Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1691: Disorderly order, Purple Flame Giant


The existing rules of time and space, under the seal of this palm, continue to disintegrate and collapse.

However, the new order of time and space is constantly being consolidated.

Cang Lingwu and the earth were entwined by thousands of spatial axes.

But under the feet of the two of them, a sundial appeared, countless gears twisted around them, and time appeared in huge chaos.

Cang Lingwu was full of anger, raised his head and stared at Xuantianji, gritted his teeth.

In the eyes of the earthly people, it is all bitter.

With a long sigh, he turned his head and looked at the fire cloud mark above the purple fire.

In those clear eyes, there seemed to be two figures reflected. The man was tall and mighty, with profound facial features, revealing the breath of king over the world, it was Qiancheng Jue.

The other one is Yang Qingxuan, slender as jade, Qingjun and beautiful.

The figures of the two overlapped under the mark of the purple cloud.

But in the end, it turned into Yang Qingxuan's figure, as if condensed in purple fire, staring through infinite time and space.

Eyes facing each other, both of them trembled.

The lander said bitterly: "My son, Qingxuan."

Yang Qingxuan was shocked, this voice was actually the voice of a woman, soft and timeless, containing a thousand emotions. Like a trickle of spring water, flowing all over the body, as if returning to the sea of ​​maternal love.

The heart was shaken, and two lines of tears flowed down.


Yang Qingxuan opened his mouth and called out hurriedly, his voice a little hoarse.

The earth-taker's body trembled, looking at Yang Qingxuan carefully, with misty water in his eyes, tears burst into his face suddenly.

In an instant, the body of the earth-bearer shattered a little under the axis of countless spaces, like a butterfly flying, following the rotation of gears, he was involved in the storm of time and space, and disappeared before his eyes.

"Damn it! I will come back eventually!"

Cang Lingwu's robe was hunting and hunting, and fluttered to pieces, and his body was also torn to pieces.

But this was just a phantom under the chaos of space, the two did not disappear, they were just caught in the space-time storm, lost in the long river of universe, and it was difficult to come out.

Yang Qingxuan watched the two disappear in a daze, only to feel the endless sadness in his heart, but also some anger and doubt, all kinds of emotions poured into his heart, unspeakable disappointment and uncomfortable.

After walking alone for many years, I finally saw my mother, but I just glanced at it in a hurry.

No, not Haijiao Tianya.

Haijiao Tianya is in at least one plane, but Yang Qingxuan and Ning Qingyao are separated by a universe at this moment.

Yang Qingxuan felt relieved, and the whole person's consciousness suddenly collapsed. With a "bang", the condensed flame body collapsed again and merged into the boundless sea of ​​fire.

Only the mark of the fire cloud remained, quietly in the depths of the sea of ​​fire, flaming and bright, but like death.


Yelled at midnight.

After the time and space Dao Yin disappeared, the entire time and space returned to order.

In the underground palace, all the array layouts, eighty-one ancient bronze pillars, and the bodies of billions of time and space giants disappeared.

Only the boundless sea of ​​fire remains, burning in this vast void.

The elf king said: "This is the Ziyan Void, within Yang Qingxuan's martial soul comprehension, we go quickly, otherwise there will be danger."


Everyone looked blank.

Dongzhen seemed to have thought of something, his face changed drastically.

At this moment, the quiet sea of ​​fire suddenly surged like waves, becoming savage and violent, with the aura of destroying everything, like a sign before the giant beast awakened.

A terrifying and terrifying breath rushed towards his face with the waves of fire.

And there were bursts of roars, thrilling from the fire.

Dong Zhen exclaimed: "It's a giant purple flame! Go!"

Immediately, the figure flickered, and then went away.

People from the Star Palace, from the Star Alliance, and from the Spirit Race all broke through the air.

In the entire void, only endless purple fire remained, burning blankly in the desolation of time and space.

The terrifying aura that had just awakened, dormant again, returning to calm.

Xuantianji watched quietly, and those twinkling eyes gradually disappeared above the starry sky.


"Master Elf King, Qingxuan..."

In the midnight, standing in the sky above the Taiyin Mountains, looking at the purple fire below, it shrank violently, and finally turned into a little spark, and escaped into the void.

The entire sea of ​​fire and underground palace, everything disappeared, like an illusion.

In the abdomen of the mountain at this moment, there is just a big empty hole, nothing.

The elf king said: "Don't worry. He is the master of the Ziyan Void. Sooner or later he will come out of it. It's just a matter of time. Besides, he stays in it, it's the safest."

Hearing this at midnight, he calmed down.

Dongzhen and others not far away, they heard the same, but their faces were gloomy and angry.

Wu Yun didn't know who the Elf King was and how he suddenly appeared, but he knew that it was his own powerhouse, and hurriedly stepped forward and clasped his fists: "This lord, please help us to destroy the power of the Star Palace."

The Elf King turned his eyes and fell on Dongzhen in the distance, with a little bit of chill in his eyes.

Dong Zhen trembled all over, like falling into an ice cave, shouting: "Go!"

It immediately turned into a escape, and was about to leave.

But as soon as he turned around, a huge black flower bloomed in the sky, with a strange eye in it, slowly opened, staring down.

The power of the Elf King is not much, but it is enough to make a move.

But one trick is not something that Dongzhen can take.


The hole was engulfed by black fire, and a scream of screams came from inside.

Wu Yun, Lingwang and the others were all in ecstasy, staring at Wen Weicai and the rest of the people together, and charged up with murderous awe.

At this moment, the Void City had already received news.

The remaining Wu Xiu of the Zhengxing League came out to the Taiyin Mountains.

Without Dong Zhen and Gong Yeming's star power, the strongest is left with less than four stars Wen Weicai.

Soon, the fighting between the two sides turned into a one-way slaughter.

The deep sea of ​​clouds enveloped the entire Taiyin Mountain Range, which had collapsed and completely lost its original appearance.

Countless corpses were scattered among the broken mountains and forests, and the blood was flowing down the mountain. The entire mountain range was like a huge tomb.


Somewhere in the void, Xuantianji was moving forward.

Suddenly his body stagnated, and the volley stopped.

Not far from the front, the void suddenly dented downward, as if a huge object had been placed, directly pressing the plane into a distortion.

A large amount of spiritual light gushes from the depression, constantly twisting and spinning, like a galaxy spreading out, blocking its path.

A huge figure emerged above the Milky Way, exposing only the shoulders and above, traversing the entire void.

The figure is blurred, only the outline can be seen vaguely.

However, above the face, two starlights suddenly lit up, suddenly emitting bright brilliance, shining down.

//Mother's Day is approaching, and the protagonist finally finds his mother, only to leave with a quick glance, and goodbye is not expected. In contrast, those who can still see their mothers are so happy. I hope that children all over the world will accompany their parents a lot and wish all mothers a happy holiday.

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