Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1991: Kill the Lord of Thousand Realms, the Realm of Chaos

All these tactics are to create pressure and shackle Song Yan, so it is good to lock his figure in an instant.

But after all, the strength was too weak, Song Yan shook it lightly, and dodged the collision force and Di Yan Jue, and dodged thousands of feet away.

Song Yan ridiculed contemptuously: "The difference in power is too great, even if there are more Blades of the Moon, it will not be able to touch my clothes."

Yang Qingxuan's body stagnated, stopped, grabbed the four-handed moon blade with both hands, and said coldly: "Mentally retarded, you want to fight, not I force you to fight. Since you will flash back, then I will go. Gone."

The figure shook, and then fled in the opposite direction.

Song Yan was taken aback, furious, and rushed forward.

Yang Qingxuan's body stopped, then turned around again, and raised the Moon Blade in both hands.

Song Yan took a cold breath, stopped likewise, and stepped back several hundred feet away, dripping with a gloomy face.

Although he is the Lord of the Thousand Realms, if the four blades of the moon break at the same time, he will not be able to hold it, and he will be injured somewhat, even not lightly.

If he was injured by a Seven-Star Realm King, it would really become a big joke in the entire universe.

Yang Qingxuan's heart moved slightly, but he was not in a hurry. He suspended the four Blades of the Moon in front of him, slowly devouring the medicine and flowers, and he recovered from his injuries.

Song Yan stared at him for a while, then suddenly gave a soft drink, and disappeared in a flash.

The golden light flashed in Yang Qingxuan's eyes, his left hand pinched a little bit, and the two moon-brake blades quickly turned and slammed into the void on the left.


A terrifying brilliance erupted from the two blades, intertwined and blasted into the void.


Song Yan's frightened voice came, and he sternly shouted: "How can the seven-star realm king catch my movements?!"

Yang Qingxuan was too lazy to deal with him, pinched the Jue again, and the other two shots went away.


The brilliance of the four blades of the moon brake completely locked Song Yan at an angle.

Song Yan shouted angrily: "Ten directions and ten revolutions!"

The body's momentum exploded to the extreme, and ten phantoms appeared in an instant, each pinched his hands and blasted towards the four light blades.

The anger in Song Yan's heart was almost suppressed to the point of exploding, but under the four light blades, he had to suppress it.

But for an instant, Song Yan's heart beat again inexplicably, and suddenly raised his eyes.

I saw Yang Qingxuan with a hideous face, waved both up and down, and the blade of the moon was once again transformed in front of him, one, two, three...

In the blink of an eye, there were ten blades of the moon appeared.

Yang Qingxuan was expressionless, without even a trace of pity, he waved his hand and cut it.


Between the heaven and the earth, ten dazzling glare burst out, just like the four before, flooding the entire sky, shining the boundless darkness with bright light.

Song Yan's mind was short-circuited for an instant, and he suddenly woke up in an instant, and shouted in shock, "No! No!--"

There are a total of 14 slashes, which is equivalent to a combined blow by 14 masters of a thousand worlds.

Song Yan was so scared that his soul flew into the sky. In an instant, his whole body was completely blown up, and his life potential exploded at this moment, "Ahhhhh! Go to me! Damn little beast! Go to hell!"

Countless afterimages manifested themselves, desperately hitting the fourteen slashes.

The whole person is almost crazy.

Yang Qingxuan glanced at him icyly, shook his body slightly, then backed away, then turned around, turning into a escape without looking back.

Just after escaping a hundred feet, a huge explosion sounded.

Afterwards, the whole world fell into a dim, even silent, there was no sound, only a huge light, and endless fragmentation, sweeping in all directions.

At this moment, every place in the world of Po Nirvana felt a huge shock.

Countless people raised their heads in horror, looking in the same direction, not understanding what was going on.

Many Wu Xiu who had been walking in that direction trembled all over, stopped in horror, hurriedly turned around, and dared not go.

Only a few Lords of the Thousand Realms, under the huge shock of their minds, their complexions turned dignified into a ray of light, and blasted away.

Yang Qingxuan transformed into the body of a tortoise and snake of Xuanwu, resisting the shock coming from a distance, desperately rushing out of the aftermath.

The huge whirlpool turned into by that terrifying force wanted to absorb everything in the surrounding area, even he tried his best to incarnate as Xuanwu, Azure Dragon, Suzaku, and White Tiger, constantly changing among the four sacred beasts, and it was difficult to get rid of it.

Finally, with a roar, he became a poor stranger, and only then spread his wings, broke through the shackles of attraction, and fled.

During this battle, Yang Qingxuan threw out all of the Moon Blades filled with it, without any grudge or fluke.

If you deal with a lord of a thousand realms and still want to keep his hole cards, it is really going to die.

He didn't know if Song Yan was dead, but he knew that even if Song Yan didn't die, he would have been severely injured. At least for a short time, he would not be able to trouble him.

Qiongqi flew high in the sky for a while, and after getting rid of the huge vortex suction, he turned into a time-space giant, striding forward on the void.

At each step, he shrank into an inch, as if he had escaped from this world, this time and space, and disappeared tens of thousands of miles away in the blink of an eye.


In the land of Po Nirvana, in a wild mountain range, there is a lake lying quietly, like gems embedded in the mountain, reflecting light like a mirror.

Suddenly, the entire Pinghu lake shook violently, causing countless waves and moving in all directions.


The lake broke open, and a man rushed out, looking in one direction with a horrified face.

Then, four more figures came from all sides, all with shocked expressions.

A chubby little girl muttered, "Captain, the Lord of the Thousand Realms. The Lord of the Thousand Realms is at war."

These five people are exactly the five nine-star Shazuo.

Captain Kesi had the same horror in his eyes. As a half-step Thousand Realms, he clearly understood what the Lord of the Thousand Realms existed. Although half a step away, it was Tianyuan.

Kes said in a deep voice, "Cultivation with peace of mind, and don't care about the outside affairs. As long as no one comes to provoke us, we don't know anything."

Qom nodded and said: "Exactly, the most urgent task is to guard the master before leaving the customs. As long as the master retreats, these ghosts and sprites are just clowns, and we will take care of them sooner or later."

Jace and the others thought it was reasonable, and nodded unceasingly.

Suddenly, the mirror-like Pinghu suddenly became brighter, and large patches of snowflakes appeared over the barren mountains and fell down.

The complexion of the people in Kesi changed drastically, and then they showed ecstasy, excited and unable to hold on to themselves.

Snow fluttered for a while, and the lake surface became dark and obscure inexplicably. The thunder and fire that tore through the sky came from nowhere, turned into various terrifying visions, raging in the void.

At the same time, various cosmic energies appeared one after another, such as true magnetic pole light, void storm, cosmic rays, polar light, five elements chaos, element decay, yin and yang inversion, etc., turning the entire Pinghu into an incomprehensible chaos.

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