Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1957: Reappearing the circle of element decay, the old way

Yang Qingxuan asked, "Around the last days? What is that?"

Yu'an said: "This is the body of the secret space. The ring you see is actually a very mysterious sacred artifact. And the big formation in front of you is just a layer of ban on the sacred artifact. Array, in order to get the apocalyptic radius, you must first unlock this banned array."

Yu An spoke out what he knew.

For one thing, I get along for a long time, and I have an extreme trust in Yang Qingxuan, even with gratitude, and a hint of inexplicable emotion.

Secondly, if you want to get the apocalyptic circle, you must rely on the power of Yang Qingxuan and Gui Zang, and relying on her to be specific is nothing.

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback. First, he didn't expect Yu'an to know so clearly. Second, if the sacred artifact was taken away, wouldn't it take away the entire secret space?

Then here, as well as those who are not present, are afraid that none of them will let them go?

The two looked at each other, and both thought of going somewhere, showing wry smiles and worries.

Yang Qingxuan said: "After breaking the formation, how can you take the apocalyptic radius? Has anyone else taken it?"

Yu'an thought for a moment, and said: "The only way to take it is to refine it. Everyone has the possibility to refine it. But my advantage is huge, about two hours or so." She paused and said again. : "If you change to someone else, even the Lord of the Thousand Realms, I'm afraid it will take at least seven or eight days."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Okay, I'm relieved. I don't care about other things, let's break the line before talking. I will try to help you buy time."

Yu An nodded heavily, and under the protection of Yang Qingxuan, walked towards the secret space.

Everyone looked at him silently.

At a distance of a thousand meters away from the hidden space, the two directly felt a strong repulsive force and stopped them from going.

Yang Qingxuan stretched out his hand and gently pressed against that repulsive force, running the true essence against it.

Until he raised his power to the peak of the late seven-star stage, he couldn't shake anything, and then he gave up with a wry smile.

Yu'an stretched out his hand, wiped a few times in the void, and then sealed his hands in front of him.

Soon, with a touch of golden light, it turned into a strange symbol.

Yu'an gently pressed his hands on the barrier, and the symbol was printed on it instantly. Suddenly, there was no more than ten meters of area on the barrier, which turned into gold and was reflected.


The people who had been calm and composed all at once changed their faces and hurriedly flew their shields.

Yang Qingxuan turned slightly, and the halberd fell in his hand, with a light stroke to block the way of everyone, and then held the halberd in front of him, and said lightly: "My friend is breaking the formation. If you want to get the secret, please be honest. Be quiet, and protect and pray for my friend’s success. Otherwise, this secret is nothing but a mirror image, no one can think of it."

Everyone can break the formation when they hear it, and they all quiet down with great joy.

Tang Shu even expressed his stance: "If anyone dares to disturb this girl and break the formation, he will be my enemy, Tang Shu."

Only then did Yang Qingxuan retract the halberd, believing that both of them were safe before the formation broke open.

Yu'an was completely ignorant of foreign affairs and foreign objects, quietly changing his fingerprints, pressing on the enchantment, and unlocking the restriction little by little.

The golden glow in Yang Qingxuan's eyes moved. He had a deep understanding of the structure of all things. At this moment, Yu'an unlocked, while observing and memorizing the structure of the forbidden structure, he quickly plunged into his thoughts, and seemed quite knowledgeable.

Time passed a little bit.

The number of Wu Xiu returning here is also increasing.

There are many others who have just come in from Po Nirvana, and they have all followed the clues and found here.

Yang Qingxuan's complexion was a bit solemn, and the number of people gathered here actually reached four to five hundred. If Yu'an wanted to take away the entire secret store, his scalp would feel numb.


Suddenly, with a slight sound, a piece of golden radiance spread out in front of Yu'an, turning into a faint shadow, and the barrier continued to melt away wherever it passed.

Around the entire secret space, a force of power is rapidly fading, with the naked eye visible light, it retreats into the circle at the periphery of the space, turns into a large dense rune, and then disappears in a flash.


A Wu Xiu exclaimed in excitement, and the whole person was shaking with excitement, unable to hold on to himself.

Suddenly a light and shadow rushed past and rushed towards the hidden space.

Immediately, the Second Dao, the Third Dao, those Wu Xiu who responded quickly, were already prepared.

After all, there are a lot of people here, and only by relying on fast speed can you get the best things.


Just when everyone was upset and annoyed, why they were half a beat slow, a scream came from the front.

The first Wu Xiu who rushed in was a three-star realm king, and his entire body was rolled up in a storm, and then began to decay, directly festering into a pile of powder, and completely scattered into the void.

The other four or five people immediately entered the same fate, screaming again and again.

There seemed to be a force wrapped around them, whirling around the secret space, and eventually there was no scum left.

However, the storage element devices on several people were sucked into the secret space with a "swish" sound.

"Hey! Elemental decay circle!"

Everyone gasped.

The most terrifying vision in this broken Nirvana is guarding this secret space.

In an instant, everyone calmed down, and no one dared to take a half step alone.

"Hey, this secret treasure is really hard to get."

Tang Shu laughed twice, but he did not laugh.

Zhuo Fan said: "If it's just the element decay circle, it's easy to handle, I'm afraid there are other things. Just like when entering this temple, the true light of the magnetic pole is not easy to provoke. Just now these people seemed to be rolled up. After the storm, I don’t know what power it is. Otherwise, with the power of these people, there won’t even be time to get Shi Yanshi."

Everyone nodded again and again in favor of such an analysis.

Tang Shu said with a dry smile: "Haha, do you want to use the old method before?"

As soon as this remark came out, many warriors changed their faces and looked around in a hurry, making sure that they were not the weakest in cultivation, and then they were relieved.

Many martial artists who saw the real realm, especially those who came in later and didn't know why, were all caught up by Tang Shu, but they didn't know why, showing a weird look.

Tang Shu casually pointed and said, "You, you, and you, the three of you go in."

"Huh? What!"

The three of them were dumbfounded at once, and immediately understood what was going on with everyone's jokes.

Tang Shu scolded: "Don't talk nonsense, hurry up if you want to survive. There are more than 400 people here. Every quarter of an hour is delayed, it is more than 400 quarters of an hour, which is equivalent to a few days. Day time, did you delay it?"

Under the pressure of the complete crushing force, the three people's faces became ashes, and one by one they took out the few Shi Dunshi and rushed into the space ahead.

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