Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1601: Traces of battle, guarding the holy land

After Yang Qingxuan sent out the ice lotus, he glanced at the ice capped beneath his feet, and there seemed to be several rays of light flying in the distance.

Under the fiery eyes, there were five people in total, all of them were ordinary aliens, and their cultivation bases were not high. Maybe he found an anomaly here, so he came to investigate.

Naturally, Yang Qingxuan was too lazy to bother about it, and turned into a escape light and went away.

Master Hanguang gave him two maps, one is the place where the Qinglong holy spirit falls, and the other is the hiding place of the pill. There are no specific locations, only approximate directions.

Yang Qingxuan then moved fast in the air according to his position.

Soon after, Yang Qingxuan landed on a barren land. At a glance, the earth cracked into countless pieces, squeezing each other into high mountains or cliffs.

The huge lake lies in the center, surrounded by countless deep gullies, filled with running water, covered with lush green plants, and full of aura.

"Here is... with dragon spirit!"

Yang Qingxuan was ecstatic in his heart, and his heart was shocked for no reason, as if he had sensed something.

What he saw in front of him was not quite the same as the map Han Guang gave him, but when he looked carefully, he could still see some rudiments.

Yang Qingxuan looked at the lake ahead, like the source of all currents, radiating countless rivers.

Yang Qingxuan's face suddenly changed slightly, and he said to himself: "I understand! The map Hanguang gave me is the landform before Jiuzhongtian was destroyed. This lake was formed later."

Yang Qingxuan's face became solemn. If the water in the lake and river in front of him were removed, it would be a huge deep pit and countless cracks.

"There have been peerless strong men who have fought."

Yang Qingxuan flew up and looked at the huge lake.

The rock formations in the Tiandu are so hard that even a master of Dzogchen could not cause huge damage. To blast out such a huge lake, one hundred percent is the king of the realm, not even an ordinary king.

Yang Qingxuan closed his eyes slightly, sensing the faint dragon breath within the terrain.

It seems that which generation of Qinglong Holy Spirit survived, wandering between the earth, for a long time.


Yang Qingxuan suddenly let out a surprise, and cast his eyes on the lake. Suddenly, a large number of blisters appeared in the middle of the water, covering an area of ​​half an acre.

And the color of those blisters kept getting darker, and finally turned into blood red.

The golden light in Yang Qingxuan's eyes came out, looking towards the bottom of the lake.

Under the clear water surface, it became extremely turbid, and various mixed energies surged below, hiding murderous intent, like an ancient beast, lurking inside.

Yang Qingxuan's fiery eyes and golden eyes reached three to four hundred feet underwater, but was blocked by a force, and he couldn't go deep.

Yang Qingxuan closed his gaze and muttered to himself: "I'm not afraid of situations, I'm afraid that there will be nothing. Come here for nothing, that's really bad."

Yang Qingxuan flew into the water, and his body "puffed", turning into a golden fish, swimming in the deep water.

The golden light fish at this moment is obviously different from the time in Xuanye Continent. The whole body is covered with golden scales, with three tails growing on the back, and even the golden scales have magnificent lines, flashing, and draining the surrounding water.

This golden light fish may be unique throughout the ages.

When he reached the deep water about four hundred feet, he seemed to have passed through a barrier. The golden fish's body trembled, and there was an instinctive fear.

Yang Qingxuan secretly said in his heart: "It's Dragon Qi!"

There was a frenzy in my heart, and it accelerated to dive underwater.

After the tea ceremony, the big round eyes of Jin Guangyu suddenly opened wider, revealing a look of surprise.

In the bottom of the lake, there are a lot of weird buildings, like caves. Although the shape is simple and rough, it is indeed artificial.

Yang Qingxuan thought secretly: "Am I wrong? This lake was not bombarded by a strong man? Or did these buildings only appear after the lake was formed? But... Master Hanguang said that after the monster appeared back then , Lord Marshal of the Canopy Water God Palace, sealed the Tiandu. Even Lord Elf King could not break through the marshal's restriction. It is impossible for anyone to sneak in and build buildings."

Yang Qingxuan was full of doubts and continued to swim forward.

Suddenly, a large number of people gathered in a square.

More than forty odd figures gathered on a square-like building. These alien races have speckled scales, first antlers, and tails like crocodiles.

Yang Qingxuan was suspicious. The appearance of this race was very unfamiliar. Not only did it have never been seen in the catalog of a hundred races, but it was also not a race that entered the Tiandu together. Is it a native inhabitant?

Moreover, there was a faint dragon aura from this alien race, which seemed to be a descendant of dragons.

Yang Qingxuan was suspicious and looked into the surrounding buildings with fiery eyes. They were all empty and everyone gathered in the square.

After that, he cast his eyes and golden eyes to look at these people, the level of cultivation varies, the strongest is an old man with silver hair, who is watching the peak of truth.

About ten of the rest have reached the realm of glimpse, and the rest are immortal, **** change and other cultivation bases. The lowest-strength foreign race who looked like a young man actually had a mid-stage divine transformation.

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback. It would be too terrifying to say that the people of this race are all Taoist cultivation bases, right?

However, the derivative races of dragons are generally known for being powerful.

Not far from the side of this clan, there were more than ten corpses with blood dripping from their bodies, apparently just recently died. It was the race that entered Tiandu together with Yang Qingxuan, which gave some impression.

Suddenly, the silver-haired old man said: "The sky is open again, everyone must guard the holy land and never let outsiders invade."

"Yes! Resolutely kill any intruders!"

More than forty people shouted in unison, with a brutal murderous aura.

The surrounding lake is deformed, causing a certain degree of eddy currents.

The old man nodded and said: "The Holy Land is the lifeblood of my Milong clan. The Holy Land is there, and I will wait for it. If the Holy Land is destroyed, I will die."

More than forty people said loudly: "Oath to live and die with the Holy Land!"

The golden fish shook its tail, originally wanting to frown, but found that he had no eyebrows, so he shook his three tails and vomited a few bubbles.

Suddenly, Jin Guangyu's heart moved inexplicably and secretly said: "No!"

Turn around abruptly, about to walk away.

The old man’s voice came and said, “Since I’m here, I still want to leave? When is there any miscellaneous fish in my Milong clan’s territory?”

Suddenly, large blisters appeared around the golden fish, and the waves on all sides gathered and pressed to form a huge water ball, which wrapped the golden fish and rolled towards the square.

The golden fish kept tumbling inside.

More than forty pairs of eyes stared at him, all showing murderous aura, and after seeing that it was a fish, he became stunned again.

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