Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1474: The truth, the seven deadly sins (part 1)


Lu Yukui was shocked. Originally, Yang Qingxuan moved in, but he was surprised and said: "There is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you break in. This person is dead by himself, and no one can save him."

Unexpectedly, when Yang Qingxuan made a move, it was a power he could not even dream of!


Under Yang Qingxuan's palm, there was a continuous thunderous roar, and a series of magic patterns were released from it, like the lines on a spiral shell, which directly washed away the aftermath of the sword energy and slapped Lu Yukui fiercely.


With the sound of the sky and the earth cracking, countless devilish energy penetrated into Lu Yukui's body.

It is also unbearable to let him be the body of the world king.

In addition, there is Guizun's Hyakki Yexing to press down in front of him, which is simply lack of skills.


Finally, a mouthful of blood came out wildly, and the entire defense shattered directly.

A large amount of devil energy entered the body, and at the same time the Hundred Ghost Sword Qi slashed on the body, the cyan mysterious robe instantly dyed red.


Surrounded by two terrible forces, Lu Yukui flew out in an instant, turned a few times in the air, controlled his body a little, and hurriedly turned into a light to escape into the distance.

Lu Yukui's breath at the moment was utterly wilting, and he kept using his blood to spur his escape.

But Gui Zun grinned and said, "How can a duck that reaches its mouth fly!"

As soon as the figure shook, a sword sound was made, and he flashed in front of Lu Yukui and slapped it fiercely.

Lu Yukui's face was as gray as death, and he greeted him desperately with a palm of his life, and roared: "I am the king of the five-star realm. If you are cruel, you will explode directly, and you two will also die. So you have to be forgiven and forgive. Don't do it too terribly!"


Ghost Zun collided with Lu Yukui's palms, and Lu Yukui sprayed blood again and flew back.

Yang Qingxuan grabbed his right hand, and the phantom light of the war halberd emerged, guarding behind Lu Yukui, and said coldly: "You have to be forgiving and forgiving. This sentence is so ridiculous when you say it from your mouth. ?"

Lu Yukui looked at the two people left and right, and said in horror: "Don't come here! If you come again, I will really blew myself up! You should know what it means to blew up a five-star realm king. Even if it is a major city in the Central Great World. , Will be wiped out!"

Yang Qingxuan frowned and hesitated.

Gui Zun didn't dare to step forward, Lu Yukui was indeed right, unless he had power far better than Lu Yukui, he could suppress his soldiers from exploding.

"Hahahaha, it is me who wins in the end, even if you beat me, what can you do? It's not that you dare to step forward, hahahaha!"

Lu Yukui laughed wildly, the expression on his face became more hideous and hateful, and stared at Yang Qingxuan, "Next time, you won't be so lucky again! When I recover all my injuries, you will face a five-star realm king. And the chasing and killing of the world's dusty tombs!"

Yang Qingxuan stepped forward with a halberd and said calmly: "If that's the case, then it's better to leave you behind, and you will die together. If you can pull a five-star realm king back, this life is worth it."

Lu Yukui's face changed slightly, and a trace of desolation flashed across his eyes, and he said in surprise: "You, you really want to die? Don't come here! I really want to explode!"

Yang Qingxuan stopped again and said, "I can let you go, but you must tell the things that happened back then, one to five to ten, otherwise, then all will die."

Lu Yukui said angrily: "You threaten me!"

But the next moment, he really panicked, because Yang Qingxuan's gaze was waveless, without any emotional ripples, just like vegetation and stones, not like a living person at all, and thought: He is sure that his grandfather has just died. Because of the excitement, so I have the idea of ​​looking for death and not wanting to live. I am the king of the five-star realm, the owner of the dusty tombs, and I must not fall here inexplicably.

Yang Qingxuan was very calm in his heart. He saw Lu Yukui's greed and fear of death. The more he had, the stronger his sense of superiority. The more he felt that his life was worthwhile, and the less he didn't want to die.

Yang Qingxuan is betting at this moment, who is not afraid of death.

If the bet is won, then all the truths of the year will be won, if the bet is lost...

Yang Qingxuan's eyes flashed sharply, he had never thought about losing a bet, because he would never lose.

Lu Yukui trembled, and seeing Yang Qingxuan's eyes suddenly sharpened, he thought he was about to do it, and hurriedly said, "Don't do it! I will tell you everything you want to know!"

Yang Qingxuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "What happened back then, say one hundred five ten ten. If you dare to lie to me or hide something, I will fight to die with you."

Lu Yukui snorted, and said, "Actually, you already know about it, the extinction method came out of Xingyuan..."

"and many more."

Yang Qingxuan interrupted: "Isn't Sea Star Abyss guarded by the Strong Demon King? And with the strength of the Strong Demon King, I don't know that someone has escaped? This is unreasonable."

Lu Yukui yinly said: "Huh, how do I know this! Anyway, the extinction method came out of Xingyuan, it is not false, otherwise, how could there be so many peerless murderers following him? As for how he came out, only himself understood."

Yang Qingxuan pondered and said, "Continue."

Lu Yukui said: "The law-killing comes from Xingyuan, and he is arrogant and powerful. Soon after he came out, he went directly to the star palace to challenge Yang Yunjing and fight for the throne of the emperor. Yang Yunjing originally didn't want to fight, but the power of the law-killing was tyrannical and went straight alone The Star Palace defeated all the three immortals and the second old man, and forced Yang Yunjing to take action. In order to avoid destroying the Star Palace, the two went to a battle outside the star field of the Central World."

Lu Yukui frowned suddenly, seeming to feel a little regretful and said: "It was such a shocking battle, but no one saw it, and could only guess by imagination. After that battle, neither of them had a victory or defeat. Fa also lived in the Star Palace and became Yang Yunjing's subordinates. Based on my understanding of Fa Fa’s character, Fa Fa must have lost. If he wins, it is absolutely impossible for Yang Yunjing to stay in the Star Palace. At that time, Yang Yunjing didn't know that he came from Xingyuan, nor did he know what his purpose was. He just saw that the magic was powerful and supernatural, so he invited him to practice together with him and participate in Taoism. Both of them are rare in the world. After a few months of getting along with the genius, he felt a sense of sympathy. But this kind of sympathy was no match for the huge benefits. After a long time, Die Fa found that Yang Yunjing surpassed himself in all aspects, the kind of inability to subdue others. The jealousy afterwards slowly grew inside."

Gui Zun suddenly laughed, and Jie Jie yelled, "Creed, hatred, ignorance, hatred, love, evil, and desire, the seven sins of human beings, are always the source of troubles. Throughout the ages, this has never been the case."

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