Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1654: Wuyun tree was born, from the Mao family

Qin Zhen's state at the moment was very obvious, that is, the power of the martial soul surpassed his own strength too much, causing the body to lose balance and fainted directly.

What Yang Qingxuan had to do was to help Qin Zhen suppress Wuhun.

Otherwise, if it develops, Qin Zhen is very likely to be swallowed by the martial soul, and become a slave or nourishment of the five aggregate trees until death.

With Yang Qingxuan's help, the five-aggregate tree soul shadow gradually became peaceful, the branches swayed gently, and the leaves were whirling, with golden light like eyes, inside the lush foliage, revealing the clear brilliance, constantly washing out colorful clouds. The Xiaguang is very gorgeous and soft.

Yang Qingxuan and Ziyuan looked at each other, both of them relieved, showing knowing smiles.

Suddenly, a branch and leaves were swept down and lifted up like a whip. With a stroke in the air, a faint murderous aura emerged from the peaceful tree light.

Zi Yuan exclaimed: "Qingxuan, be careful!"

Yang Qingxuan's divine consciousness and keenness had long been aware of what was wrong with Ziyuan. The branch passed through the air, and the circle of yellow-green brilliance appeared and fell towards Yang Qingxuan.

Yang Qingxuan was suddenly shocked. He helped Qin Zhen suppress the martial arts soul, but he offended this martial arts soul. Unexpectedly, this martial arts soul was born with divine consciousness and would directly attack people.

When Zi Yuan was frightened, she wanted to use martial arts suppression.

Yang Qingxuan shouted: "No!"

If the Five Aggregate Tree were suppressed, it would inevitably be bitten on Qin Zhen, causing unpredictable consequences.

Yang Qingxuan withdrew a hand, pinched the Jue in the air, and then pointed to the Five Aggregate Tree.

A circle of white brilliance spread under the fingertips, so clear as promised, it is the pure heart of Taiqing Yu Jue.


The branch hit the white light and was shocked back.

The power of that finger also dissipated at the same time.

But the Five Aggregate Tree shook violently in an instant, as if to vent dissatisfaction and manic emotions, a large amount of murderous intent appeared in the branches and leaves, and countless vines, like snakes, slammed at the two of them quickly.


Qin Zhen screamed suddenly, his expression very painful, and blood began to ooze out of his eyelids and ears.

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback, and his left hand stretched out several palms in the air, waves of water and wind appeared, knocking back thousands of branches.

He sat there, unable to move his body, so he had to continuously transport his true essence into Qin Zhen's body to suppress the martial spirit for Qin Zhen.

Otherwise, Qin Zhen might die suddenly under the Five Aggregate Tree riots.

On Ziyuan's side, thousands of branches were shot down like snakes and whips, and they fell on Ziyuan's side, but none of them hit.

Zi Yuan's face was cold, and the corners of her mouth raised a hint of sarcasm.

The Wuyun tree seemed to be stunned, the branches trembling more severely, and countless leaves suddenly burst, one after another, shooting away at Ziyuan.

These leaves are all condensed by soul power, not entities.

Otherwise, any part of the five-aggregate tree contains the power of the five aggregates, which is priceless.

Zi Yuan shouted angrily, and the sword shadow shot out from the center of his eyebrows, hung upside down in front of him and continuously rotated, spreading the power of the sacred artifacts, forming a barrier.

But the thousands of soul powers slammed down, and the power of the Lamenting Sword shattered.

Yang Qingxuan shouted: "Zi Yuan, you go back!"

Zi Yuan was shocked, knowing that what she left behind was a burden, so she grabbed the holy sword and retreated outside the house.

None of the countless soul leaves fell on her.

Yang Qingxuan clearly felt the irritability on the Five Clouds Tree, his eyes suddenly opened, staring at the buds, there were countless blue rays of light flowing between them, and a little fluorescent light within it rapidly expanded and condensed into crystal-like fruits.

"Five Aggregate Fruits?!"

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback. There was a real Five Aggregate Fruit on his body, and he recognized it at a glance.

It's just that these five aggregate fruits, all condensed by soul light, fluttered down from the tree, spinning around him and Qin Zhen.

Each soul fruit contains violent and terrifying power, just like explosives.

"Damn it!"

Yang Qingxuan's face sank, anger flashed in his eyes.

Fiery eyes glanced at Qin Zhen and said, "Teacher Qin Zhen, bear with me!"

Murderous intent flashed across his eyes, and his left hand grabbed in the air, a transparent and colorless light "bang" lit up, and the whole room was a little pale.

The fruit of the soul condensed in the air, as if feeling an extremely terrifying power, and did not dare to fall.

Yang Qingxuan sneered and said, "Shame on your face, then die for me!"

The flame in the center of the five fingers rose into the air, pinched out the Huo Jue, and patted directly at the Five Aggregate Tree.


The soul tree shook and swayed desperately. Under the scorching fire of the heart flames, the fruit of the soul burst one by one, turning into tyrannical soul power, and flying the entire secret room instantly!

Countless rocks fell apart, and the entire mountain was violently shaken.

Under the horror of Ziyuan, Qing Buli and others, a little blue light washed out from the explosion, and it continued to grow until the world became clear.

"Ah! That is--!"

Everyone in the secret room, except Ziyuan, was dumbfounded in shock, and Petrochemical was on the spot.

In the broken heart flame, a little blue light radiated out, and the bright mirror shining the sky like a lake.

The Wuyun tree is located in the center of the lake of heaven and earth. It becomes stable under the scorching flame of the heart. The roots of the tree unfold honestly, absorbing the energy between the heaven and the earth.


Outside Mengling City, at the foot of the mountains of Yuxuzong and Tiancong Martial Arts Hall, hundreds of people gathered.

All are waiting aimlessly.

Did not dare to go up the mountain, and was unwilling to leave.

I want to wait for new developments to see if we can make a profit.

They were all boringly guessing about the identity of the man with the blue tooth ghost face, and discussing women from all over the world and even all races.

And such people kept coming from Dreamling City, gathering more and more.

Suddenly, more than a dozen strong men were suddenly startled and all raised their heads and looked towards the sky.

An obese warrior suddenly shrank his neck and said: "Why do I suddenly feel a bit cold, do I have an illusion?"

Someone exclaimed: "It's not an illusion, look at the sky!"

The sky became extremely dark, the ink clouds surging, and the wind poured down, a figure quietly appeared beside them.

Hundreds of people looked at the past together, and they were all taken aback by the momentum of the person in front of them.

The man turned his dead eyeballs, suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed a photo of a Wu Xiu who was in the late stage of Peeping Reality. He caught his neck with his dry old hand and asked sharply, "Where is Mao Hong?"

The voice was extremely hoarse, and it made people palpitating like stones rubbing against each other.

The person who was pinched by him was in the late stage of Peeping Reality, without the slightest strength to fight back, looking at the enlarged and distorted face with difficulty, the whole body was cold like a fallen ice cellar, only feeling that he was enveloped by death, he was recognizing it. After that person wore Mao Jia robe, he didn't want to resist.

"Being killed."

The man's hands suddenly tightened, his face grimly said: "Who killed it?"

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