Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1620: The City of Immortal Jade, the Great Seal

Logan held a weird compass in his hand, leading the way.

Half an hour later, he entered a wasteland, and the surface of the earth reflected a warm luster under the sunlight.

Yang Qingxuan suddenly flew down and grabbed a stone exposed on the ground. The stone was photographed, suspended in Yang Qingxuan's palm, and it was a piece of fairy jade.

Logan and others also flew down.

Joey looked around and said: "These bits of rubble should be all immortal jade, and of very high quality. And there is no immortal jade mine in this wild vein."

Yang Qingxuan said, "Keep walking."

The group continued to fly forward.

The wilderness is full of broken celestial jade, and from time to time, you can see Wu Xiu coming in collecting it below. Seeing so many people flying in, they are frightened and fleeing away.

On the other hand, these celestial jade may enter the eyes of Yang Qingxuan and Logan's method, but at the moment when thinking of the secret method of making celestial jade, the two of them became blood-hot and continued to accelerate their speed and fly forward.

Suddenly Wu Qiyue exclaimed: "The front...that is..."

Yang Qingxuan turned his fiery eyes and looked over, his body shook violently, and said in shock: "The City of Immortal Jade?!"

A huge ruin appeared in the place where the eyes of the fire could reach, and there were broken walls and ruins everywhere. Although covered by moss and dust, they were all in the color of fairy jade, and they were completely palaces made of fairy jade. Like the bones of a beauty.

"This this……"

Logan and others were shocked and speechless.

In the ruins of the fairy jade, figures flashed from time to time, desperately snatching them. The shadow of the ruins is disappearing from the earth little by little.

Yang Qingxuan and the others flew away, the entire ruins were not large, but they were beautiful and scary.

After Yang Qingxuan and the others flew over the ruins, they immediately stunned a lot of people. They all avoided far away and continued to collect desperately.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes shook, staring at the center of the ruins, a figure standing with hands behind him.

Logan was surprised: "Adair!"

It was from the Asura clan, there were more than thirty people, all of whom stood quietly behind Adair, and did not participate in the battle for this fairy jade.

Adair turned around and looked at Yang Qingxuan and Logan, his face darkened severely, but there was not much disturbance, as if he had expected them to come.

Yang Qingxuan's gaze circled Adair and landed on the ground in front of him. It was a strange formation with a diameter of about ten feet and was preserved intact.

The open space where the formation is located seems to be in front of the ruins of the entire palace.

Yang Qingxuan frowned, because there were various cracks on the ground on all sides, but this formation remained intact without any damage.


Adair snorted, then turned around and continued to watch the formation. Suddenly his heart moved slightly, then turned around, looking at Yang Qingxuan, and said: "It is said that you are extremely talented and talented. Come and take a look at this formation. ."

Yang Qingxuan was quite surprised, Adair hated him deeply, and actually suppressed his emotions for a formation.

But that formation was indeed weird, and Yang Qingxuan was also extremely curious, and flew down to the opposite side of Adair.

Logan and others also flew down one after another.

Two groups of people surrounded this formation, facing each other like negotiations on the east and west sides, but silently.

Wuxiu kept pouring in from all directions, and seeing this battle, how dare to step forward, they all fought for the immortal jade from a distance, making a fortune in a muffled voice.

Yang Qingxuan stared at the formation for a while, frowning into the word "Chuan", and even a dazed expression on his face.

Adair sneered: "Why, don't you understand?"

In fact, Adair couldn't understand it at all. I hoped Yang Qingxuan could see some clues. At this moment, although his face was mocking, his heart was disappointed.

Yang Qingxuan recruited Ning Jiazi and asked him to observe.

The two of them studied for a long time, discussing in a low voice for a long time, the expressions on their faces kept becoming solemn.

Adair's patience was polished, and he shouted sharply: "Did the discussion come out?"

Yang Qingxuan wanted to make a sarcasm, but he held it back and asked, "What do you think is the formation?"

Adair said coldly: "If I knew, would you still have a chance to stand here and observe?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "With your status, there will be at least some data records."

Adair snorted, "Tell me the conclusion you have reached first."

Yang Qingxuan thought for a while, then said: "I have never seen this formation, and even the formation talisman in it can only be recognized by less than 10%. But according to my inference, it should be a sealed formation, and it is very likely to be sealed inside. Something terrible."

Adair's face changed drastically, and a trace of panic appeared in his eyes.

Zi Yuan said suddenly: "Monster?"

Han Guang once said that a monster appeared in the sky, destroying the whole sky. Later, the marshal of the Canopy Shenshui Palace sealed the monster together with the entire sky.

Adair and Logan naturally also knew about this, and their faces changed.

The sun was shining brightly under the luster of the warm fairy jade, but all of them were cold.

A monster that can destroy the monster race in its heyday, what kind of existence will it be?

Everyone looked at the formation, showing a trace of fear.

Logan clenched his fists and said solemnly: "Even if monsters are sealed inside, what's the matter with these fairy jade?"

Yang Qingxuan said, "If you want to find the answer, I'm afraid I can only break the seal."

Adair and others were shocked, a trace of fear in their eyes.

Logan's forehead was sweaty, and he was obviously very nervous.

Yang Qingxuan smiled slightly and said: "If you don't open the seal, I'm afraid that the trip to the sky will end here. Everyone will pick up some fairy jade and go back, but it's not a loss."

Adair's face sank, he was obviously unwilling, but he didn't have the courage to open the seal.

Joey grinned and said: "Looking at you guys standing upright one by one, what do you think is the best in the sky, what is the best in Tianhe? How did you encounter a seal, you are scared like this? From my point of view, if there is anything really amazing below Things will not be sealed for millions of years."

Adair frowned, and seemed a little moved.

Yang Qingxuan sighed: "I think it's better to stop here, everyone, think about Gu Yao."

Adair raised his eyebrows disdainfully, and said, "It is said that you shot Gu Yao?"

Yang Qingxuan said, "It's true, you can also say no."

Adair sneered: "Gu Yao, who was inexhaustible back then, was suppressed by King Yin Wu, Lord of the Thousand Realms, and finally died at the hands of your Dao Realm. It is simply a big joke. It seems that Joey is true. , Even if the monster was powerful and suppressed for so many years, I am afraid it is already a scum."

Yang Qingxuan wanted to use Gu Yao to convince everyone, but instead gave them courage.

A Wu Xiu of the Asura clan ridiculed: "Moreover, when Yang Qingxuan shot Gu Yao, he seemed to have only Heaven."

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