Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1961: Yuhai Rock, the ghost wants to be your friend

A pair of eyes were filled with dullness and shock. Did this man really kill a nine-star Sazuo with the power of seven stars in the circle of elemental decay?

As the azure blue brilliance continued to skyrocket, Shi Zuo's face was full of horror and unwillingness. Finally, with a "bang", that Shi Zuo exploded from his side, and a bright Shi Zuo stone was cut out.

The nine-star Shizuo screamed several times, unwilling and desperate voices echoed in the elemental decay circle, five fingers desperately grasping, trying to grasp something, but after all, there was only a void, and the huge body crashed down, before landing, just Decomposed into large pieces of wind elements, blowing in all directions.

Yang Qingxuan stood holding a halberd, holding the nearly perfect Shi Yanshi in his left hand, his temples flew around, and his robe was blowing and hunting.

Outside the circle of element decay, there was a soundless crow.

Yang Qingxuan put Shi Mingshi away, and his whole body once again turned into an eternal body, the big hand of fire, grabbing the halberd, and moving forward in awe.


There was a swallowing sound all around, looking at each one in amazement.

Yang Qingxuan finally walked to the end of the world, jumping with golden light in his eyes, staring at a point in the void, and reaching out to grab it.

Under his palm, in the virtual grip, a grayish-white, multi-faceted prismatic stone slowly appeared, half the size of a fist, gently rotating.

Under the rotation of each facet, there is a foreign force spreading, and it melts into the void as soon as it shakes.

Yang Qingxuan's pupils shrank suddenly, and he held the stone's right hand imaginarily. The fire element was decaying crazily, and soon the entire right half of his body showed an obvious decline.

Yang Qingxuan did not dare to be careless, took out Shi Mingshi, let Shi's power cover the entire eternal burning body, even so, the consumption of Shi Mingshi was extremely alarming.

Yu'an shouted: "This is Yuhai Rock, put it away soon!"

Yang Qingxuan was shocked, could it be that this elemental decay circle was caused by this stone?

At the moment, with five fingers and a grasp, a large number of sealing methods are used. Fire, thunder, earth, wind, and the power of release are used to connect them to form a net of sealing, which is layered on the stone to seal it.

Then take out a jade box and carefully put it in it.

Between heaven and earth, it seemed that a little change had taken place, and the circle of element decay was gradually dissipating.

All Wuxiu felt different, each one was horrified and inexplicable, could it be considered that the elemental decay circle was created? What is the Rock of Yuhai?

Hundreds of eyes stared at the jade bottle in Yang Qingxuan's hand.

Some bold martial arts tentatively moved forward, and the decay disappeared, and I couldn't help being overjoyed.

As soon as Yu An's figure flickered, he fleeed to Yang Qingxuan's side, reached out his hand to grab the jade bottle, and pinched it with five fingers.

"Bang" exploded, and the various elements that Yang Qingxuan used to display the seal burst out, forming a chaotic energy field.

Yang Qingxuan frowned slightly, not knowing what Yu An wanted to do, but knew that she must have her own reason, and did not stop it.

Yu'an placed the Rock of Yuhai in his palm, and then kept hitting the Jue Seal.

The faint blue brilliance spread from each edge of the Yuhai Rock to form a vacuum zone of about ten feet. Then outside the vacuum zone, the element decay appeared again and expanded at the speed of light.

"No! Run away!"

Those Wu Xiu who had just stepped in felt the elemental decay in an instant, and it was stronger than the spontaneous state that no one had controlled before.

Frightened on the spot, he hurried to escape.

Some of them took out Shi Mingshi directly and resisted for a while. After discovering that it was indeed an elemental decay circle, they did not dare to stay and withdrew from the circle.

Tang Shu furiously said: "Girl film, what are you doing?!"

Yu'an ignored everyone, but whispered: "Qingxuan, I teach you how to control this Yuhai Rock. You keep these people out and buy time for me."

Yang Qingxuan immediately understood that Yu'an was going to collect this eschatological radius.

Before, I was worried about how to stop these hundreds of realm kings. If there was this elemental decay circle, it would be much easier.

The voice of Yu'an kept coming in his mind. It was a set of weird tactics, but for him, who had a deep understanding of Dadao, it was not difficult to control it.

Soon it became clear.

A smile appeared on the corner of Yu'an's mouth, and then he walked safely to the hidden space. The surrounding circles seemed to sense something, and the red glow lightened slightly, and circles of text emerged.

Yang Qingxuan immediately turned around, facing all the realm kings, standing with a halberd, while controlling Yuhai Rock.

Tang Shu shouted, "Yang Qingxuan, are you trying to be an enemy of everyone?"

Yang Qingxuan sighed: "I don't intend to be an enemy to you, I hope you don't be an enemy to me either."

Tang Shuhan said: "Then remove the elemental decay circle."

Yang Qingxuan said, "I have no intention of being an enemy of you, but Master Tang Shu's remarks clearly meant to be an enemy of me. As long as you stay where you are, or leave, we are friends."

Zuo Yundao angrily rebuked: "The ghost wants to be such a friend with you! Remove the elemental decay circle, open the secret space, and everyone can take treasures according to their ability. This is a friend!"

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "Master Yundao said it is very true, I am now taking treasures with my own ability. Could it be that the Yuhai Rock and the hidden space are not what you have given me?"

Zhuo Fan said solemnly: "Don't talk to him, he is delaying time. If you wait for Nizi to refine the hidden space, everything will be too late and you must find a way to rush through."

Everyone was shocked, refining the secret space? What is this concept?

Looking up, Yu'an was enveloped by a faint golden light, and various tactics were constantly being printed, driving the circle of the last days to continuously manifest and rotate slowly, which indeed seemed to be refining.

A Wu Xiu furiously said: "He thought he was the nine-star Shi Zuo just now, and he actually wanted to block us with his own power!"

Everyone frowned slightly. It sounds a bit strange. The nine-star Shi Zuo was killed by Yang Qingxuan just now. It stands to reason that Yang Qingxuan blocked everyone, wouldn't it be easier?

Zuo Yundao shouted, "It's just the decay of the elements. There is no release or time to accelerate. Don't be afraid, let's go together!" The breath on his body burst out instantly.

Tang Shu also said: "He is one of the seven star realm kings, and we have more than 500 people. Killing him is like killing a chicken. If you wait for the hidden space to be taken away, it will really be empty for a bamboo basket."

After finishing speaking, the aura of the Nine Star Realm King continued to rise.

At the moment, a group of martial artists burst out and rushed over.

However, many savvy warriors discovered that although Zuoyundao and Tang Shu spoke upright, filled with indignation, and had soaring momentum, they stood still and only encouraged others to go first.

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