Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1730: Huge conspiracy, betting

"Here is one billion superb spiritual stones. If you win, take it. If you lose, just do what I just said."

Yang Qingxuan smiled indifferently, with his hands behind him.

"Hey! One billion superb spirit stones? Really or fake!"

There was an uproar all around, looking at the storage bag in disbelief, everyone began to look at the Pippi shrimp again.

Mr. Jiachen was also shocked, his eyelids throbbed violently.

Inexplicably tense inside.

It will never be an ordinary person who can come up with one billion superb spirit stones.

Although this Pippi Shrimp had a low cultivation base, only Yuan Wu had perfected it, but the self-confidence revealed by raising his hands and feet, talking and laughing with Meiyu, was incomparably powerful.

On the pavilion in the distance, Duxiu's face sank, and he shouted, "What's the matter with this Pippi shrimp?"

The catfish monster was stunned, and hurriedly said: "The subordinates don't know, so let's investigate."

Having said that, he hurriedly withdrew.

Originally, the Poison Xiu and the Catfish Monster saw a Pippi Shrimp come out, and they were all sarcasm and disapproving. But the Pippi Shrimp threw out one billion superb spiritual stones without changing his face, and the origin will never be simple.

Yun Yang was also stunned, and his thoughts turned for a while, and his beautiful eyes continued.

The pink brilliance on her body, like an electric arc, even shows a different color in her eyes.

At the same time, Yun Yang thought of a lot. If there is really only one second-level Yinzi Pearl in this green mussel, then he...

Thinking of this, I couldn't help being startled in a cold sweat, and at the same time staring at Mr. Jiachen with a faint look.

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said, "Why, don't you dare to gamble?"

There was a "grunt" in Jia Yun's throat, and cold sweat was dripping from his temples.

It wasn't that he didn't dare to gamble, but that this matter was very involved, and it was related to the internal struggle of the Juchuan Chamber of Commerce. If it was messed up, he would definitely have no good fruit.

Jia Chen's face sank, and he hummed: "If you want to gamble, you can bet. This green mussel has already sold 3.2 billion superb spirit stones. You can buy it and open it?"

Yun Yang said: "You don't need this leather... Mr. Pippi buys it, isn't there someone already bidding to pay? After he buys it, just open it."

The Crab Monster's face changed suddenly, and his eyes turned green.

Yun Yang watched his expression in his eyes, and his heart sank. He noticed that he was in a huge conspiracy. The pink of his whole body gradually faded and turned pale, his face became more gloomy, staring at the crab monster. Cold voice: "Why, you bid 3.2 billion, don't you want it?"

Yun Yang patted his palms a few times.

Suddenly, the warrior rushed out from all directions and surrounded the crab monster.

The compound was filled with an atmosphere of silence.

Everyone stopped picking and betting on green mussels, and they all looked over in horror.

Yun Yang sneered: "3.2 billion, please pay."

The Crab Monster clenched his fingers tightly and said in a trembled voice: "I don't want the 3.2 billion yuan. Just press the previous price. You can take the 3.1 billion yuan."

Yun Yanghan said: "Are you telling a joke?" A murderous flash in his eyes.


Suddenly the Crab Monster screamed, a claw stretched out of his chest, shook it suddenly, and pulled it back.


The carapace's body exploded and shattered in an instant.

The catfish monster appeared, looked at the mucus in his hands, and said with a grin: "Dare to play with our Juchuan Chamber of Commerce, this is the end."

Yun Yang was startled, and when the catfish monster appeared, everything became clear.

It really was a huge conspiracy.

I couldn't help getting cold all over, if it hadn't been for this Pippi Shrimp, I was afraid that it would be dead.

Thinking of it, he gratefully looked at Pippi shrimp and gave a friendly look.

The catfish monster killed the crab monster, shocking the audience.

Mr. Jiajun's face was extremely ugly, his hands oozing cold sweat, and his heart throbbed violently.

I thought to myself that these people like Poison Cultivation were really vicious. Once they had no use value, they would be destroyed directly, so I had to be careful.

The catfish monster turned around, stared at Yang Qingxuan, stepped forward, and said grimly: "Where are the Pipi shrimps? If you didn't come out to make trouble and ruin the bidding, there would be no trouble. All these losses will cost you. You lose!"

As he said, he reached out and grabbed it.

Yunyong's figure shook, and the jade hand shot out with a "crackling" flashing red electric energy. It hit the catfish monster's scaly hands and shook it open, shouting angrily: "With me here, when will it be your turn? Is this minion presumptuous?"

The catfish monster's complexion changed drastically, staring at Yun Yang with a gloomy face, wishing to step forward and slap the pink jellyfish to death.

But after all, the identity of the other party's vice president is still there, and he said: "Huh, this Pippi shrimp disturbs the rules, shouldn't it be shot dead?"

Yun Yang sneered and said: "Is it disturbing the rules? I have been watching clearly. I need you to judge? Minion, get out!"

The catfish yelled strangely, and both cheeks bulged and became angry.

But the eyes of the catfish monster suddenly froze, calmed down, and seemed to be listening to something. Someone passed the sound secretly.

Immediately, the catfish monster "hehe" grinned twice and stared at Yang Qingxuan, "Aren't you gonna bet on this clam with Mr. Jiachen? Mr. Jiachen took it, but the conditions need to be changed."

Mr. Gachen was shocked, where he took it, he was about to defend, but when he saw the murderous gaze of the catfish monster, he swallowed his words back.

Yun Yang looked at Yang Qingxuan in surprise, and said, "Not to be missed."

Yang Qingxuan smiled slightly, not paying attention, and said, "Okay, how can I change it?"

The catfish monster's eyes froze, and said, "If you win, Mr. Ghachen will crawl out of here as you said. If you lose, not only will the one-billion best spiritual stones be gone, but people must also give me Take a trip."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Yes."

Yun Yang was very anxious, but looking at Yang Qingxuan's breezy appearance, it seemed extremely confident.

Yang Qingxuan said, "However, I have to change the conditions. If I win, you and Jiachen will yell that you are a silly **** and climb out from here."

The catfish monster was furious, turned his head and looked at Jiachen, revealing a look of consultation.

Jia Chen thought for a while, nodded gently, indicating that he would not lose.

The catfish monster said: "Okay! I promised you."

At the same time, he gave Jiachen a look that he could only win but not lose.

Jia Chen took a deep breath, stepped forward, pointed to the green clam and said, "You said it is a second-level Yin Zizhu, right? If it is another level, or if there is no Yin Zizhu, I will win. "

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said: "Yes."

Ghachen laughed "haha" and let go of his heart.

This green mussel, with his observation skills, did not have Dao beads, and the three hundred and sixty-five spots were just appearances. In the crevice of the green mussel, there is an imperceptible loophole, which has vented its spirit.

Therefore, it is the most suitable design to frame Yunyang.

But to say that the Yin Zizhu in this green mussel is only second-level, Ghachen doesn't believe it. According to his judgment, it is possible to be at least level six or even eighth.

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