Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1452: Flying dragon in the sky

The cold light flashed in Yang Yunjing's eyes, the emperor sword was horizontally in front of him, and yellow dragon shadows were flying around.

With the blow of the Moon Soul, the barrier of light suddenly became ups and downs, as if being eroded by the desolation of the years and rapidly weakened by the passage of time.

The Moon Soul's pupils shrank suddenly, a horror flashed under his eyes, he suddenly mentioned the true essence, and his left hand drew a circle in front of him, once again raising the Mahayana to the extreme.

Thirty-six demon emperor ancient beads all burst out of brilliance, thirty-six great emperor phantoms were imprinted in the air, the vast barrier of light, the vast world was crushed down.

In the Star Palace, all the strong are looking at each other in amazement.

This kind of power that destroys the world, not to mention the star palace, even if it is a large plane, it will inevitably be penetrated!

Almost everyone stopped their heartbeat, and their faces were pale and miserable.

Yang Yunjing's eyes flashed with a brilliant light, and then shot-a brilliant brilliance, the emperor sword in his hand continued to have golden runes passing by, and in the center of the sword, a few obscure and ancient texts appeared: Taichen Canggu.

In the surrounding sword graves, a series of peerless sword intent turned into huge beams of light, rising into the sky.

In an instant, the sword light blazed across the sea of ​​clouds, and hundreds of sword auras shone like stars, reflecting each other with the thousands of stars circulating in the sky, forming an earth-star sword world.

When the two forces touched together, they burst out the spiritual pressure that destroyed the sky and the earth. The trembling clouds and the earth shook the mountains and even the Shifang Star Terrace was affected.

It's just that the star platform flew around, and the entire cloud pressure column covering thousands of miles changed instantly, covering every building on the star platform, and at the same time extending out, covering hundreds of thousands of people in the sea of ​​clouds.

Yang Yun turned into a yellow dragon in the mirror, and the light of the dragon appeared in his eyes, and the ancient emperor Taichen slashed out.

Thousands of star sword circles suddenly flickered, all of them converged in this sword, and at the same time, a dragon shadow shuttled and hovered on the sword, incarnate as a real dragon.

"The flying dragon is in the sky!"

The whole world flashed, and the vast sword energy traveled through time and space, cutting on the barrier of light.

The Great Thousand World of Moon Soul shook violently, the barrier of light undulated, and the place where it was slashed by the sword aura was split like a curtain, and the whole world continued to crack.

Everyone had their mouths wide open, so startled they couldn't breathe, couldn't make a sound, or even think. There was only one thought in their mind, "The world is number one! Is this the number one person in the world, the number one power in the world?!"

On the other side, the strongest person under the stars!


The Mahayana of the Moon Soul speeds up and collapses infinitely.

The terrible sword intent wrapped around the dragon's body, crisscrossing the world, constantly tearing the sky.

Thirty-six demon emperor ghost shadows shook at the same time.

"Bang! Bang!"

Four or five shattered one after another, the Demon Emperor Guzhu trembles violently, and a halo shot from above, dazzling.


The entire Great Thousand World continued to shatter, and Yang Yunjing's swords merged into one, turning into a huge sword aura, slashing on the barrier of light in front of the ancient beads, bursting out huge spiritual pressure, stirring the world.

The cloud pressure virtual barrier on the Shifang Star Platform was deformed by the constant bombardment of this spiritual pressure.

The hundreds of thousands of people in the enchantment were all extremely uncomfortable, desperately scratching the skin on their faces and bodies, as if they had lost air and were about to suffocate.

"Boom! Boom!"

Some people couldn't bear the force of the force, and exploded directly in place, flying a lot of flesh and blood.

Everyone was pale, and there was still the isolation of the cloud air pressure virtual fence barrier. If the spiritual pressure was swept down directly, it would be hundreds of thousands, but fewer than a hundred people would survive.

Most of the top powers of the entire human race are gathered here, not only the top ten and twenty-four, but also the top leaders of the major forces, sects, and aristocratic families. If all the lives are lost here, it will really have a profound impact. , It is difficult to predict the consequences.

But in the face of this world-destroying power, everyone is an ant in the stormy sea, and there is no other way except waiting for the verdict of fate.


The ancient Emperor Taichen Cang's sword hit the barrier of light, and the thirty-six Demon Emperor ancient beads tremble violently, bursting out circles of bright light.

A trace of horror flashed across Moon Soul's pupils, and the thirty-six beads were attentive to him, and he could clearly perceive the rapid passing of time on the beads, as if a person was rapidly aging.


An imperceptible crack suddenly burst out on one of the beads, and then a few "clicks" sounded, and a few more beads burst into cracks.

Yuexun's heart sank and immediately realized that it was not good.

With the power of thirty-six Demon Emperor ancient beads, the defense laid down is comparable to the cloud pressure virtual fence.

But Yang Yunjing's martial soul flying dragon is in the sky, but the time on the ancient pearl has passed tens of thousands of years, and it is still passing faster.

Except for the eternity of heaven, nothing can withstand the ravages of time, and there will be five failures of heaven and man.

The same is true for sacred objects and treasures.


Gu Zhu finally couldn't support it, and the light barrier instantly shattered.

Thirty-six ancient beads were instantly shaken a hundred feet away, forming a huge circle, but under the seal of the moon soul, they returned to the hand in an instant, turned into a bracelet, hung on the wrist, and folded hands together. , Pressed the Taichencang Ancient Emperor's Sword that came forward in his palm.


The huge impact turned into a beam of light, rushing straight into the stars, and expanding continuously.

With Yang Yunjing and Moon Soul as the center, the beam of light reached a thousand feet, and all the rules within it were shattered.

Yuehun's hair fell apart, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

And the power of time circulated and strangled him, making life a little bit gone.

Moon Soul frowned, and the blood at the corner of his mouth became intense, flowing down the skirt of his clothes, dyeing his red robe.

In fact, as a high-ranking realm king, his understanding of Dao is the pinnacle, and the strangulation of time rules on him is not obvious.

However, the world of swords and the passage of time, and the power of two strangulations, made his defense very passive and difficult, completely suppressed by Yang Yunjing's sword, if there is no accident, he can only lose a little bit.

Lie Jifei's eyes flashed sharply, and he shouted: "Let's shoot together and kill the Emperor!"

Dao Ying's expressions changed at the same time.

Faced with such a terrifying power, even if they have always been arrogant, they seem to be incapable.

But the only way out in front of me is to kill the Emperor and break the Shifang Star Terrace, otherwise there will be no way to retreat, and I can only break the boat and let it go!

Su Lishang, Hong Yang, Zhang San, and Lie were all nonsense, all of them flashed, trying to rush into the beam of light to save the moon soul and kill the emperor.

"Cut! Really we don't even exist?"

In front of Lie Jifei, a flash of lightning suddenly flickered, tearing apart the void, turning into a half-acre thunder hand, and grabbing it.

Lie Jifei was shocked, raised his hand to make a fist, and blasted over.


Fist pressed into Thunder, and constantly broke Lei Huan's hand.

But in front of Thunder, the body of Leiyang suddenly turned into a five-color divine thunder in his hand, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

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