Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1990: One step first, the last desperate

"This dead ghost, haven't you broken through yet?!"

A cold sweat rolled on Yang Qingxuan's forehead, and if the ghost did not respond, this would be really troublesome.

Half a step in the Thousand Realms, you can still rely on the Blade of Shayue to win.

This is the real Lord of the Thousand Realms!

The Blade of the Moon will remain undefeated for a short time at most, but when it runs out, it is still a dead end.


Song Yan's palm has already been shot on three profound banners.

The energy in the entire space was in a state of chaos, and the profound flag couldn't help shaking, and the energy spread out in circles, almost to the extreme.

But after all, he couldn't stop this palm. With a "bang", the three profound flags separated instantly, and the whole barrier was suddenly shattered.


Yang Qingxuan's whole body was hit by the palm, shook down fiercely, and went straight into the ground.

A vast and bottomless pit appeared on the surface. Ji Beiye and Yu'an trembled all over. Under the power of destroying the world, they couldn't restrain the fear from the depths of their souls.

Yu'an was soaked in cold sweat, tears rolled in his eyes, sobbing in his throat, ten fingers desperately clenched, and gritted his teeth: "Ji Beiye, let's go!"

Ji Beiye was taken aback and looked at Yu'an in disbelief, but soon understood, struggling flashed across his face, saying: "But..."

Yu'an said solemnly: "Walking is the best choice!"

Ji Beiye said: "Understood."

The magic sword in his hand disappeared, and then he glanced at Song Yan, waved his hand and turned into a dazzling light, wrapped Yu'an, and shot it away.

In this battle of life and death, any inattention could bring fatal consequences to Yang Qingxuan.

Only by leaving and completely entrusting this battlefield to them can Yang Qingxuan calmly challenge or escape with all his heart.

Song Yan stared at the earth, her eyes gleaming, she moved her gaze forward slightly, and sneered, "It's possible to escape? Is it possible? How can I be so naive to offend my Song family at this moment?"

Song Yan cut off with his fingers together, and with a light stroke on the void, the whole earth was "rumbling" and cracking open, continuously retreating to both sides, artificially tearing a huge gorge without bottom. Point a little more, and blast away in it.

"Boom!", "Boom!", "Boom!"

Countless finger lights burst out from the ground, without any rules, just like countless light snakes shuttled and shot through the earth.

"Boom", a land exploded, and Yang Qingxuan flew out.

But as soon as he showed up, he felt the danger of death. Song Yan was already standing behind him, raised his hand coldly, and grabbed it.

Yang Qingxuan hurriedly turned around, and the halberd stabbed away.

But Tianxu had just pierced halfway, and it was hard to get in any minute. He watched the five fingers shoot, easily pierced the defense, and slammed his body hard.


Yang Qingxuan spouted another mouthful of blood, and his body kept flying backward, like a thrown stone.

Song Yan sneered and said: "Aren't you very good at fighting? Killed all of my Song family disciples with one's own strength. Tsk tsk, but it is really good at hitting me, and I won't die with two strokes. This is very good and can let me. Have fun. By the way, don’t you still have a Nine-Star Realm King’s Ghost Cultivator on you? Call it out and die together. Does he think he can find a chance to attack me by hiding?"

Yang Qingxuan slapped him in the palm of his hand, letting him be physically tyrannical, still unable to hold it, a large body structure shattered and bleeding continued.

"No! The difference is too big, you can't fight at all, you have to go!"

Yang Qingxuan swallowed a handful of pills and suppressed the injury, then roared, transformed into a time-space giant, and fleeed away.

With each step, time and space continue to shrink, and it becomes a small black spot in the blink of an eye.

Song Yan's pupils shrunk slightly, and he was surprised: "Is this your body? It's actually a monster that can control time and space. Huh, it's really rare. It happens to use your blood bones to refine medicine."

His face sank, his hands pressed together in front of him, and under the rubbing, the whole void shook, and then it continued to break.

In the sky of thousands of miles, it collapsed instantly, breaking into a state of nothingness.

The real body of the Temporal Giant Spirit was immediately revealed and could no longer escape.

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback, transformed again, and turned directly into a Honghu. With his wings spread, he reached the speed limit, thousands of miles away in an instant.

After a few wings, I have already flown for an unknown distance.

But when he fixed his eyes, he found that Song Yan had been behind him all the time, and he hadn't got rid of it at all.

Yang Qingxuan's heart sank to the bottom, half a step between the thousand realms and the lord of the thousand realms, half a step between the heavens and the earth, is basically the concept of two spatial levels.

"Is this all your means?"

Song Yan sneered and said, "If you no longer have a back hand, and Ghost Xiu can't escape, just go to death. Kill you, and then search your soul to find the hidden space."

With a murderous look in his eyes, he raised his hands and clasped his palms, snapping down wildly.

Yang Qingxuan made a decisive decision and directly shot a blade of the moon, slashing the past fiercely.

"Oh? There is actually a perfect Moon Blade. When you killed Li Gonglin, it seemed that you used three handles, and you still have it on your body. Not bad, it seems that the hidden space is really on you, and you have gained a lot of benefits. It’s just that everything is wasted in your hands."

Song Yan raised his eyelids slightly. Although he was surprised, he was not too concerned. After all, the Blade of the Moon was only a blow from the Lord of the Thousand Realms, and he himself was the Lord of the Thousand Realms.


With a palm hit, the slash that traversed the sky was immediately blocked, bursting with incomparable brilliance, spreading to thousands of miles away, and both of them were involved.

Song Yan swung his robe all over, and his whole blood was throbbing, and his face sank.

Although the opponent used the Blade of the Moon, the blood churning from a seven-star realm king was really an irritating thing. It was like a tiger's dignity was offended by a hyena, his face turned cold, and he shouted: "I'm tired of playing, go to hell!"

Facing the aftermath of the explosion, step forward, completely unaffected.

Yang Qingxuan was startled and cursed: "I'm fighting with you!"

Also withstand the huge aftermath pressure and stand firmly on the void.

"Fight? Haha, a big joke, what qualifications do you have to fight with me?!"

Song Xuan snorted contemptuously, full of disdain and sarcasm.

"Are you qualified, keep your dog's eyes open!"

Yang Qingxuan's whole body exploded in Zhen Yuan, and then dispelled the aftermath of the explosion, holding his hands empty, and walking towards Song Yan.

When he reached about ten feet, his fingers spread out, and the four blades of the moon suddenly appeared between his hands, and a magnificent force spread.

Song Yan's face changed suddenly, and he shouted in surprise, "Four blades of the moon? Hey! How much is there on your boy?"

Yang Qingxuan grinned and said, "You can't control it, just die!"

The four-handed Shayue Blade was urged to the extreme in the palms of both hands, Yang Qingxuan's figure flickered, and he directly bullied him forward, pushing him like a bull.

The purpose is to suppress the space with the strength of the body.

At the same time, a huge flame ignited from the body and turned into the law of fire, the heavens and the earth, pinching the tactics and printing, crazily suppressed.

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