Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1731: Open the clam! Bong to the end

Jia Chen's facial expression was very stretched, because he was determined to win, no matter what, this green mussel could not fall to the second level of Yin Zizhu.

Yun Yang suddenly shouted: "Wait! I have no problem with the two betting, but who will pay for this green mussel?"

Jia Chen thought for a while and said, "I'm out."

He took out a storage bag and was still on the table, and said: "There are 300 million best spirit stones inside."

Yun Yang sneered: "Three hundred million? You are joking."

The catfish monster said angrily: "Why, do you want to sell 3.2 billion?"

Yun Yanghan said: "It's weird, you dog minion, as a member of the Juchuan Chamber of Commerce, actually want your things to be sold cheaply? Humph, in the future, I will kill you dog minion first! "

The catfish monster was frightened and angry, but did not dare to stand up.

"You can't say that."

A cold voice came, and the crowd separated instantly, only to see a dark-skinned, short and chubby alien who walked into the compound unhurriedly, a pair of cold eyes swept between Yun Yang and Yang Qingxuan.

"It's the vice president of poison repair!"

"I heard that the chairman of the Juchuan Chamber of Commerce is critically ill and the two vice-chairmen are fighting fiercely. It really is true."

"Haha, here is a good show."

"Unexpectedly watching the gambling stone, I actually saw a dragon-tiger fight."

The eating melons all around was not too big a problem, and they all watched excitedly.

Poison repairer came over, took a look at the green mussel, and snorted coldly: "Although it is the benefit of the chamber of commerce, it still has the reputation of the chamber of commerce. You can't pit your customers at a high price. This green mussel was sold for 300 million before, and now it has suddenly increased in price , What do you think about us? You are a little girl, Huang Mao, you don’t understand the affairs of the Chamber of Commerce."

Yun Yang's face turned pale.

The poison repair not only suppressed the price and won unanimous praise from the surrounding guests, but also ridiculed himself as if he really didn't understand the general.

Poison repaired his gaze, looked at Yang Qingxuan, and said coldly, "You, a Pippi shrimp, not bad, not bad."

There was an inexplicable chill in his tone.

Everyone heard the threat and murderousness, and the compound became tense.

Yang Qingxuan didn't seem to be affected. He was humble, clasped his fists and smiled, "I'm overwhelmed."


Poison Xiu let out a cold snort and said to the old man in charge of the green mussel: "Open the mussel!"

"Open! Open! Open!"

The surroundings began to booze again, all eyes widened, looking excitedly.

The old man opening the clam was a little nervous and calmed his emotions. He inserted the knife into the gap of the clam shell. As the blade turned, the clam shell opened with a click, instantly pouring out a rich aura and colorful brilliance.

A pearl lies quietly on the pink flesh of the mussel.

It is the size of a fist, showing colorful colors, but it is not perfectly round, and the surface is pitted and looks very dark.

"Wow, it's really Level 2!"

"Oh my God, how can such a good green mussel be a second-level?"

Shocked screams were heard from all around, unbelievable.


Jia Chen sucked in a cold breath, his face turned pale when he "brushed" him, and said in horror: "No! Impossible, impossible! It's just a trace of sky leak, how could it be level two, at least it should be level six? ! No, impossible, impossible!"

Ghachen ran forward in horror, held the secondary yinzi pearl in his palm, fixed his eyes, and then convulsed all over his body before falling to the ground, unconsciously.

Yun Yang's face was also extremely ugly, and his heart was even more afraid.

Yang Qingxuan stepped forward with a smile, kicked Jia Chen, and said, "Climb out, don't pretend to be dead."

That kick was good enough, kicking on the main point of Jiachen, the meridians and bones all over his body were painful, Jiachen yelled and jumped up immediately.

Yun Yang stared at the catfish monster, grinning and said, "There is also this dog minion!"

The catfish monster looked pale and said anxiously, "Master Poison Repairer."

Yun Yang sneered: "Poison repair, why, do you want to cheat for your dog?"

"I don't accept it, I don't accept it, and then bet, I have to bet with you!"

Jiachen's eyes were red, staring at Yang Qingxuan abruptly, and he trembled: "Gamble again!"

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "It's okay, as many times as you want. You can crawl the dog before talking."

Both Jiayun and the Catfish Monster blushed, but Duxiu looked indifferent, while Yun Yang's face was murderous.

The two of them knelt down, crying, "I am a fool, I am a fool..." and crawled out.


The courtyard immediately burst into laughter.

Not only did Jiachen and the catfish want to die in embarrassment, but Poison Xiu also had a gloomy face, his breathing increased, his murderous intent swirling in his eyes.

Yun Yang couldn't help but smiled "pouch".

The gloom and inner emotions on that face seemed to be resolved at once, and at the same time she glanced at Yang Qingxuan secretly, this Pippi shrimp made her more and more invisible.

Soon, Jiajun and the catfish monster ran in.

Bleeding was still coming from Jiachen's head. He was beaten by the catfish monster. He pointed at Yang Qingxuan and shouted, "Betting again! Betting again! I must repay this hatred!"

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "Okay, what to bet on, it's up to you."

Jia Chen pointed to the mussel shells and aquatic products around him, and shouted, "You and I pick one item each, which is more valuable than whom!"

Yang Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "Good. What about the conditions?"

Jia Chen gritted his teeth and said: "If you lose, do what I did just now, and at the same time compensate me 3 billion superb spirit stones. If I lose, if I lose..."

Repeated this several times, looking left and right, it seemed that he couldn't make any bets.

Poison Xiu snorted coldly, and said, "What do you want to do so much? If you lose, you will give him your life. At the same time, if this Pippi shrimp loses, you have to take a trip for me."

Jia Chen's face turned pale, but he still gritted his teeth and said, "Okay!"

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "Haha, this adult is joking. How much is his life worth? This bet is too strong."

Poison Cultivator: "Then what do you think should be added?"

Yang Qingxuan looked at him playfully, his eyes flashed with spirits, and said: "I think the adult's life is quite valuable, why not put it on the bet?"


As soon as he said this, there was a convulsive air-conditioning sound all around.

Even Yun Yang was startled, and after a brief panic, he immediately calmed down.

Poison Xiu stared at Yang Qingxuan and shot a murderous shot, "Do you want my life?!"

Yang Qingxuan didn't change his face, and said lightly: "To be honest, I'm not interested. But I'm even less interested in the lives of your minions. I'll bet if I don't bet, I'm leaving."

Poison repairer seemed to have heard the funniest thing in the world, and laughed: "Go? Hahahaha."

Yang Qingxuan said, "Why, in Juchuan Chamber of Commerce, if you win the bet, you can't leave?"

Yunyang stood up and said firmly: "Of course you can go."

Poison repairer looked at the two of them, waved his sleeves, and said coldly: "Okay, I will accompany you to the end today! See what tricks you can play. I bet this bet. The life of this seat is pressured. Go, but the lives of both of you must be pressured too!"

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