you didn't kill Gu Yao in the Black Sea, but took advantage of the futility and wanted to kill me. In the end, I killed one. You still have the face to beg for death?

Zhang Sanhe laughed, tore the black robe on his body and threw it away, revealing a clear face, smiling at Feng Jinyu's sword, not retreating.

Suddenly on the Star Terrace, Tan Taiming shouted, "Master Jinyu, be careful!"

I saw a moonflower circling in the void, and it came in an instant.

Yuehuanei stretched out a palm, slapped Feng Jinyu's great sword, shook it back, and then transformed into the true form of the moon soul, stepped forward, and said coldly: "The one who is desperate is me! "

On the Black Sea that day, Yue Hun and Zhang San were almost killed by Feng Jinyu and Yun Xinglie, already holding back their anger.

They have always been the only ones who bullied others. When have they been bullied like this?

As soon as the Moon Soul appeared, he patted Feng Jinyu with his fingers like claws.

There was an explosion in the air, and it burned directly, causing sparks to splash.

Even because of the friction between the fingertips and the space, small fire dragons sprang out, flying around the five fingers, magnificent and dazzling.

Feng Jinyu was shocked, and Yue Soul had a strong crushing momentum on his body. Although it was just a random claw, it suppressed a radius of thousands of feet, making it impossible to escape, and giving birth to a sense of incomparableness.

This is the strong man who defeated Gu Yao!

Even Yang Yunjing's eyes showed a trace of deepness.

Feng Jinyu yelled, ten percent of the skill burst out, merged into a sword, and greeted him fiercely.


With a grasp of the Moon Soul's five fingers, the great sword was immediately captured, and it was difficult to advance any further.

In the space around the sword, numerous small cracks were pressed by the powerful force, the sword body screamed and trembled, and the countless runes on it flickered and disillusioned, and it was crushed by the force of the moon soul.

Feng Jinyu's face was pale, drops of cold sweat rolled from her temples, and her sword-holding hand trembled violently.

Dong Zhen's pupils shrank suddenly, and he shouted: "Everyone will take action together to kill Dao Ying!"

The fire stick in his hand was unsealed at once, exuding a bright brilliance, and the iron thorns exploded like wolfs, turning into a golden mace.

Dong Zhen held a stick in both hands, rushed forward with a roar, and hit the sky fiercely!

Suddenly a figure teleported to him, blocking directly in front of Dongzhen, raising his left hand to block.


The mace hit the man's arm, bursting out infinite light, and if the nebula burst, it instantly impacted in all directions.

That person was exactly the same, his pupils wrinkled, and a trace of pain appeared on his face.

The fairy wisps of jade clothing floated on his body, and there were a lot of golden tadpoles spinning constantly.

Although there was an immortal clothing body, but he resisted the real blow, Li Jifei's left arm trembled slightly, and he was a little weak.

Yue Soul was indifferent to what was behind him, his five fingers caught Feng Jinyu's big sword, and he stepped forward awe-inspiringly, forcing Feng Jinyu to back down continuously.

At the same time, the five fingers kept squeezing down, and Feng Jinyu's sword burst suddenly. With a "bang", all the blades of the sword split, like a series of shooting stars.

Feng Jinyu's body shuddered, as if suffering a great impact, and the whole person took a few steps back.

Moon Soul's left hand kept pinching the tactics, one after another jade bone beads appeared, wrapped around his body, overflowing with subtle luster.

Each bone bead is engraved with weird demon texts, and the shimmer continues to spread, connecting into pieces, like a barrier of light, like a terrifying formation.

Feng Jinyu's face changed drastically, and she screamed, and she was about to run away as soon as her figure shook.

But each Demon Emperor Ancient Pearl almost became a world of its own, connected together, and turned into a vast world, with light and coercion like the sea, and the town was in all directions.

Feng Jinyu's body suddenly stagnated and became slow to move. The whole body was shrouded in the light curtain, and the breath of death appeared in her heart.

Not only Feng Jinyu, but all the people on the sea of ​​clouds, their bodies were stagnant at the same time, and they all looked at in amazement.

Those warriors who had never heard of the name "Daoying" were even more shocked, and even trembled with great fear, "Daoying... these people... who are they!"

The Moon Soul stood in the air awe-inspiring, focusing on hundreds of thousands of eyes, like the **** of the moon, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the four words were gently spit out in his mouth, "Mahayana, immeasurable!"


The power of Bone Beads continues to stack up, and the power of destroying the world spreads out, covering the entire Shifang Star Terrace, the Cloud Sea Star Palace!

"Do not!--"

Feng Jinyu yelled in horror, "Sir, help me!"

That terrible demon power, his body's bones "cackling", the power has been suppressed before it fell on his body, if it was a blow, it must be wiped out.

At this moment, Yang Qingxuan suddenly twinkled with golden light, and he was shocked to find that Yang Yunjing had left the Shifang Star Terrace and was nowhere to be seen.

Under the terrifying power of Mahayana, everyone is slow to act.

Only a dragon light flickered, and at an unimaginable speed, it arrived in front of Feng Jinyu.

"Moon Soul, don't be arrogant!"

Under the twinkling of the dragon light, the figure of Yang Yunjing appeared, holding a sword in his right hand, and a large amount of sword energy broke through the ground and connected into one piece.

Tai Xuan's sword intent spread, and actually competed with that demon, forming two worlds.

Moon Soul's pupils shrank suddenly, and his hands were printed with a change, which raised the power of destroying the world again!

In Yang Yunjing's eyes, a dragon's shadow melted, and the bright dragon light broke out, poured into the sword in his hand, and shot out a piece of road rules.

Time goes by, white clouds and dogs, and the vicissitudes of life are only in an instant.

Countless exquisite swords were induced, and all broke out of the sword mound, hanging upside down under the stars.

//No more today.

//Four changes will be resumed tomorrow, but the update time cannot be fixed for the time being. Tai Yi will fix it as soon as possible.

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