Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1590: Great shame, fight together


Yang Qingxuan shouted, flipped his palm and patted forward, a round of scorching sun swirling in his palm, it was Liuyang palm.


A faint barrier appeared under the flame, trapping Yang Qingxuan like a hood, and then burst with a "bang".

The breath of death dissipated.

Then the golden light flashed, and a slashing wave came over quietly.

"Shit!" The sky was split into two at once.

As Yang Qingxuan's two halves shook, it turned into a faint light and shadow, dissipating into the air.

Logan and the others were all horrified, they scattered all at once and landed not far away.

Adair was holding the sacred tool, the evil spirit of Tianhong, two cold rays of light flashed in the silver robe, staring somewhere in the void, and said coldly: "Yang Qingxuan, cousin Logan, today is the day to send you back to the west for your brother!"

A large number of people from the Asura clan gushed out of the fog, surrounding Yang Qingxuan, Logan and others.

The warriors who had originally planned to fly away stopped all at once, scattered around, watching with interest.

The break between the Shura and Amo clan was a major event that shocked Tianhe.

Today’s battle, no matter who wins or loses, will have a huge impact on the entire Tianhe, and it is a great blessing for the hundreds of people.

Therefore, everyone would rather sacrifice some of their time than to miss this excitement.

In the void that Adair was staring at, Yang Qingxuan slowly emerged, holding the sacred artifact Tianxu, and sneered: "The first time I was blinded in the left eye, the second time I was blind in the right eye, and the third time I was ready to fall. Is your head out?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone around was shocked.

A Wu Xiu asked in shock: "What do you mean? Is it because Adair is wearing a silver robe because..."

Everyone felt that there was a flash of silver light in front of them, and Adair's robe immediately flew out, revealing his true face. The shapes of the two heads were completely different, as if they hadn't grown well and became a little deformed. The original position of the eyes was covered with a layer The black blindfold is hideous and terrifying.

"Hey!" Everyone was shocked.

Many people have met Adair, handsome and Qingjun, how can they expect to be like this.

Logan also gasped, seemingly startled.

Zerg Louis, Celestial Bird Joey, and the powerhouses of all walks of life, all changed their faces, and then looked at Yang Qingxuan's eyes, all of them full of different colors.

Although Adair pointed directly at Yang Qingxuan, after all, Yang Qingxuan only had the cultivation base of the initial stage of immortality. No one would think that Adair's injury was caused by Yang Qingxuan, and there must be hidden secrets in it.

Adair said coldly: "Do you know why I keep the scars on my head? It is just for the sake of my courage. I always remind myself not to forget the hatred and this great humiliation. Yang Qingxuan, since you hurt my eyes, I The bedroom is uneasy all day, and I think about revenge all the time. Today is the day to kill you."

Adair's words shocked everyone around him and looked at Yang Qingxuan in disbelief.

Joey of the Heavenly Bird tribe suddenly appeared surprised, as if thinking of something, he stretched out his hand in surprise, covered his mouth, and avoided screaming. In a pair of beautiful eyes, there were many colors.

"It turns out that His Royal Highness Adair has such a big enmity with this person, it must be repaid. This seat is willing to help His Highness a hand, I wonder if His Highness needs it?"

In the mist not far away, a figure slowly walked out, the whole body hovering like a snake, it was Calvin, staring at Yang Qingxuan and Lance with poisonous eyes.

Adair was overjoyed and said: "Prince Calvin will help me. This battle will be won! After killing these young people and returning to Tianhe, I immediately gave the order to form an ally with the Yuankong clan, and the whole world Encircle and suppress the Yasha tribe to avoid the troubles of Prince Calvin."

Lance's face changed drastically, and with a grasp of both hands, he held the dagger, and then summoned Ye Motian, the powerful aura merged and spread.

"You are not ashamed! Since your Asura clan is not benevolent, don't blame my Amo clan for being unrighteous. Now in front of the hundreds of clan, I solemnly declare that the Asura clan and my Amo clan are enemies from now on!"

Logan stared coldly and said categorically.

Beneath Adair's blindfold, the cold light passed by, as if radiant light came out, facing Logan's eyes.

Logan trembled, and couldn't help trembling in his heart, but he bit his teeth and quickly calmed himself down.

The cultivation bases of the two of them are the Great Perfection in the real world, and the gap is not that big.

It's just that Logan has been under Adair's **** for a long time, and a kind of fear has accumulated in his heart.

After the official breakup at this moment, Yang Qingxuan stood on his side as a backing, immediately mustered up the courage, dispelled the fear, and slowly restored the demeanor of the king.

"Very well, I will kill you traitor first!"

Adair rushed over with the sacred artifact in his hand.

Logan's face changed and he shouted, grabbing a big sword in each of his hands, clasping it in front of him, and slashing down.

"Heaven Punishment Slash!"


Tianhong's Jun strike was in the center of the double swords, completely suppressing the cross slash. Logan's figure trembled, and he was shaken out.

Logan's face was pale, but excited silver eyes shot out in his eyes, and his fighting spirit was overwhelming.

After swinging the sword at Adair, he strengthened his heart. Adair was not invincible. The gap between himself and him was far less than imagined.

Adair said: "Master Calvin, you help me kill Yang Qingxuan first, this Yasha kid is not to be afraid."

After speaking, he held a war gun and killed Logan.

There were more than two hundred martial artists from the Shura and Amo tribes, and they fought hard at the exit of the mist before the ruins were broken.

All kinds of terrible energies surged and turned overwhelming.

Many Wu Xiu who had just emerged from the fog were all startled and desperately dodged. Some of those who couldn't escape were directly beheaded and killed, and some were shaken back into the mist, and never came out again.

Calvin frowned, seeming to be dissatisfied with Adair's arrangement, but after sweeping Yang Qingxuan's eyes, one was that this person only had the cultivation base of the early immortality, which was not to be feared, and the other was that this person had shot himself outside the passage. Also the **** person.

He turned his sharp edge, pointed directly at Yang Qingxuan, and strode forward, "Deaf boy, now I will let you experience it for yourself, what a crime you have committed!"

Countless light snakes surged from Calvin's body, all on Calvin's body, hundreds of snake heads all stared at Yang Qingxuan, straight to the letter.

This terrifying appearance made the people of the two races fighting around to avoid as far as possible.

When Lance's figure flashed, he landed beside Yang Qingxuan and said, "Fight together!"

Yang Qingxuan said: "Go help the Amo people. The Shura people are so powerful, and the Amo people may not be able to hold it."

Lance said in surprise: "Then what about you? This person is really perfect, and there are few rivals under the realm king."

Yang Qingxuan smiled suddenly, looked at Lance and said, "I can't tell how many people are dead in my hands."

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