Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1960: Adapt to the element decay circle and fight against Jiuxing

Everyone was still hesitating, but when they saw Zhuo Fan and Zuo Yundao, they threw out two Shi Dunshi first, and then they reluctantly took out the stones one by one.

Then I think about it, someone is willing to take the risk to explore the road, it is not too much to give a middle-level Shi Yanshi.

Two middle-level realm kings hesitated and refused to give it. They wanted to pass through the crowd. Tang Shu directly grabbed them and threw them into the elemental decay circle. Then there was a heart-piercing scream, which was directly blasted by the nine-star Shizuo. Smashed.

This played a great deterrent effect, and everyone hurriedly digs out stones.

Tang Shu pointed to one of the One-Star Realm Kings, and said: "My you are also given."

The One Star Realm King had an ugly face, but he dared not resist. He gritted his teeth and took out another one and gave it to Yang Qingxuan.

In an instant, Yang Qingxuan collected more than 500 Shi Mingshi and smiled.

Yu'an was worried, and gently pulled Yang Qingxuan's sleeve.

Yang Qingxuan comforted her and said, "Don't worry, I have my own measures and will not mess around."

At the moment, he directly took out a few Shi Yanshi and swallowed it, and then walked into the circle of elemental decay.

Everyone opened their eyes wide, and saw that Yang Qingxuan's hands were empty, and he did not hold Shi Yanshi. They were all shocked. He was looking for death?

When Yang Qingxuan stepped into the elemental decay circle, it turned into an element of fire and burned blazingly.

After that, he stood still, half of his body turned into flames, and he penetrated into the circle of elemental decay little by little.

In the void, the power of the wind suddenly appeared, turning into the eyes of the nine-star Shi Zuo, staring coldly at Yang Qingxuan.

It would be extremely easy for Yang Qingxuan to escape from this position, so this nine-star Shizuo was also waiting for the opportunity.

But Yang Qingxuan did not move further, but stood there with half a flesh and half eternal burning body, while pinching the tactics with one hand, motionless.

In the eyes of many realm kings, there was a shock of brilliance, which was incredible.

Because the elemental decay circle, except Shi Yanshi, can almost decay everything. Although Yang Qingxuan's half-walled body is only in the outermost layer of the elemental decay circle, it is still full of decay power. How can you carry it for so long if nothing happened?

The nine-star Shi Zuo also shot out a shocking light in his eyes, with a murderous look.

In fact, when Yang Qingxuan fought with Shi Zuo for the first time, he discovered the fire of the origin, which was extremely resistant to the power of decay.

All laws are the evolution of the avenue. No matter how strong your elemental decay circle is, you can’t decay the avenue. The fire of the origin is one of the five elements directly evolved from the avenue, and it is one of the powers that have recently connected to the avenue.

It's just that Yang Qingxuan's original fire hasn't reached the extreme, and the realm of the eternally burning body is not perfect, so under the elemental decay circle, there will still be some signs of decay, but it is within the tolerable range.

What Yang Qingxuan did at this moment was to adapt his eternally burning body to this elemental decay circle.

Shi Zuo is also composed of various chaotic powers, but with Shi Yanshi as the core, he can walk through the circle of elemental decay at will.

The fire of his own origin can resist decay, and the second dantian with the power of release in his body, although still extremely weak, cannot be the same as Shi Yanshi, but also plays a role in resisting decay.

And in the process, Yang Qingxuan kept taking out Shi Mingshi and swallowing it in his belly.

The four to five hundred people who looked outside were all stunned. Is he practicing with Shi Yanshi?

The Jiuxing Shizuo watched for a while, and finally gave a soft sigh, before he condensed a big wind hand, slapped down wildly.

Yang Qingxuan opened his eyes and didn't avoid it. Instead, he raised his hand and turned into a giant palm of fire. The six suns swirled on it, and under a grip, the blazing sun suddenly exploded, exploding a terrible light.


The hand of the wind blasted on the flame, and the two forces immediately mixed together, forming a storm that soared to the sky.

Yang Qingxuan's body shook, but he was still standing at the dividing point of the elemental decay circle, and his feet had not moved a bit.

Tang Shu and the others all had their hearts beating wildly, and they really managed to hold the Nine Star Realm King's attack!

Previously, they had only guessed based on Yang Qingxuan's cultivation level. At this moment, seeing is believing, and everyone is shocked.

If this continues to grow, if this son stepped into the nine stars in the future, wouldn't it be possible to directly fight the thousand realms?

The higher the cultivation base, the more difficult it is to cross-level. It is extremely rare in the entire universe to directly confront the nine-star with the seven stars.

That Jiuxing Shizuo felt something similarly, his face sank, his face was full of anger, he immediately shouted, and slapped him again.

Countless hurricanes rushed from all directions, all filled in that palm, compressed into a whirlpool, and hit straight down.

Yang Qingxuan clasped his hands in front of him, and a large fire burst out immediately behind him, transforming into a giant, and Qi Gao with that Shi Zuo, pinched Emperor Yan Jue with both hands, and slammed it over.


The power of wind and fire merged together again, shaking in all directions.

Yang Qingxuan himself was swallowed by the mixed power at once, and the four to five hundred realm kings backed away without a word.

The Law of Fire and Na Shizuo directly fought against each other in the sky.

It's just that the law of fire, the heavens, and the earth are still affected by the decay of the elements, and the realm is not as good as that of the nine-star Shizuo.

These fireworks are like red lotus blooming in the void.

And at this moment, Yang Qingxuan, who had been stepping on the border, suddenly flickered, completely transformed into an eternal body, a golden light flashed on the flame, and he entered with a halberd, and hit the nine-star Shazuo with a single move.

Tang Shu and the others were all horrified. With their eyesight, it was natural to see that Yang Qingxuan's elemental body did not have the power of Shi's defense.

In other words, this kid is completely relying on his own strength to resist the elemental decay circle.

This behavior is not unfeasible, but the time to resist is too limited. Even the Lord of the Thousand Realms would not dare to stay in it for too long, not to mention that there is a nine-star Shizuo inside.


Na Shi Zuo's chest was immediately hit by Yang Qingxuan's fall, bursting with a little blue light.


Na Shi Zuo uttered words, roared in anger and pain, with a little bit of fear in his voice.

The place where Yang Qingxuan's halberd cut was where Shi Mingshi was.

Tang Shu and others' hearts jumped again, this has been fully confirmed, this child can really see the location of Shi Yanshi directly.


Shi Zuo lost his mind, and was immediately counterattacked by the law of fire, and the whole body of the shock continued to decompose, turning into a little storm to collapse.

However, the halberd that Yang Qingxuan pierced into Shi Zuo's body did not have the potential to withdraw, and he cut in more deeply.

That little bit of azure blue brilliance, as bright as the sky and ocean, is refreshing.

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