Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1635: Erase the blood mark, a hundred clans are in chaos

Yang Qingxuan said: "I thought you had been to Tiandu, even before the seal."

Han Guang's inexplicable eyes flashed the shock, but he calmed down in an instant, and said with a dry smile: "Haha, Master Qingxuan is really joking."

Yang Qingxuan said, "Master can now erase the blood marks on my body, right?"

Master Hanguang nodded and said, "Nature."

As he said, under both hands pinching the tactics, thousands of crimson rays appeared in the hands, condensing into a blood-colored circle roulette in mid-air, projecting Xu Xu Guanghui, and covering Yang Qingxuan inside.

Immediately, the Yin Jue changed again, a ray of light burst out of the roulette, and in a flash, it was submerged in Yang Qingxuan's body.

The faint clicks sounded almost at the same time, as if there was something in the body shattered, and the **** magic circle in mid-air also shattered into thousands of brilliance, fleeting.

Yang Qingxuan's complexion changed slightly, and when he rolled up his long sleeves, the plum blossom-shaped blood mark on it disappeared.

Yang Qingxuan said: "The Master is indeed a good method, but the blood sacrifice is too vicious, so it's better not to use it in the future."

Master Hanguang nodded and said, "I will follow Master Qingxuan's teachings."

Yang Qingxuan frowned, only feeling that Hanguang's attitude was a little overwhelming, "Dare to ask Master, how did that fairy jade appear?"

Han Guang hesitated for a moment, and said, "This matter is a long story. Since the sky is destroyed, you must have encountered that monster."

Yang Qingxuan nodded.

Han Guang said: "This monster was not created by the heavens and the earth, but artificially created. In order to refine it, I emptied the entire Ninth Heaven Capital of the demon soul, and then used the power of the four truths of cause and effect to shape the demon monkey gold. After the demon monkey’s golden body collapsed, its essence, turned into energy, was blown away between the heavens and the earth, absorbed by various spirit stones, and turned into a fairy jade. Its Qi turned into a pulse of virtual light and circled. Above the Tianhe, it has been immortal for millions of years. Its **** is still in the body, which is the monster you encountered."

Yang Qingxuan said in shock: "So, that jade monkey doesn't even have a third of its power back then?"

Han Guang laughed: "More than a third?"

Yang Qingxuan's face was slightly dark, and said, "Who wants to refine the golden body of the demon monkey? Could it be Emperor Kong himself?"

Han Guang passed a sharp light in his eyes and smiled: "It seems that Master Qingxuan already knows that the original form of the jade monkey is Emperor Kong." He shook his head and sighed: "Eternal Sky is a mythical character. , Why refining the golden body?"

Yang Qingxuan asked, "Who is that?"

Han Guang said: "It's no good for adults to know too much. Let's stop here. The sky is ruined. Let it be revealed that history."

After speaking, he rolled over and rode on the white elephant, turned around and left.

Yang Qingxuan's expression moved slightly, looking at Han Guang's back, the emotions in his eyes kept flickering, and finally he returned to calm, and sighed gently.

After a while, Yang Qingxuan took out two identical jade boxes again, wiped them with his hands, and runes flashed on them in turn.

It was the pill for Master Hanguang that produced three in the largest cauldron in the Pill Pavilion.

There are some spirit pills in the other cauldrons, all of whom don't know their names.

I can only explore the future by myself.

Yang Qingxuan flipped his hands and put away the two jade boxes.

Then he jumped down from Lingquan and stretched his bones.

A burst of "cracking" in the body is a sign of the bones being reborn.

"Qingxuan, did you break through?"

Midnight appeared in front of him, his face full of joy.

Yang Qingxuan smiled and nodded and said: "I have completely absorbed the Qinglong inheritance, and the whole martial arts is also clear to my chest. Coupled with the combat understanding of high-level realm kings, there is also a sense of the four truths of cause and effect. Even if it is. A stone should be able to break through."

Midnight smiled happily.

Yang Qingxuan was a little throbbing inexplicably. For several years in the Black Sea, against the midnight of the post-night identity, it seemed that he had never smiled so brilliantly.

Yang Qingxuan's heart palpitations were immediately caught by Zi Yuan, who was a constituency, and said in a strange tone: "Is my heart moved?"

Yang Qingxuan was agitated, and he recovered, with cold sweat rolling down his face.

Midnight horrified: "Qingxuan, what's the matter with you? Is there something wrong with the practice?"

The Wu Xiu who can make the Immortal Dzogchen turn pale for no reason is probably something wrong with the practice.

Yang Qingxuan touched the cold sweat, and said, "It's okay, but this Lingquan is too cold and I suddenly caught a cold."

Zi Yuan hummed: "I actually said I was cold and cold, and it was warm in the middle of the night, right."

Yang Qingxuan was full of black lines.

At this moment, a ray of light came again and flew down beside the Lingquan, interrupting Yang Qingxuan's embarrassment. It was Logan.

"Brother Qingxuan, are you okay?"

Logan asked with concern: "I just seemed to have seen Hanguang's husband, riding the white elephant, and disappeared in a flash. I was afraid that Brother Qingxuan had something to do, so I hurried over to check, it seems that it should be fine."

Yang Qingxuan said: "I have an agreement with Master Hanguang. He is here to fulfill the agreement and it is all right. Although Brother Logan cares about me, there must be other things, right?"

Logan's face blushed, and he smirked: "Sure enough, we can't escape the fiery eyes of Brother Qingxuan. In the past three months, we have counterattacked the Shura clan and instigated separation, so that the major vassals of the Shura clan belong to us. But. Unexpectedly, the strength of the Shura clan is far above what I expected. Especially the Shura King and the Great Elder, the Seven-Star and Six-Star Realm Kings respectively. Our counterattack plan was hit hard. Elder Ryle was also unfortunate in the First World War. Fallen."

Yang Qingxuan's face was very calm and he didn't feel any grief. He smiled softly, "I'm afraid he won a huge victory, right?"

Logan was full of praise, boasting: "The person I am most convinced in this life is you, Brother Qingxuan. Indeed, the results are not small. We wiped out more than two-thirds of the territory and martial arts of the Asura clan. . But there is a Seven-Star Realm King and a Six-Star Realm King who wants to completely wipe out the Shura Clan, I am afraid..."

At this moment, a ray of worry appeared on Logan's face.

Yang Qingxuan said, "Do you want Midnight and Guizun to fight for you?"

Logan smiled bitterly: "There is nothing to hide from Brother Qingxuan's eyes. I summoned twenty realm kings. They were all mobilized from a hundred clans. They used to have grievances with the Shura clan, or used a lot of money. We plan to completely eradicate King Shura and the great elders of the Shura clan."

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback. Twenty realm kings, with such strength, were enough to compete with the Zhengxing League.

He was unsure. According to the plan, he wanted to plunge Tianhe into civil strife, so that he would not have time to take care of the 33 days. If Logan eliminated the Shura tribe, with Logan's wisdom and talent, he was not much worse than that of Adel, and given him a few more years, it would be another Adair.

For the human race, what is needed is a chaotic Tianhe and a hundred races.

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