Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1719: Xianyu manages enough, the solution

Yang Qingxuan clasped his fists, bowing down and said: "Please also ask Grandpa to expressly, how much is enough?"

Ning Hongru looked at Ning Qingyu and exchanged glances.

Ning Qingyu smiled lightly, took out a silver book, and began to read: "The five strongest kings of Ningjiajie need 100,000 yuan per year. The fifty strong Taoists need 100,000 yuan per year. There are two thousand celestial powers and one hundred thousand yuan of immortal jade is needed each year. Three hundred thousand people in the stratum rank need six hundred thousand yuan of celestial jade. 300,000 people in martial state need three million yuan of celestial jade each year. In the end, a total of 3.9 million yuan of immortal jade is needed a year. Taking into account the unexpected situation, add another 20% to the total of 4.68 million yuan, which is almost enough."

Yang Qingxuan's face turned pale with surprise, and he was so dark that he had prepared for a long time, wiped his sweat, and said, "Is the martial state, the ground level, and the heaven also immortal jade?"

Ning Hongru gave him a white look and said: "Naturally. You know the power of the fairy jade, even if it is only in the spirit martial realm, the use of the fairy jade is also strong with the spirit stone. Although it is a bit wasteful, the Zhengxing League manages enough, we naturally You're welcome, haha."

Yang Qingxuan's face was dark, and her heart suddenly moved, saying, "Yes. Just as grandpa said. However, the Ning family has to move these forces to the headquarters of the Zhengxing League, and this is considered to be a member of the Zhengxing League and can receive Immortal Jade. Otherwise, just report some numbers, and no real person, how can you believe that this number is true?"

The people of the Ning family were all stunned, looking at each other, frowning.

If you send martial artists to the Zhengxing League according to this number, then the entire Ning family will really have passed.

A large number of warriors are still all over the country of Star Luo.

Once all were gone, the warriors of the entire Star Luo Kingdom were almost completely empty.

And if they all moved to the Zhengxing League, they put the entire Ning family at great risk. If the Zhengxing League is defeated, the Ning Family will be destroyed.

Ning Hongru's face was a little ugly.

Ning Qingyu also said: "The roots of the Ning family are in Xingluo, and it is impossible to move all of them to the Zhengxing League."

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. Anything that comes, the fairy jade is enough. Moreover, the distribution of the fairy jade of the Zhengxing League is released on a monthly basis, and there is no annual payment."

This time, the possibility of taking the Ning family's opportunistic tricks to lead the fairy jade and go again was eliminated.

Yang Qingxuan said again: "Furthermore, the Righteous Star Alliance also has the soul of the Five Aggregate Trees, and it can be used to cultivate with Immortal Jade for thousands of miles."

"The soul of the five aggregate trees?"

In the main hall, the Ning family members were shocked and whispered.

Qian Liuxi sat on Ning Hongru's head, clenched his fists slightly, his eyes turned, not knowing what he was thinking. But the soul of the fairy jade and the five aggregate trees obviously moved his heart.

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "Welcome everyone to the Zhengxing League. The supply of immortal jade is based on the standards stated by Aunt Qingyu."

Ning Hongru took a deep look at him and said, "We have to discuss the candidates for the Zhengxing League."

At the moment, Yang Qingxuan discussed some specific matters with the Ning family, and the meeting ended.

A few days later, a large number of warriors left the Ning family, and followed Yang Qingxuan to Xuanxiao Jiangque.

Qian Liuxi and his daughter are also among them.

Qian Qian insisted on going to the Zhengxing League to experience, and he didn't want to miss this extraordinary duel.

Although Ning Qingyu was with him, Qian Liuxi was still uneasy and had to follow him.


The huge sky-opening cliff, like a complete rock wall, rises from the ground and rises into the sky.

On the top of it, there is a sacred sacred bridge floating in the sky, during which there are carved columns of jade, flying pavilion Xiangdan; white cloud floating jade, swaying haze, and faintly thousands of purple rays, pouring out from it.

In a majestic hall, above the throne of Jinluan sits a handsome man with a handsome face. He is not angry and pretentious. He is Wu Xian.

On the cliff of Tongtian cliff, there is a miraculous scene of the sun and the moon, the energy of the whole world is chaotic and violent, and it washes between the sky and the earth with the breath of wind and moon.

Wu Xian looked solemn, staring at a middle-aged man in a blue long shirt and said: "Is the rumors true?"

The man has profound features and a deep and long breath. It is the deputy suzerain of Juntian Purple Mansion Si Kongduan: "Reliability is quite high."

The people in the temple exchanged eyes and whispered.

Both are dignified and full of doubts.

Most of them are members of the Wu family, and the remaining few are also high-level members of the Zhengxing League, heads of various sects.

Shi Yan pondered: "Since the reliability is extremely high, we will send someone to investigate. Maybe we can really find a solution."

Wu Xian frowned deeply and said, "It's too coincidental, isn't it? In my opinion, it is most likely that Xinggong released the news deliberately, just to lure us into fools."

Shi Yan shook his head and sighed, "But her niece... even if it's a trap, she has to break through. The big deal, the time for a full-scale war with Xinggong will be advanced."

Wu Xian pondered.

Wu Shan's expression was cold and solemn, and said, "I think Master Shiyan is right. Even if it is a trap, I have to go and break it. Why not let me sneak with the green beast. If it is really a trap, the Star Palace If you want to keep the old man, hum, you have to pay a certain price."

Sikongduan frowned and said displeased: "I have found a lot of clues to investigate this matter, and it doesn't seem to be a fake. If Zhen is involved in a relationship with her niece, it is really only a coincidence. Wu Xian Brother has repeatedly doubted the correctness of the news, that is, doubt my ability to do things."

Wu Xian hurriedly clasped his fists and said, "The dude calmed down his anger. It's just that this is a big deal and I have to worry about it."

Sikong Duan said: "In that case, let me go. I took a few people from the Purple Mansion and sneaked into Wangchuan to explore the truth. I was afraid that it would be true at that time, but because of insufficient preparation, I missed something. Just regret it."

Shi Yan said: "I don't worry about you going there alone. If this matter is true, it is very likely that the adult in Wangchuan will be alarmed. If it is false, it is really possible that it is a star trap, even more worrying. Up."

After a moment of contemplation, he said: "Well, let me go with you."

Sikong Duan said, "Also, if you have a head, you will be successful."

Wu Xian hurriedly said: "No. This matter is entirely for the little girl, how can we let Juntian Purple Mansion take this risk? Let me arrange for the people of the Wu family to go."

Shi Yan said: "If it is really a trap from the Star Palace, it will be even more fascinating if the people of the Witch Family are mobilized. Moreover, it is a matter of the "Tian Shen Jue", not a matter of the Witch Family. If it is allowed to fall into the hands of Tian Wuqing, We are really in trouble."

Wu Xian fell silent.

The hall was whispering, discussing various possibilities.

Suddenly, a hearty voice came from outside and resounded in the hall, "What happened to make all the adults sigh here? Also, what is going on with the sun and the moon on this cliff? "

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