Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1619: Danque, the way to make immortal jade

As soon as Joey finished speaking, the fifteen members of the Milong clan flew down, and the murderous intent screamed out from his body, covering Joey completely.

Joey's face changed drastically, like falling into an ice cave, and said in surprise: "You..."

Yang Qingxuan shouted: "Stop it."

He had friendship with Venerable Hongyuan, so naturally he didn't want to hurt Joey, and waved: "You go."

Joey gritted his teeth and said: "You really are not afraid of me and Dylan joining hands?"

Yang Qingxuan sneered: "Then I can only say sorry to Venerable Hongyuan."

Joey's face changed, and then he hummed, "It's too greedy for you to charge for such a large hall. Do you know where this is?"

Yang Qingxuan moved in his heart and asked, "Where?"

Joey said: "It seems that you don't know anything, but here is the pill fault of the Nine Heavens Capital, where the monster clan specializes in alchemy. And from the signs of this palace, it should be the time when the catastrophe occurred, and the strongest took it seriously. The magical power is pressed into the ground to preserve the pill inside. There should be pill or treasure left by the monster clan inside. Brother Qingxuan, if you want to swallow it all by yourself, it really makes my sister very embarrassed."

Dylan said solemnly: "There were three pill tripods just now, they have been taken by him."

Joey's face changed slightly, and he looked at Yang Qingxuan coldly.

At this moment, the faces of several people changed drastically. Looking into the distance, dozens of rays of light flew out, and they were coming in a flash.

Dylan laughed and said: "Haha, all the strong are here, now it depends on how you can swallow it!" A smirk of ridicule flashed in his eyes.


Yang Qingxuan was taken aback, and among the dozens of people who came, it was actually Logan as the head, and there were more than a dozen Amo people. The rest are small races. Looking at the hall, there was a light of excitement.

"Brother Qingxuan!"

When Logan saw Yang Qingxuan, he was even more excited, even more happy than seeing the treasures of the main hall.

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said, "Brother Logan is here just right. Here are two masters who are looking at the real Dzogchen who want to grab something from me."

Both Dylan and Joey looked hard. Both of them knew about the relationship between Logan and Yang Qingxuan, and they looked like dirt, and said in their hearts: "It's over, you really can't get a piece of dirt."

Logan's face was cold, staring at Dylan and Joey, and said coldly: "Two good Yaxing, unite to bully my friend."

Dylan said angrily: "Bullying? Humph, who is bullying whom. Such a palace, Yang Qingxuan actually wants to swallow it alone."

Logan rolled his eyelids and said, "Why, is there a problem with Duo?"

Dylan said angrily: "You...!"

But the Amo people, plus Yang Qingxuan and others, there are more than 30 people, all strong. It's hard to sing alone. Thinking of this, although furious, he closed his mouth with interest.

The people of the small clan who came with Logan recognized the situation instantly, and they were silent.

Yang Qingxuan raised his hand and grabbed it, and the entire palace rose from the ground, rising from the deep pit little by little, and then into the star ring. A huge black pit was left on the ground.

Logan's face was expressionless, and there was a tangled wave in his heart. There must be a lot of treasures in this hall. If he is not moved, it is fake, but compared to befriend Yang Qingxuan, this loss can be bearable.

Joey's eyes were full of resentment, he glared at Yang Qingxuan, and said: "You bully me, I will definitely report to the patriarch when I return."

Yang Qingxuan smiled slightly, raised his hand and threw out the fairy jade ring, saying: "This is for you, it's offset."

Joey looked at such a huge fairy jade in surprise, and with a wave of his hand, he received the storage element, his face was not only surprised, but also solemn.

Yang Qingxuan said, "Why, not happy yet?"

Joey condensedly said: "This ring and this hall are made of immortal jade, don't you think it is strange?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "It is indeed very strange. The immortal jade contains Dao patterns, and it is a thing of heaven and earth. No matter how powerful the demon clan in the ancient times, it would not be possible to use a whole piece of jade to build an arena and a palace. ."

The people around also showed contemplation, and felt that this handwriting was indeed terrible.

Logan said: "After we came in, we also found a lot of large pieces of celestial jade. Although there are no palaces and arenas as terrible, both the size and the quality are far above those mined outside."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Is only the heavens produce immortal jade?"

Logan nodded and said, "There is no such thing as immortal jade anywhere else. Even..." He hesitated, and then said: "Even in the ancient books, there has never been a record of immortal jade. ."

Yang Qingxuan said, "That's weird, Joey, do you know something?"

Joey pondered, and said: "It's just some guesses, which may not be correct. I suspect that this fairy jade was not formed by the heavens and the earth, but by the day after tomorrow."

Yang Qingxuan and the others were all shocked, but then aura flashed across their minds, as if it confirmed something at once.

Joey said: "Even if the monster clan was so powerful in the ancient times, it is impossible to use immortal jade as arenas and palaces, and what is the matter with the immortal jade scattered around? Although there are so many immortal jade in Tiandu, I did not find a mountain range rich in celestial jade. And in the long history of the entire sky star field, there is no record of this mineral."

Yang Qingxuan said in shock: "I understand what you said, these palaces and arenas were not originally celestial jade. They were just sealed in the sky and evolved into celestial jade over the years?

Joey's eyes lighted up and he nodded: "That's what I meant. If the speculation is true, we might be able to find a way to make fairy jade."

Everyone's hearts were beating wildly, and their eyes heated up.

What is the concept of making fairy jade?

Not only the spiritual energy is above the top-grade spiritual stone, but it also contains Taoist rules, which is a first-class training resource.

If it is possible to manufacture immortal jade on a large scale, it will soon be able to promote a sect, or even a clan, to the dominant position, while attracting the power of the world to work for it.

Joey smiled bitterly: "This is my conjecture, not necessarily true."

Yang Qingxuan said: "The possibility is extremely high. I don't believe that the ancient monster races can be so rich. The most important thing is that there has never been a record of such things as immortal jade. It is most likely artificial."

Logan said: "If there is really a secret method for making immortal jade, it must be in the nine-layer palace of the demon clan. Judging from the traces of destruction here, the nine-layer palace is very likely to be destroyed, but there should be ruins and information. Going right now."

Yang Qingxuan said: "The location of the palace ruins..."

Logan smiled and said: "The palace was the core of Tiandu back then. There are many records in the ancient books. It is not difficult to find it."

Right now, the two teams of Yang Qingxuan and Logan immediately flew in the direction of Jiuzhong Palace.

Joey was also with the crowd.

Dylan was itchy, but he didn't dare to get too close. He flew away alone, keeping a certain distance from the team.

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