Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1636: Forever, a new journey

Logan asked cautiously: "I don't know what Brother Qingxuan thinks? As long as it is the price I can pay, Brother Qingxuan just say it."

After Guizun's battle in Tiandu, his cultivation base also reached four stars.

In addition to Midnight, if you can invite two four-star realm kings to take action against the two realm kings of the Asura clan, you will have great confidence.

Although Logan invited twenty realm kings, it sounded very shocked, but almost all of them existed at the first level, and only King Amo and Jiber were middle-level realm kings.

Otherwise, the outcome of this battle is really unknown.

Yang Qingxuan looked towards Midnight and asked her opinion.

Midnight said: "Qingxuan decides everything."

Yang Qingxuan nodded, and said: "Then you two, let Brother Logan take a trip. But of course you can't help in vain."

Logan was overjoyed and hurriedly said: "Brother Qingxuan, please say, as long as I can be the master, I will definitely promise you."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Three conditions: 1. The Amo must not invade the human race within 50 years. 2. This favor, Brother Logan will have to return me in the future. If I encounter a strong enemy in the Central World, I will ask Logan Brother, if you ask for help, you must send at least two middle-level realm kings to help me. Third, help me eradicate the Kongyuan clan."

Logan's face changed slightly, and a trace of shock and horror passed through his heart.

Especially for the first article, Yang Qingxuan actually saw that he wanted to fight for world hegemony. He couldn't help but was shocked in a cold sweat. Suddenly he seemed to have a clear understanding. To fight for the world hegemony must be an enemy of Yang Qingxuan. Are you looking for death?

At the moment he said cautiously: "Okay. I have agreed to all three."

After that, he made a blood oath directly.

Only then did Yang Qingxuan relax.

There is a time limit of fifty years, which is enough to grow the Right Star Alliance and eradicate the law.

When the time comes, if the Amos want to move, they are afraid.

As for the third article, it's all about helping Lance. The Yasha clan was killed by the Kongyuan clan and fled from the west, but he had a deep friendship with Lance, but he had no time to stay in Tianhe. It happened to use the Amo clan to eradicate the Kongyuan clan. The Kongyuan clan is not a small clan in the third tributary, which can make the situation in Tianhe a little messier.

At the moment, Logan was so grateful that he took Midnight and Guizun to leave.

Yang Qingxuan looked at the disappearing figure of the three of them, and returned to Lingquan again.

The benefits gained in Tiandu this time are extremely huge, in addition to the original Martial Scriptures, the inheritance of the Azure Dragon, and the blood of the true dragon. Makes his comprehension of Wujing completely digested, and the rest is only a matter of time.

In addition to the resources on his body, there is no shortage of cultivation techniques, spiritual stones, heavenly materials and earth treasures, and sacred artifacts. It is only a matter of time before entering the realm king.

Later, Kong's clone occupied his body, fought Adair, and gained a deeper understanding of the power and skills of the high-ranking realm king.

In the end, he obtained the Taoism Jade, the double jade was united in the body, and Yang Qingxuan seemed to realize something, but could not grasp it.

But he believed that as long as he persisted in comprehending, there would be a day of enlightenment.

In addition, the sacred artifacts have their own destiny. Two pieces of causal truth jade appeared in his own hands. It is not a coincidence that they are within the destiny.

Yang Qingxuan also thought of the free air gate of the lander, and then at midnight conveyed the words of the Elf King, that the free air gate had the highest destiny aura, but it was not the highest destiny, most likely it was the highest destiny imitation.

Are there imitations of the first holy artifact?

When Yang Qingxuan asked this question, the Elf King couldn't answer either.

Yang Qingxuan sighed, it was big for a while, the Central Great World has the current eradication of the law, and the Dao Ying is also a confidant, and there are various unknown dangers, and I don't know what will happen in the future.

But no matter how the situation changes, I always keep moving forward.

As long as your power is reached, the door of the whole world will open for you.

After Yang Qingxuan was determined, he continued to pinch the formula and practiced.

Although I just broke through to the Immortal Dzogchen, there is no sense of instability in the realm, but it seems like a long breakthrough.


Half a month later, the great victory of the Amo came, and both Midye and Guizun returned.

The news spread throughout Tianhe.

King Amo made an appointment to fight King Shura and fought in Rhode Island.

A total of more than 20 realm kings were played, and more than half were killed and injured.

In the end, King Shura was defeated and died.

So far, the big situation that affected the entire Tianhe has undergone earth-shaking changes, and the dominance of the Shura clan to dominate Tianhe was forcibly interrupted by the Amo clan and was completely subverted.

It is impossible for the Shura clan to turn over for hundreds of years.

Then came the massacre of the remnants of the Shura tribe by the Amo tribe, spreading to the entire Tianhe. Many people from the Shura tribe desperately fled for 33 days, seeking a place to live.


Hanlan Island, outside the residence of King Amo.

A large number of high-level Amo people stood beside Logan, sending off to Yang Qingxuan.

"Brother Qingxuan, cherish all the way. If you encounter any difficulties in the Central World, you are welcome to return to Tianhe at any time. As long as the brothers can do it, we must do our best to help."

Logan said affectionately, reluctantly.

Yang Qingxuan smiled slightly, clasped his fist and said, "The green hills will not change, the green water will flow."

Logan took out a jade box, handed it forward, and said: "This is a map that I treasured by the Amo. I originally wanted to go there for 33 days and take out the treasures in it. But now There are many things, and the remnants of the Asura clan are still all over Tianhe. And the things I promised to Brother Qingxuan, I have to fulfill them one by one. So I am afraid that I will not be able to leave in a short time. This treasure map was given to Brother Qingxuan to express my feelings. "

Yang Qingxuan looked surprised, opened the jade box, and it turned out to be a piece of animal skin.

Yang Qingxuan didn't wait to take a closer look, so he put it away and said, "Thank you."

So he stopped staying, and took Wu Qiyue, Ziyuan, Midnight, and Shi Yuyan's four daughters, turning into escape.

Logan watched several people disappear into the sky, with indescribable complex expressions flashing on his face.

Jiber came up from behind and slowly said, "Is your Royal Highness owing it? That map..."

Logan's face changed slightly and said, "What are you worried about?"

Ji Bo sighed: "Yang Qingxuan is really terrible. I'm afraid that the prince's move today will leave a huge disaster in the future."

Logan snorted and said with a serious face: "That map is real. It was found from the treasure house of the Shura clan. As for the others, I don't know."

Jiber said immediately: "Subordinates understand."

Logan paused, and then said: "Even Adair's master may not be able to get rid of him, at most it will cause a little trouble. For fifty years, he has to keep a low profile and solve the tricky things in the human race. Why don't I need time? Yang Qingxuan, fifty years later, you and I will fight each other again!"

Logan's eyes flashed with infinite silver, like a deep sea, surging with murder and the future.

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