Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1589: Put blame on others and enter the capital

Yang Qingxuan saw all this in his eyes and cursed in his heart: "The actor."

"What? The key?!"

The warriors around were startled first, and then gathered around.

Logan was holding the iron piece in his hand, his face pale, and said miserably: "This key is fake! I almost fell into a crisis because of this key and was eaten by the living creature!"

"How could it be fake?"

Everyone turned pale, and then seemed to have thought of something, and one person was furious and said, "Sura Clan!"

Logan asked in shock: "Is it a trap deliberately set by the Shura tribe to kill us?!"

Arnold said untimely: "It must be like this. This time the sky is open. It is rumored that a real key appears and will open the inner core restriction. The Shura must want to monopolize the benefits, it's damnable!"

Another Amo warrior said angrily: "In addition to preventing us from obtaining treasures, we will catch all the warriors of the hundreds of races here, and then the Shura can advance to other waters like a rag and dominate Tianhe."

The warriors in the mist all changed their faces.

If in normal times, the Shura clan would not offend a hundred clan, but the two major interests were put before the eyes, and it was immediately very credible.

"Logan, you dare to slander my clan and take your life!"

On the other side, Adair's anger raged, and a fierce attack followed the direction of Logan's voice, violently attacking.

At the same time Adair said loudly: "You must not believe this little man's words and fall into his divorce plan. This fake key was created by the Amo clan at all, in order to trap my Shura clan. ."

Logan sneered. It was almost impossible to fight in this mist.

Because the danger is too great. Adair came violently, but he only used less than one-twelfth of his power. More power was used for guarding, for fear of falling into danger.

Logan's figure flashed lightly, then he dodged, and said with a sneer: "Punishing your clan with unrighteousness? A joke, does the Shura clan still have ‘righteousness’?"

Adair missed the shot and roared, "You are really venomous when you blame others!"

He was about to chase Logan again, but his body stagnated and stopped in place. The eyes and divine consciousness from all directions fell on him, showing hostility and anger.

Adair swallowed hard and said, "You guys, don't believe that little man's words."

A Wu Xiu said coldly: "I bought this key at your Shura auction, but you are telling me, how did the Amo people fake it?"

Adair was speechless for a while, originally only planning to release two thousand keys, but suddenly more than twenty thousand appeared in the world, which caught him off guard. By the time it was discovered, it was too late.

Another Wu Xiu said with a sullen face, and said in a cold voice: "Sura Clan, what a ruthless method. I have written down this grudge!"

Adair almost fainted, staring at Logan, then at Yang Qingxuan, yelling: "Yang Qingxuan! This must be your ghost idea!"

Yang Qingxuan frowned and said: "Prince Adair is really inexplicable. He faked the keys himself and wanted to deceive everyone and be exposed, but he deliberately wanted to flood the trouble and put the blame on us. Do you think everyone is a fool?"

A warrior who walked in the mist is the Zerg's Louis, and said in a deep voice: "Who made the fake key? Now the argument is meaningless. In the future, it will definitely be possible to find out. What is the top priority now? No one knows. Is the key in your hand true or false, how do you get out of this fog barrier? Adair, the key in your hand must be true, right?"

Adair said with a sullen face, "Naturally it is true, why, do you want to grab the key in my hand?"

Louis shook his head and said, "Of course not. Now that you can be sure that your key is the real key, then we will naturally follow you."

Every time he did martial arts, his face changed slightly. Although he felt a little wrong, this was the safest way.

Adair thought for a moment, and said: "Okay. This time the key incident, I am the Asura clan who suffered the most. In order to show my heart, I let the Asura clan disperse, anyone who is not sure whether the key in hand is true or false, Anyone can follow our people. It’s just that the further you get to the back, the lower your divine consciousness will be, and there will still be certain risks.”

Adair immediately realized that this was an opportunity to restore the reputation of the Asura clan and defuse everyone's anger.

Louis said: "I can't manage this much now. It's a little bit safer. After all, there are many crises in the heaven. It is impossible to be without danger at all."

Everyone nodded and said yes.

Logan glanced at Yang Qingxuan, and when he saw Yang Qingxuan expressionless, he didn't say anything. The effect this time seems to be better than expected. No matter how hard Adair worked hard, there was already a barrier and fear in the hearts of the hundreds.

In Adair's silver robe, a spiteful color flashed, and he snorted heavily, and walked ahead alone.

Yang Qingxuan looked around from time to time. In the heavy fog, there seemed to be ghost-like phantoms shaking, but not really, it should be the living thing Logan said.

The group of people shuttled for half a day, constantly changing directions, and even turning around.

Finally, the fog continued to fade, and a new world was gradually revealed ahead.

"Haha!" A Wu Xiu beamed his eyes, and rushed forward in ecstasy.

Within the visible range, it is the end of the mist.


The Wu Xiu screamed as soon as he escaped more than ten feet, his body froze directly, and then disappeared in front of everyone's eyes little by little, as if he had been swallowed by something terrible.

"Hey!" Everyone felt chills, showing horror.

This is too scary, the end is right in front of me, it is dead.

Adair snorted and said, "The road is not ahead."

With that, he turned and walked to the left.

A group of people wandered around for a long time before they walked out of the mist.

At first glance, it is a huge and wide basin on which is located a large area of ​​building ruins.

The earth split in half, green plants grew crazily, like stitching up past scars, huge monster beasts walked on the basin, and fierce birds hovering in the sky.

These monsters have not been seen outside, and their spiritual wisdom has not yet been civilized. The similar symbol is that they are huge in size, that is, they are all covered in scale armor, because the spiritual energy here is thick as fog and powerful.

As if entering another era, here is completely derailed from the outside world.

Behind the grand vitality, there is also a huge desert.

"Is this Tiandu?!"

Many Wu Xiu who came to Tiandu for the first time were very excited. Those who came here more than once also breathed a sigh of relief and showed a knowing smile.

Then dozens of hundreds of escape lights lit up, and they shot forward. These people are old fried dough sticks, and they have certain experience and experience in mining the resources of Tiandu.

Yang Qingxuan was looking at the ruins with fiery and golden eyes, and suddenly a dangerous breath suddenly came, covering his whole body in an instant.

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