Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1692: Punish traitors and vote

The starlight was actually the eyes of a huge figure, revealing endless depth and eternity, quietly staring at Xuan Tianji.

Xuantianji smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, but did not move.

The two stared at each other like this.

"Don't you need to give me an explanation?"

The figure said slowly.

Xuantianji said: "Everything you see is an explanation."


The man snorted dissatisfiedly, the starlight was like a deep ocean, and he directly stretched out a hand, like a magnificent sky bridge, tiled down to Xuan Tianji, and said without emotion, "Heaven and earth double rankings for me."

Xuantianji smiled and said, "Lord Heaven, are you going to violate the rules of the organization and ask me for something?"

The huge figure is the transfiguration of the sky, and sneered: "The double ranking of heaven and earth is the core sacred instrument of this star field. I ask for it on behalf of the organization, not myself."

Xuan Tianji said: "When the world double rankings were in ruthless hands, the organization had never been needed. Now that it is in my hands, is the organization needed?"

The heavenly man nodded and said: "Yes."

Xuantianji said: "I am also a person of organization. Why do I not know the needs of organization?"

The heaven said: "You don't need to know."

Xuantianji smiled slightly and said, "What if I don't give it?"

In the eyes of the heavens, the stars were awe-inspiring, saying: "Then, the organization will erase you."

The voice fell, and there was silence and silence between heaven and earth.

The two are close to each other, but they seem to have completely separated from this time and space, staring at each other.

It seems that the next moment, the world will collapse in a flash.

At this moment of dying, a golden light appeared all around, like a mirror.

A figure stepped out of it.

Wearing a black robe depicted with golden silk moire, hunting in the wind, the word "wild" is embroidered on the front of the robe.

After that, three golden light mirrors were erected, and several figures were reflected from them, all of the same decoration, dotted with different golden silk moire patterns.

Xuantianji narrowed his gaze, looked to both sides, and said, "Huang, Ying, Zhang, Su."

The four gathered Xuantianji in the center.

Su Lishang said: "Xuan Tianji, betraying the organization is a capital crime, I advise you to turn back to the shore."

"Looking back at the shore?"

Xuan Tianji smiled and said, "Where is the head and where is the shore? I'm afraid it's you, don't you know?"

Su Lishang frowned and said, "I won't speak up with you. After all, we still have some friendship. I don't want to confront you directly. I hope you can think twice."

Zhang Sundial said: "Speaking of which, to **** this world double ranking, all of us have contributed, so why do you have it?"

Xuan Tianji contemptuously said: "This question is beyond your IQ, so don't ask."

Sundial was furious and sneered: "So, just destroy you."

When the voice fell, the faces of all the people suddenly changed slightly, their eyes shot-solemn gazes, all looking towards the void not far away.

Another flash of light in the mirror appeared, and the figure in the black robe was also transformed, with those golden silk moiré patterns, and the word "moon" was faintly visible.

After that, a few mirror lights traveled through the void, blasted out, and appeared around Xuantianji and others.

Su Lishang said solemnly: "Hong, Sun, Moon, Lie, Zhang."

Hong Yang sneered and said: "It's really lively, Lord Heaven punishes the traitor, why didn't he notify us, maybe he didn't regard us as members of the organization."

With a sullen face, Zhang Sundial said, "Hmph, killing a traitor is nothing but a trivial matter. Is it because Dao Ying has to be called out? Are you just so idle?"

Zhang San laughed and said: "I was said by Master Sundial. We are usually so idle." He looked at the other people and laughed: "Right, haha."

Ri Ting stretched his arms and legs, and said, "Yes, I'm so idle, it's hard to walk around."

Liezi said: "Except for the five people of Di, Huang, Yu, Zhou, and Chen, everyone is here. There is nothing to say. Even in the Dao Ying Conference, there are not many times when there are eleven people."

Sundial said: "What else is there to say. I've already said that. Since you are in a panic when you are idle, then it's just right. Let's stretch your bones with Xuan Tianji."

Moon soul said: "You can stretch your muscles and bones and take it anywhere. For example, why do you want to take the Xuantian Ji?"

Sundial said angrily: "Are you going to target me one by one? Huh, kill Xuan Tianji, but the boss of the sky has decided, and the boss of the sky has the ability to go. Staring at me is nothing."

Yuexun said coldly: "It doesn't matter who you kill, but why you want to kill. If it's the organization's decision, I don't know if it will be us. It's impossible to say."

Sundial said: "You can't tell everyone about trivial things, right? Since the establishment of Dao Ying, how many people have come and gone, one or two deaths, is it one thing?"

Yue Soul said: "I won't talk to waste, don't leave later, stay and die."


Sundial was furious, trembling with anger, murderous intent shooting in his eyes.

But under the aura of the moon soul, there was still a big gap.

Sundial understood the gap between the two, and grumbled heavily.

Lie Jifei looked at the huge figure on the void and slowly said: "My Lord Heaven, since this matter is on the table, everyone should vote together. I don't agree with the killing of Xuan Tianji."

Yuehun said: "I don't agree either."

Zhang San, Hong Yang, and Ri Ting also successively expressed their disagreement.

Xuantianji smiled and said, "With my own vote, six people already disagree."

The faces of all the people in Sundial were solemn.

I originally thought that killing Xuan Tianji this time was a foolproof thing.

Who knew that the wind was leaked, it became the Dao Ying Conference, and it entered the collective vote.

There are only five people on his side, and the other party already has six votes.

Above the sky, the eyes of the celestial being flickered like stars. After a moment of silence, he said: "Since there is a meeting to vote, everyone should be notified. Today, three years later, the Dao Ying Conference will be held to vote on this matter. "

The expressions of Lie Jifei and others changed slightly.

Seems to think of something.

The heavenly man gave a three-year time limit, obviously he wanted to use three years to win votes.

Among the remaining five people: Di, Huang, Yu, Zhou and Chen.

The earth-bearer was involved in a time and space storm, and may not be able to return within three years.

Master Huang Ting has been missing for a long time, and the possibility of appearing is even lower.

Yu Wuji and Xuantianji have never been at peace, and they will definitely stand in the side of the heavens.

This formed a six-to-six situation.

So the most important thing is the remaining Zhou and Chen.

But these two people have always been extremely mysterious. They only know the existence of these two people. As for who they are, and how powerful they are, they don't know anything.

The Heavenly Man gave a three-year time limit, I am afraid that it has already been calculated. After three years, it will definitely be possible to pass a vote to kill Xuan Tianji at the Dao Ying Conference.

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