Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1600: Chasing the soul, no next time

Yang Qingxuan took a deep breath and stopped the air as soon as he collected the flames all over his body.

The mountains below continued to collapse, and a large piece of ice was released from it, freezing thousands of miles away.

A white breath spread in all directions, and the whole earth seemed to be covered with a layer of silver frost.

Chamberlain turned into a sharp arrow, shot up, hovering not far from Yang Qingxuan, staring at Yang Qingxuan with a pair of red eyes.

"Why don't you run away?"

"Fleeing? This is a big joke. You are the one who will run away?"

Yang Qingxuan smiled in surprise and said unhurriedly.

"Haha, your brain was frozen by the spirit of ice soul!"

Chamberlain laughed wildly, the breath on his body burst at once, and he directly took the bow and pulled the arrow, and the terrible arrow pattern spread in circles. Suddenly, the inexplicable Chamberlain's face changed slightly, and his hands trembled uncontrollably.

A golden light flashed in Yang Qingxuan's eyes, and the halberd fell in his hand, and the halberd blade emitted fire patterns, slowly igniting the sky.

"Finally, I realized that my body is not right? You are the one who was frozen to the brain, Lord Chamberlain."

"Hmph, even if you get hurt, you can't kill you by stepping on ants."

Chamberlain's face sank and he shouted: "Go to hell! Gu Fengjian!"

Chamberlain's hands trembled, his face changed drastically, and bleeding continued to burst on his body, flowing at a terrifying speed, and his clothes were covered in blood instantly.


An arrow shot-out, shining a huge brilliance in the air.

But the arrow unexpectedly lost its focus, and passed through Yang Qingxuan's neck, only a circle of golden light spread, shaking Yang Qingxuan's body.

"No! Impossible, how could this be!"

Chamberlain yelled in horror, and the wound on his body tore violently, turning into a blood man.

Yang Qingxuan said faintly: "Before in the ice world, you were seriously injured by the spirit of the ice soul. It's just that the cold has frozen your wounds, so you can't feel the multiple injuries you have suffered. At this moment, I will release the flames for the purpose. It is not to burn you, but to expel the cold air from your body, and your wounds begin to explode. As for the severity of the injury, you will gradually learn."

"Damn it! This seat is a great master at Dzogchen, even if you are injured, it is not something you can contend with in the early stage of immortality! Even if you are not accurate, I can still kill you!"

Chamberlain's face deformed, he roared, and once again drew his bow and shot arrows, "Chasing the soul!"


A black glow shot out from the divine bow and shot directly into the sky.

Yang Qingxuan frowned and looked up. Within the black light, was a jet-black arrow, emitting a faint cold light, the tip of the arrow was like a crow, and the body of the arrow was full of tiny iron feathers that were exploded. Full of lifelessness and uncertainty. And under the tremor of the arrow body, a strange breath came out, locking himself in.

"It seems you haven't recognized the situation right now."

Yang Qingxuan sighed, raised his hand, and a yellow flag flew out of his palm.

The flag light shook in the air, and with a "boom", the chasing soul Mingya was blocked.

That Ming Arrow kept spinning above the yellow flag, trying to penetrate the barrier.

Yang Qingxuan raised his hand and waved, the yellow flag rune flowed, and a golden lotus flew out and hit the Ming arrow, shattering all the black light on it. With a "bang" the arrow broke the sky.

Chamberlain's face changed drastically. While forcibly suppressing his internal injuries, he finally realized that it was not good, and shouted angrily: "Zhuzi! Let me let you go today, and kill you next time!"

Saying that the figure flickered, he was about to flee.

"Next time? Next life."

Yang Qingxuan stepped out and dashed in front of Chamberlain. When he turned around, he shot out with a halberd, "Soul Dance!"


Chamberlain hurriedly blocked him with a divine bow and took a move. But the whole person was shocked and flew out, the blood inside his body rolled, and the injury that had just stabilized a little bit was torn apart in a large area again.

"Puff." Chamberlain hurriedly attacked his heart, spurting blood, and roared: "Smelly boy! Don't take advantage of others if you have the ability, and fight hard after I get better!"

Yang Qingxuan sneered: "Sorry, I'm not capable."

A step forward, the halberd waved a circle, and the light on it flickered like a short-lived.

And there are four fires like a dragon, roaring out, condensing into a rope, and then turning into a dragon shape, roaring away.

Instant birth and death.

Burn out the world language.

"Do not!--"

Chamberlain screamed in horror. As the king of the Tianyi clan, a master above Tianhe, he felt the breath of death for the first time, and the screams shocked all the people.


Yang Qingxuan's halberd gleamed through his body.

Then the power of the four fires pierced through, blasting the body of Jingzhen Dzogchen to shreds, and then turned into sparks, scattered into the air, and burned to ashes.

There are also six martial artists in the distance, all of whom have escaped from the ice cave. Originally wanted to stay to see if there was any cheap picking, seeing that Yang Qingxuan killed Chamberlain directly, he shuddered and hurried away.

Yang Qingxuan put away the halberd, glanced at the frozen world below, and muttered to himself: "The Xuanshuang clan should be the race that lived in the capital back then. Judging from the holy artifact and the spirit of the ice soul, the strength should not be weak. I don’t know why it fell."

Yang Qingxuan raised his hand again, the ice lotus, the sacred artifact, the icy soul, appeared in the palm of his palm, and countless ice crystals were jumping around like fluorescent light, exuding a deep chill, but refreshing and refreshing.

When Yang Qingxuan turned his hand over, the ice lotus disappeared.

The next moment, a distraction appeared in the Cosmos Mysterious Gourd, looking at a woman sitting in a vacant position, with a smile on her mouth.

The woman seemed to have a reaction, she opened her eyes, her cheeks blushed inexplicably, and said, "You, what are you doing?"

Yang Qingxuan took out the sacred artifact, the ice lotus flew up from his hand and landed in front of the woman, saying: "This ice lotus is not very useful to me, but it is consistent with your temperament and technique. Take it."

The woman was Shi Yuyan. She stretched out her hand and placed the ice lotus on her palm.

An icy force fell down and was sucked into the meridians, unspeakably comfortable.

The petals of the ice lotus seemed to feel something, shaking slightly, rubbing against Shi Yuyan's palm, the clear petals were dazzling like gems.

Shi Yuyan liked it very much, blushing and said, "Is such a precious thing really for me?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "This ice lotus is sludge but not stained, but the ice is not lonely and tall. It fits your temperament."

Shi Yuyan lowered her head slightly, and said, "Zi Yuan and the others are not unhappy, right?"

Yang Qingxuan suddenly got a big head, and said in a nonchalant way: "Why are you upset?

Shi Yuyan blushed and accepted it by default.

The two were relatively speechless, and the atmosphere seemed a bit awkward.

Yang Qingxuan hurriedly said: "You are good at practicing, refine this ice lotus, I will leave first."

Divine thoughts flashed and disappeared in the gourd.

Shi Yuyan looked at the place where Yang Qingxuan had disappeared, and was a little stunned for a while, looking at the ice lotus with a clear palm, his face gradually stained with blush, his heartbeat was like a drum, and he couldn't calm down.

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