Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1637: Qian Tianfu, penalty

"No one will care about you even if you break your throat, haha."

Somewhere in the mountains, the trees are tall and straight, hidden from the sky.

In the gloomy environment, behind a bush, two figures of a man and a woman overlap each other. The man bullied on the woman, clamped the woman's wrist with one hand to seal her aura, and was groping up and down with the other.

The woman struggled desperately, her pretty face was full of tears, but her aura was sealed and it was of no avail, she cried until she lost her voice.

The sky suddenly darkened inexplicably, without any sign, just as the sun suddenly set, and the surroundings became silent.

The man was startled, his hand movement slowed down.


A blazing lightning flashed across the sky, blasted down from the nine heavens, straight into the forest.


After the huge explosion, the mountain shook, and the entire mountain peak was cut off by half, and rubble flew around.

The thunder fire ignited the mountain forest and burned rapidly.

Shock flashed in the man's eyes, but he quickly calmed down. It was just an ordinary sky, thunder and fire, and he couldn't beat a strong man with a small sky.

"Haha, even God won't help you, let down the thunder and fire, and give me a little more fun in you."

The man pinched the woman's neck with one hand and pressed her to the ground. With the other hand, he made a tactical seal, which was enlarged in the air and turned into a mask to fall down, covering the two.

The raging fire was burning all around.

The woman was completely desperate, her head fell to one side, tears full.

Suddenly, the man's movements stopped.

This time it was not slow, but completely stopped, and the body seemed a little stiff.

The woman's vague tears brought the raging flames outside the barrier into view. In the flames, there seemed to be several human figures.

The woman stayed for a while, and then she sensed that the man's body was stiff, and a desire for help immediately surged in her heart, crying: "Help me, help me."


The man slapped the face and slapped the woman dizzy.

Only then with a gloomy face, stood up from the woman, put on all the clothes that had been untied, and stared at the deep pit not far away with a full face.

I thought it was just ordinary thunder and fire, but I never dreamed that there were people inside.

The man thought instantly, it might not be the sky thunder and earth fire, but the thunder escape technique.

The man jumped out of the barrier, walked forward with a face full of gloom, and shouted, "Who is it?!"

"Where is this?"

In the flames, a man's voice came.

Immediately afterwards, a nice woman's voice said: "From the plane boundary power and spiritual aura that I have just experienced, it should be the Central Great World."

Another woman's voice was still very nice, saying, "This should be Zhongdu."

The voice of the third woman said: "When I fell just now, I vaguely saw a city nearby. We just asked about it."

The fourth woman said, "Could it be that you went directly to Dreamling City?"

The man was dizzy, there are five people? Moreover, there are one male and four females, and the voices are all silvery, soft and uncomfortable.

The man had just come from lust, and couldn't help but react at this moment. He swallowed his saliva and shouted again: "Who is it?! In the next Zhao Wenshan, it is the person of Qiantianfu. Who are you? If you don't report your name , Don't blame me for being impolite!"

"Qiantian Palace? Mengling City is the territory of a family of pianos. It seems that this is not Mengling City."

The third woman sighed.

When Zhao Wenshan saw a few people completely ignoring him, and then thinking that these people had ruined his good deeds, he couldn't help being furious, and shouted, "Rusty!"

About to rush into the flames to kill people, suddenly the sky filled the flames and quickly gathered towards the center, inhaling the body of a crimson skeleton.

The figures of the five people are now fully revealed.

As soon as the fire bone elephant collected the fire, he returned to Yang Qingxuan's body.

Zhao Wenshan was completely dull, staring at the four women in a daze, his eyes were stiff, how could there be such a good-looking person in this world, and there are only four at once?

Compared with the four women in front of her, the chick who was just about to be stronger was just shit. No, she couldn't be compared at all. The word "comparison" has already tarnished the four stunning beauties in front of her.

Zhao Wenshan swallowed desperately, his sluggish eyeballs began to shoot greedily, and when he looked at Yang Qingxuan, a strong murderous intent flashed across his eyes.

Obviously, these four celestial beauties are headed by this man, and this man must be killed to get these four celestial beauties.

Zhao Wenshan suddenly shouted: "Who are you? You know that this precious land of Lingshan is under the jurisdiction of the Qin family in Sishui. How can you allow you to enter at will and destroy such a large mountain forest.

Yang Qingxuan said in amazement: "There is really a realm of the Qin family, isn't your Excellency a man of Heaven?"

Zhao Wenshan sneered and said: "Sishui Youqin and our Qiantianfu are both forces in the twenty-four families. They are in the same spirit. I will judge you on behalf of the Qin family. It is justified and reasonable."


Yang Qingxuan laughed dumbly, and asked, "I don't know where the Qin family is located here, and how far is it from Mengling City?"

"Dream City?"

Zhao Wenshan's face changed slightly, his eyes shot sharply, and he shouted: "You guys are also here for that thing? Huh, except for the top ten and twenty-four, other miscellaneous fish actually want to get involved. It seems that you can't keep you. Up!"

There was a murderous look in Zhao Wenshan's eyes, he rushed forward, and at the same time he grabbed his right hand and dropped a war gun in his hand.

The gun force completely enveloped Yang Qingxuan and pierced Yang Qingxuan's heart.

Zhao Wenshan's thoughts were turned, as long as the man was stabbed to death, the remaining four celestial beauties would lose their expressions, and then they would be able to make all the money under their crotch by threatening them.

A green light flashed in Wu Qiyue's eyes, she had already looked at the disheveled woman lying on the ground not far away, and said coldly: "This man is a beast. He has killed a hundred."


The spear turned into a straight line, pierced into Yang Qingxuan's heart without hindrance, and penetrated from behind.

Zhao Wenshan's face was ecstatic. He was originally afraid that this man would be more difficult because of his tyrannical cultivation. Unexpectedly, he would be killed easily by himself, and he gave a triumphant "hehe" twice.

Yang Qingxuan's robe was fluttered by the gun wind, fell again, and smiled softly: "I haven't finished speaking yet. Where is the Qin family here and how far is it from Mengling City?"

Zhao Wenshan's heart trembled wildly, and his pupils spread at once, only to see where his gun barrel pierced, there was a continuous flow of fine sand, and no drop of blood was seen.

Midnight said: "Why do you tell him this? Just search the soul directly. Qingxuan, you sometimes get too tired. Such miscellaneous fish are not worth a second."

//No more today. I rushed to Shanghai today, and I will have a comprehensive inspection tomorrow. If there is no problem, I will go back the day after tomorrow. The update these days may be a bit mysterious. Guess how long Zhao Wenshan can live? You can go to the WeChat public account (taiyiss) to vote and see if you guessed it right?

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