Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1653: The man of heaven, Qin Zhen's martial soul

Fatty Pan was even more shocked, and said in a daze: "Xiu, Shura clan... Lord Xia is actually a foreign race, this..."

Kagura said: "This Lord Xia's real name is Qi Lian, and he is an extremely strong man in the Shura clan. I have been in Tianhe for many years and have a certain understanding of this person. He is the master of Adair, and he is also a Hanguang man. Junior brother."


Yang Qingxuan smiled bitterly: "Why is this relationship a little messy?"

Kagura nodded and said, "You have to start from the beginning, otherwise it is really difficult to understand. You go to Tiandu, Han Guang should ask you to help him find the Bi Shendan, right?"

Yang Qingxuan's heart moved and said, "I found it, it turns out that the medicine is called Bishendan."

Kagura said: "Back then, Hanguang and Qilian came from the Canopy Water Temple and worshipped under the marshal canopy gate. The canopy has vast magical powers, is proficient in the number of Tiangang, and possesses 36 methods. Hanguang and Qilian , Learn from each other."

Yang Qingxuan said in shock: "Wait, you mean, these two people are from the Tiandu era?"

Kagura nodded and said, "Exactly. It was a catastrophe that year, and both of them were lucky enough to survive. They just fell into a long sleep. When the two of them woke up, they didn't know what the eve of the night was. Ten to nine. So both of them racked their brains and wanted to restore their strength in the past. Han Guang learned the "Liujia Qimen" and "Neizhifu" in the Thirty-Six Law of Tiangang. So he calculated for Qilian. When there is an opportunity to restore the cultivation base, it is the five aggregate tree, and the location is here."

Yang Qingxuan said: "This light is really not a good bird. If there is a five-aggregate tree, he doesn't want it, give it to Qi Lian? Huh, he is coveting the Heavenly Capital Bishen Pill, and let others look for the ethereal sacred tree ."

Kagura said: "This is indeed a bit strange. But since Qi Lian believes in Hanguang's calculations, there must be a real part of it. The map Logan gave you is painted by Hanguang, and there should be no fakes. Logan I don’t know the cause and effect of the matter, but I know that this is a treasure that Qilian attaches great importance to. The map is given to you, but some clever tricks, I hope Qilian can check and balance you. If it can kill you, it will be to Logan. In other words, it is naturally better."

Ziyuan was furious when she heard it, and said, "Damn Logan! We are so dedicated to helping him. Next time he must look good!"

Yang Qingxuan said indifferently: "There are no permanent enemies and no permanent friends in this world. Adair was arrested and the Shura clan was defeated. Logan and I would have difficulty becoming friends. He set a trap to deal with me, but it was not enough. Surprising. Fortunately, it is just a coincidence. If you want to deal with me through the martial arts people, then this world will really not tolerate him!"

After Yang Qingxuan's words were spoken, there was a trembling chill, and even the Four-Star Realm King of Kagura felt uncomfortable and could not help but secretly startled.

Fatty Pan said: "Since the matter is clear, I will immediately spread the news and make it public. Then everyone will go away and go back to each house and find each mother."

Yang Qingxuan said: "It's not that easy. At this time, all kinds of news are flying all over the sky. Everyone would rather wait than miss an opportunity."

Fatty Pan smiled and said, "Haha, then let them wait. Anyway, the bamboo basket was completely empty."

Yang Qingxuan frowned lightly, and said in thought: "The key now is, is it really the bamboo basket hitting the water for nothing?"

Fatty Pan was stunned: "Does this really have five aggregate trees?"

Yang Qingxuan was silent, because he didn't know either.

Kagura said: "It is indeed a bit mysterious. If a **** like the Five Aggregate Tree is really born, it will definitely cause a vision of the world, but at this moment, the dream city has no reaction at all. But if it is a scam, It is impossible for Qilian’s energy to fail to recognize Hanguang’s intentions."

Yang Qingxuan thought for a moment, and said, "Since it comes, let's go back to the martial arts hall and wait for a few days. Fatty Pan, you will spread the news. If there is no Five Aggregate Tree, everyone will naturally disperse slowly. If it is still there, I will take away all the people in the martial arts hall and let them stay in Dreamling City to play by themselves."

Yang Qingxuan turned to Kagura, clasping his fist and said, "Master Kagura, why don't you follow me to the martial arts gym?"

Kagura nodded and said, "That's okay." Then he smiled slightly and said, "I haven't seen brother Jieyu for a long time."

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said, "Hua Jieyu also misses you very much."

Everyone immediately turned into a escape and flew towards the martial arts hall.

After a while, he fled to the sky above the martial arts hall, Yang Qingxuan's pupils flashed, his face was shocked, and he flew towards a mountain.

It was the secret room where Qin Zhen was, and people were constantly moving, and Qing Buli and others were also present.

Yang Qingxuan flew down and asked in surprise: "What's the matter?"

Lu Jiangpeng grabbed him and said with joy: "You just came here, Qin Zhen...it seems something has happened!"

Yang Qingxuan looked towards the secret room, and a colorful glow came out, rejecting everyone.

Kagura was surprised: "So strong soul power."

That Xiaguang is clear and beautiful, soft with rigidity, it is the soul power.

Yang Qingxuan solemnly said: "You all stay outside, Ziyuan, you follow me in."

He and Ziyuan possess the strongest martial arts spirits, and this little spirit power can't stop them. More importantly, Ziyuan's life and death are extremely against the sky, and she can help at critical moments.

The two of them walked into the secret room one after another against the sunlight, and they were instantly stunned by the foreground.

In the glow of the sun, a three-foot-tall tree grows, seemingly virtual and real, the crown is green, with thousands of silk ribbons hanging down, and the tree body is also pale green, with countless blue eyes, but they are all halfway. Between opening and closing, a faint brilliance swayed from it, washing out infinite glow.

Zi Yuan said in shock: "The Five Aggregate Trees?!"

Various thoughts flashed through Yang Qingxuan's mind, and his thoughts became clear at a glance.

It turns out that there are five aggregate trees, and these five aggregate trees are not reality, but Qin Zhen's martial soul.

But why in the academy, no one has ever seen Qin Zhen Wuhun?

Yang Qingxuan couldn't think about it, and hurried forward, trying to get closer to Qin Zhen.

But the brilliance of the Five Aggregate Trees, like a huge copper wall and iron wall, shone down, making it difficult to move.

Zi Yuan pinched the tactic with one hand, and a martial arts mark was formed on her chest. Yang Qingxuan suddenly turned around and patted her chest lightly, pressing down the soul mark.

Zi Yuan flushed with face, hurriedly clutched her chest, stepped back, and cried, "What are you doing?"

Yang Qingxuan made a silent gesture and whispered: "Don't use the strongest spirit, Qin Zhen's spirit has just evolved. If it is suppressed by the strongest spirit, it might cause unexpected changes."

Zi Yuan realized that she was abrupt.

But when he thought that Yang Qingxuan would pat on his chest without saying hello, his face was even more shy.

Yang Qingxuan moved forward slowly, as far as possible not to destroy the glory of the five aggregates.

After a few steps, he finally reached Qin Zhen, raised Qin Zhen, and then pressed his hands together, pouring the true essence into his body continuously, maintaining the movement of Qin Zhen's martial spirit.

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