Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1718: Ghost Zun breaks through, not listening to the announcement

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback, and hurriedly asked, "How do I get there?"

Gui Zun said: "When the chance comes, it will pass. If the chance is not there, you will be stuck here forever."

Yang Qingxuan asked with a black face, "How can that opportunity be reached?"

Gui Zun said: "Your boy's chances are always good, I'm afraid it will come soon."

Yang Qingxuan frowned slightly, and said displeased: "Hmph, don't you say it for nothing? When did you make it mysterious and act like a prophet."

Gui Zun gave a chuckle, noncommittal.

Yang Qingxuan suddenly said strangely: "Why are you talking about this with me?"

Gui Zun chuckled twice again.

Yang Qingxuan was surprised, swept away his consciousness, and suddenly said, "You, have you broken through to six stars?!"


Gui Zun laughed, came out of the gourd, and appeared in front of Yang Qingxuan.

The eyes are crimson, and the face and the skin of the whole body have faint purple lines, as if they contain huge energy, the breath is extremely cold and powerful, making it impossible to think about.

Yang Qingxuan was shocked and mixed.

If the ghost is promoted too fast, it is likely to break away from the dependence on himself.

"The two hundred million soul flags, and the souls of a large number of realm kings in the past few years, have only broken through to six stars. I already feel slow."

Gui Zun's expression was smug, apparently inconsistent.

Yang Qingxuan calmed down and said, "Congratulations."

Ghost Zun waved his hand and said, "I can recover to six stars, thanks to your powerful chance against the sky, which is much faster than I originally expected. It's just that it will become more and more difficult later."

The two hundred million soul flags were made by the ghost flags that the Mao family had accumulated for tens of thousands of years and sacrificed more than 200 million creatures.

And the souls inside are not ordinary mortals, they have a certain degree of martial arts, and even the realm kings are refined into it.

With such a huge supply, Ghost Venerable only recovered to the six-star level.

One can imagine how difficult the road behind will be.

Yang Qingxuan's heart moved and said: "Are you leaving?"

Gui Zun shook his head and said: "It's too early to leave. The Six-Star Realm King, it's not bad in this firmament star domain. But going to the vast universe, hehe, without the power of the Lord of Thousand Realms, it's easy to get into trouble."

Yang Qingxuan frowned and said, "But in this star field, if you want to continue to recover, I am afraid it will be very difficult."

A vigilant heart grew in Yang Qingxuan's heart.

If Guizun starts to behave nonsense and kills, he will do everything he can to get rid of it.

Gui Zun's scarlet eyes shot a smile, "Haha, are you afraid of me coming in and want to get rid of me?"

Yang Qingxuan was shocked. This ghostly respect was once the Lord of the Thousand Realms. He has survived for an unknown number of years. Any expression and flaw can be instantly captured by him.

In this case, it is better to open your heart and be open and honest.

He immediately cleared his eyes and nodded.

Gui Zun smiled and said: "You are very smart. However, I have no other ideas for the time being before I return to the high-ranking realm king. But when I set foot on the Seven Stars, everything may not be possible. Because following you, I am sure to recover soon. To the Seven Stars. But the resources of this star field are nothing but yours. If you want to transcend the other side, I am afraid I have to think about it myself."

Yang Qingxuan said, "Remember what you said. Before the Seven Stars, you must not do evil. After the Seven Stars, if you do evil, you will be the first to eradicate the Righteous Star Alliance!"


Gui Zun laughed wildly, full of bohemianism, obviously not taking any notice of this warning.

Gui Zun smiled contemptuously: "You still have to worry about yourself, how to pass the realm king. But I have recently felt that your chance is not far away, you should be able to pass the realm king soon. By the way, I His name is Gui Zang, Gui Zun Gui Emperor, it’s just the division of our realm."

After speaking, he laughed a few times again, disappeared into the secret room, and returned to the mysterious gourd.

Yang Qingxuan looked worried and sighed. At present, the enemy of Star Palace, the unstable factor of ghost hiding has appeared again. What if all of these instability factors ran to be ruthless with the sky?

Yang Qingxuan smiled bitterly and shook his head, then stood up, left the secret room, and flew towards the meeting hall of the Ning family.


On the top of the giant mountain, Xingluo Temple

Inside the meeting hall.

Solemn and quiet, hundreds of Ning family seniors are in order.

All the high-level members of Ning Changli faction were cleared out and completely replaced by Ning Hongru's people.

Qian Liuxi and Qian Qian, as guests, sat directly under Ning Hongru to show respect.

At this moment, all eyes in the hall fell on Yang Qingxuan.

Silently looked at the terrible young man.

Ning Hongru smiled and said: "Qingxuan, I have discussed the proposal to join the Zhengxing League. I agree that everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of our clan. Although my Ning family is far away from Xingluo, I can't watch it. Human orthodoxy is controlled by treacherous people. So it is unanimously decided to join the Star Alliance."

Yang Qingxuan was overjoyed, hurriedly clasped his fists and arched his hands, circled all around, and said, "Thank you, Grandpa, and thank you all, adults, and understand the righteousness."

Everyone hurriedly clasped their fists in return and said in unison: "Dare not, I should, I should."

Looking at this grandson, Ning Hongru felt more joyful in his heart, stroked his long beard, and smiled: "However, there are three additional conditions for the Ning Family to join the Zhengxing League."

Yang Qingxuan said, "Grandpa said, as long as I can do it, I will definitely agree."

Ning Hongru nodded and said: "First, the Ning family listens to the propaganda, and they exist on an equal footing with the Zhengxing League, and there is no subordinate relationship."

Yang Qingxuan said, "This is natural."

Ning Hongru said again: "Second, the deployment of the Ning family's power only obeys me and you. In other words, no one in the Zhengxing League except you can deploy the Ning family's power."

Yang Qingxuan thought for a while, nodded and said, "Yes."

Ning Hongru smiled slightly, and then said, "The third one is the fairy jade you mentioned earlier. I need to use it for the Ning family.

Yang Qingxuan felt that he was a bit big. He used to seduce Ning Hongru, so he said something casually. He didn't think that Ning Hongru really wanted to cash it out.

Although the Taiyin Mountains and Tiandu have enough celestial jade, they can't stand the word "enough". How much does the ghost know you are "enough"?

Yang Qingxuan turned in his heart and said, "Grandpa rest assured. For the distribution of the fairy jade, the Zhengxing League will inevitably come up with a fair and fair plan, and will never treat the Ning family wrongly."

Ning Hongru frowned slightly, and said faintly: "Fairness and justice, can you manage enough?"

Yang Qingxuan is full of black lines, throwing out the four words "fair and just", who knows that the other party still bites the word "Guan Enough", making him hard to beat.

The corners of Ning Hongru's mouth rose slightly. Although Yang Qingxuan was his beloved grandson, he was unambiguous in front of the Ning family's interests.

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