Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1473: Half the credit, the ghost evolves

Yang Qingxuan stood up and said nothing, only feeling that her heart was empty, as if something was missing.

From then on, the ends of the world are all alone.

Zi Yuan said: "Brother Qingxuan, let's leave first. I've stayed here for too long. I'm afraid that Dharma will know our location, and it is very likely that someone will be sent here."

"Tsk tusk, this little girl is not alert yet, Yang Qingxuan, since you are so unwilling to be the old man, Yang Zhao, just follow him."

A cynical voice sounded in the void, and then Ling Ling's murderous aura was projected through the void, completely locking Yang Qingxuan and Zi Yuan.

Yang Qingxuan stared at the void in anger, and gritted his teeth every word: "Lu Yukui!"

The ripples in the void continued to spread, transforming into a man wearing a profound robe, with a three-foot green front at his waist, and a cold and murderous look in his eyes. It was Lu Yukui.

Lu Yukui sneered and said, "Master Ren Huang controlled Yang Zhao. Naturally, I knew the location and made me come quickly. I thought that you must have already run away. I didn't expect it to be a catch. Don't be sad, angry and sad. I'll take you to see your grandpa now, no thanks."

Lu Yukui slowly drew his sword, his eyes following the sword light, cold as ice.


Lu Yukui gave a soft yell, and without seeing him swinging his sword, the sky split apart with a "chick", and then the two halves of the sky were directly dislocated, and everything on the crack was destroyed.

The afterimages of Yang Qingxuan and Ziyuan were also cut in half, but disappeared in a flash.

At the same time, the two incarnates out of a hundred feet away from the crack. Yang Qingxuan grabbed Ziyuan, put it into the star ring, and slammed away into the distance.

Lu Yukui was in the realm of the realm king. Although he descended on Xu Weilong and was backlashed by the Dao of Heaven, he fought fiercely with Midnight and others in the Star Palace War, and suffered serious injuries, but he was still not something Yang Qingxuan could contend with now.

"It would be too trivial to want to leave at this moment. I will hand over all the Jade Destruction, Halberd Sky Ruins, Wuji Apricot Yellow Flag, and Dark Night Eye. I can give you a happy death."

Lu Yukui couldn't help feeling hot when he thought of the treasures on Yang Qingxuan.

This kind of equipment configuration is impossible even for the heads of the top ten and twenty-four.

The order to destroy the law was only to kill Yang Qingxuan and bring back the Jade Destruction, so that the other three holy artifacts could fall into his hands.

"I knew today, why didn't I die by my hands in the ring at the beginning, and avoid so much frustration and pain."

Lu Yukui thought that he was backlashed by the Heavenly Dao because of him, and then he was seriously injured in the battle because of him, he was furious, killing intent, his figure flashed, the space rules were controlled at will, and he instantly appeared in front of Yang Qingxuan, looking back hideously. It's a sword.

"The remnants who deserved to die on the star stage at the beginning, have survived for twenty years, and will never escape death!"

Yang Qingxuan took out Hundred Ghosts Yexing, instantly solidified, and blocked it, and exclaimed: "What did you say? You also participated in the things back then?!"


The gloomy ghost aura on Hyakki’s Night Walk was directly split by the Qingfeng sword aura, and the sharp sword aura turned into a whirlpool. Following the ghost sword to supreme, most of it was blocked by the guard, but many of them hit Yang Qingxuan and shot out a burst. Dao blood.

No matter how Lu Yukui was injured, Yang Qingxuan couldn't resist it.

With just a random sword, Yang Qingxuan was on the verge of life and death.

Lu Yukui grinned and said: "Of course! I can be the most important person in the big event of the year. If the law is destroyed without me, I would not be the emperor! Speaking of, I have half the credit for the death of the Yang family, haha Haha!"

Yang Qingxuan was shocked and angry.

Lu Yukui smiled wildly: "Why, sad? No wonder? Or angry? Or all? Hahahaha, the weak can only show their emotions on their faces, but the strong can express their emotions as they please. You don't have to be sad, Soon you will be reunited with them!"

The Qingfeng sword slammed down.


A powerful trembling sound was exploded on Hyakki’s Night Walk. Under Taixuan’s sword intent, the ghost sword at this moment was a complete real sword, constantly showing a hideous sword posture, but Yang Qingxuan’s power was too weak, and was crushed by Qingfeng’s sword qi. .

"Damn! Disturb this seat repair, die!"

There was a sharp shout from the sword, and then it turned into a huge ghost, anger spurted from his eyes, and under the knot of his right hand, he pointed towards Lu Yukui.

Yang Qingxuan only felt the pressure on the sword loosened, but the infinite sword intent was passed into the hands of Ghost Venerable through the air, turning into sword energy and shooting out from his fingertips.

In the Star Palace War, the ghost master had absorbed the souls of countless powerful men. He was pursuing the digestion, but was forcibly interrupted by Lu Yukui, and suddenly shot in anger.

Yang Qingxuan discovered that Ghost Venerable's body had undergone tremendous changes again, his body was much more flesh and blood than before, and the aura he radiated was obviously going to a higher level.

Yang Qingxuan knew that Gui Zun must have broken through again, and was immediately surprised.


Gui Zun used his finger to transform his sword, hitting the Qingfeng sword, and suddenly a blade of light burst out, slamming Lu Yukui back.

"You are the soul within the sword? It has evolved, **** it!"

Lu Yukui was shocked, yelled, and slashed again with his sword.


Ghost Venerable pinched another sword qi, shook it away, and said grimly: "Tsk tusk, the soul of the realm king, you can eat again!"

With a roar, he completely transformed from the sword, and Jieyin with both hands patted it.

Lu Yukui was shocked. In the decisive battle of Lunwu in the sky, he had seen Ghost Venerable, who was only a one-star realm king. At this moment, bye bye, he had reached the peak of two stars.

Lu Yukui's peak state was only a five-star realm king. After being suppressed by Heaven's Dao, his strength fell directly below three stars. In addition, he was injured in the battle of the stars. At this moment, he could only exert the power of ordinary two stars.

Moreover, a large number of souls in the ghosts were not digested. During the fight, they were constantly absorbed by the body to supplement the consumed power, and the more they fought, the more courageous.

Lu Yukui couldn't help feeling cold, and hurriedly chased after Yang Qingxuan, unexpectedly there was such a big evil star. After fighting for a while, he knew he was invincible, and if he entangled again, he might even be in danger of falling.

At the moment, the sword light flashed, and with all his strength, he shook Ghost Zun away and turned around to leave.

Yang Qingxuan shouted: "Don't let him go!"

The ghost fire in Guizun's pupils flickered, his hands pinched the tactics, and Hyakki Yexing was directly under his control and cut off with the sword.

Sword Qi was like ripples, covering hundreds of miles in an instant.

Lu Yukui said gloomily, "I want to go, who can stop me?"

The sword light in his hand flashed, and three sword intents were formed in the air, and then they gathered into one and greeted him.


Under the impact of the two sword beams, a large mountain range instantly rose from the ground and shattered.

Yang Qingxuan's pupils shrank, and he shot out a violent murderous aura, transformed into a time-space giant, and with a roar, he twisted the space and teleported directly into the sword vortex, against the huge sword power, his left hand opened, and the big above The Demon Seal of Annihilation was continuously unblocked, and he patted directly behind Lu Yukui!

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