Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1958: Jiuxing Shizuo, time accelerates


However, after a few breaths, the three of them flew up one after another, spinning continuously in the air.

Yang Qingxuan, Tang Shu and others hurriedly used their spiritual vision and magical powers and various methods of spying, staring at the three of them.

The golden glow in Yang Qingxuan's eyes jumped, and he found that there was a layer of transparent energy around the three of them, like elements of wind, which not only trapped the three, but also quickly evaporated the power of release from the three of them.

Zuo Yundao said in shock: "The power of the wind system? It is understandable to be able to trap the three, but why does the power of release from the three accelerate the loss?"

Everyone looked at each other. This is the crux of the problem. Could this kind of power also consume the power of relief?

The three of them quickly ran out of Shi Mingshi, screamed, exposed to the circle of elemental decay, directly decayed and died.

The scene became extremely quiet, and even some martial artists who were looking into the real world quietly left, lest it would be their turn to sacrifice next.

The golden light in Yang Qingxuan's eyes flickered for a long time, seeming a little startled.

Zhuo Fan's gaze just came over, frowned slightly, and asked: "Little friend Qingxuan, it seems that the observation just now has something to do?"

Hundreds of eyes all fell on Yang Qingxuan.

When entering the temple of Zuoda, this child took the lead in the danger and passed through the circle of element decay first. There is indeed something extraordinary.

Yang Qingxuan said, "It's not a gain. The power should be pure wind power, but it is extremely powerful, and with the help of the space field energy, it suppresses the bodies of the three fellow practitioners. As for why the power of release is consumed so rapidly... …" Seemingly uncertain, he paused.

Zuo Yundao said: "It doesn't seem to be difficult to understand. Under that force, the bodies of the three people continue to rotate rapidly, and the movement is relative, which is equivalent to this huge circle of element decay spinning on the three people, just like water. Evaporation is the same."

Zhuo Fan was stunned, and then nodded: "It makes sense. From this point of view, as long as it can block the force of the wind, it should be fine to cross this area. Brother Tang Shu, Brother Yundao, or the three of us Try it? With the strength of the three of me, blocking the power of the wind shouldn't be a problem."

Tang Shu put his hands on his chest and said lightly: "I have always acted cautiously. Although Zuo Yundao's analysis is reasonable, he doesn't want to take the risk. If the two are interested, they can go ahead."

Zuo Yundao sneered and said, "If that's the case, then I'm not welcome."

As soon as he said, he took out Shi Mingshi and grasped it, striding into the circle of element decay.

Tang Shu's pupils shrank suddenly, becoming alert.

Zuo Yun Dao is not a general, he is very likely to break the prohibition when he enters, and enter the secret space, it will be troublesome.

So Tang Shu was very alert, as long as Zuo Yun Island had the possibility of succeeding, he would immediately rush in.

Zhuo Fan said to Zhuo Yue: "You are waiting here."

Immediately the figure shook, and rushed in.

A flash of light flashed in the crowd again. It was an old man in black robes, who was also the cultivation base of the Nine-Star Realm King, with a gloomy face. He stepped into the circle of elemental decay, obviously not wanting Zuoyun Island to get a chance.

Suddenly, Zuo Yundao's footsteps stopped, his robe fluttered, hunting noises, and a look on his face.

Zhuo Fan followed behind him and asked, "Brother Yundao, what's wrong?"

Zuo Yundao shouted sharply: "No! It's Shi Zuo!"

A white light swirled around him, and it was the hurricane that whirled the world.

Within the power of the wind, a pair of cold, indifferent, and murderous eyes slowly appeared.

Yang Qingxuan was startled. The eyes were extremely humane. They were definitely not ordinary Shazuo. Obviously he was extremely intelligent. He was surprised, "Nine-star Shazuo?"

All the people present have spent a long time in the land of Po Nirvana. There are not a few Shazuo who have been killed at ordinary times, but Jiuxing Shazuo has only heard of it in the rumors. Even if he accidentally noticed it on weekdays, it was just a breath. She was so scared that she ran away.

It was almost the first time to appear so clearly in front of him.

Zhuo Fan shouted: "Don't worry! As long as you can withstand the elemental decay, what about Jiuxing Shizuo, with you and me, it will be enough to kill it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhuo Fan, Zuo Yundao, and the black-robed old man changed their expressions at the same time.

The power of Shi on the three of them quickly faded, and the Shi Yanshi in their hands died out at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Zuo Yundao said in surprise: "How could this be?"

According to his analysis, it was only the rotation of the wind that accelerated the consumption of Shi Yanshi, but at this moment, he did not move at all, only his robe was fluttering. Why was Shi Yanshi rapidly declining?

In the void, those wind-like sharp eyes showed joking glances, as if mocking the three.

The three of them numbed their scalp for a while, and hurriedly took out a few more high-level Shi Yan stones and grabbed them in their hands.

Fortunately, he killed a lot of Shizuo before, and gained a lot, even if the decay is accelerated, it can still support a while.

Tang Shu turned around abruptly, staring at Yang Qingxuan and asked, "Little friend, you haven't finished your guessing just now. What do you want to say later?"

Yang Qingxuan's eyes flickered a few times, and said: "I guess it is most likely that time is accelerating."

Tang Shu was taken aback, many of the martial artists around him shook their heads.

One of the elders denied: "Time acceleration is indeed plausible, but with the strength of the three adults on Zuoyundao, if it is really time rules, how can you not feel it?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "If you are in a normal environment, you can naturally feel it. But the bodies of the three adults have been wrapped in Shi Mingshi. You must know that Shi Mingshi is the most peaceful power and has the most isolation ability. Even the element decay can be held. Time accelerates in this decay circle, and the three adults may not be able to perceive it."

Tang Shu's eyes burst into a sudden look, and he said solemnly: "It should be like this!"

With that, he raised his hand and grabbed it forward.

The arm is like a vine, extending continuously, directly inserting into the circle of element decay, reaching more than twenty feet deep.

Tang Shu did not use the power of release, relying purely on the strength of the Nine Star Realm King to resist the decay. After supporting it for a moment, the arm began to decay a little bit, and the decay power spread out.

Tang Shu's pupils shrank suddenly, he shot a clear look and smile, and said, "It really is time accelerating."

The long and narrow arm shook in the air and broke on its own.

After losing the supply of true essence, that long arm instantly decayed into dregs and turned into dust in the air.

But Tang Shu just shook his right shoulder slightly, and a complete arm was regenerated.

Tang Shu looked at Yang Qingxuan with a complex look: "The little friend's magical powers, wisdom, and awareness are really incredible."

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "The adult has passed the award, it's just a guess. The adult has proved it with his body, which is admirable."

Tang Shu snorted, not knowing what he was thinking, and stopped talking, but quietly looked at the three people in the elemental decay circle to see how they responded.

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