Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2142: The channel meets, strict inspection


Master Ying Chan shouted in surprise, looking at the white light shining down, full of surprises.

Yang Qingxuan frowned and asked, "Is it opened like this in the past?"

Master Yingchan was stunned, shook his head and said: "It's a bit strange, this white light is like..."

After the huge white light shone down, it slowly faded, and a little bit began to disappear in the air.

Yang Qingxuan asked Ji Beiye: "What do you think?"

Ji Beiye said: "It's like a tunnel opened by people." After hesitating, he said: "Could it be that something happened outside that requires a strong person to open the tunnel?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "As I guessed, be careful, at least don't be the first to go out, wait for a while and check again."

Master Ying Chan and his apprentice also agreed, and immediately stood on a mountain top and watched quietly.

Soon after, warriors began to fly to the sky, leaving along the passage that was blown away by white light.

The number of people leaving continued to increase, and the masters and apprentices of Yingchan performed the dragon-finding technique, but did not find any fluctuations in the aura and elements, which proved that the outside world was relatively stable.

Only then did the four Yang Qingxuan turn into escape light and flee to the outside world.

After entering the white light entrance, a long and narrow dark space seemed to have entered the universe.

Several people walked for a while, and suddenly a familiar voice came, seeming to call Yang Qingxuan.

"Xuan Tianji!" Yang Qingxuan exclaimed, the golden light flashed in his pupils, and he immediately found that on the side of the passage, Xuan Tianji stood with his hands positive and negative, smiling indifferently.

"This is for you." Xuantianji waved his hand and a ray of light came out.

Yang Qingxuan grasped it in his hand and saw that it was an ordinary storage bag. After scanning his spiritual sense, he found that there was a restriction on it, and he couldn't really see what was inside.

"What is this?" Yang Qingxuan asked, finding that Xuantianji had disappeared in place, leaving only a faint echo, "You will know after you go out."

Yang Qingxuan frowned, and then looked at the storage bag in his hand. It was indeed unremarkable. It was an ordinary bag, but the restrictions on it were more delicate. Unless you break it with force, you will be afraid for a while. Unbreakable.

"What's up?!" Yang Qingxuan's eyebrows became tighter.

He heard Ji Beiye talk about the passage in the reincarnation formation that day. If Xuan Tianji hadn't shown the way, thousands of them might have been hanging in it.

But in Yang Qingxuan's view, Xuantian's machine is also good and evil, acting entirely on his own preferences, and there is no right and wrong, and resourceful, the city and the strength are unfathomable, he is a person who needs vigilance and jealousy, and cannot be completely Believe.

Ji Beiye said: "My lord, let's go."

There were people coming in from time to time in the passage to Wuyu City. Many people who passed by recognized Yang Qingxuan, called "Master Qingxuan" respectfully, and then hurried on the road.

Yang Qingxuan couldn't think about it, put away the storage bag, and said, "Go out first."

The four of them continued to move forward, and soon they saw the exit of the passage, and smoothly exited from the world of no desire.

Rows of martial artists with golden armors lined up at the exit of the passage to maintain order. The neat costumes stood side by side, like a golden mirror, shining on everyone who came out.

Yang Qingxuan glanced away, secretly surprised, there are too many people maintaining order, right?

At the front are four old men with long beards and white hair. The wrinkles on their faces are cracked like bark, and the facial features are all stuck to their faces. They are all half-closed eyes. They can't sense any breath on their bodies, but they don't feel anything. Everyone knew that it must be a Thousand Worlds Boss, and it must not be one star.

Behind them are more than ten one-star thousand realms, with different looks and different breaths on their bodies. The only thing in common is that they are powerful, incomparably powerful.

Then there are the golden armored samurai around the passage to maintain order. There are exactly 500 people in order, and they are all world kings.

Under the pressure of such a powerful lineup, every warrior who came out of the world of desirelessness changed drastically, and walked forward tremblingly, for fear of accidentally committing any taboos that would directly lead to killing. .

At the front of the passage is the reincarnation fruit exchange office. According to the rules of the **** palace, every reincarnation fruit must be sold to the **** palace and cannot be circulated without authorization. Therefore, the people of the **** palace set up an exchange point at the exit.

And because of the particularity of this experience, there is a water curtain suspended above the exchange point, on which the names of the top ten warriors are displayed.

Yang Qingxuan glanced at it, and found that the reincarnation fruit obtained by everyone was far less than he had imagined. At the moment, the number one was only a genius disciple of the winner of the clan, named Yinghai, but only nine hundred and eighty-six. The second place is Zhou Ping, a disciple of the Zhou family, with 640.

Not far from the exchange point, there was a throne flashing with gilt brilliance. Sitting on it was a beautiful girl, pure and lovely, beautiful like an autumn moon, pinching the seal of the forehand, and practicing with closed eyes.

It is Zi Yi, the sixth righteous daughter of the Zixin God King.

It seems that Ziyi is in charge of all matters here, and she doesn't know where Ziyun has gone.

Yang Qingxuan was puzzled, and suddenly a cold voice sounded, "Ignore the rules of the Palace of Gods, and want to take the reincarnation fruit away in front of me. Do you think the Palace of Gods is such a teasing?"

Ziyi opened her eyes, her long eyelashes, like a porcelain doll, added countless charms to her, and now she was staring at a bald Wu Xiu with a red crane cloak, shooting out as bright as water Light.

The bald head is the strength of the five-star realm king, and he is walking on another channel. The martial artist who has no reincarnation fruit can directly go out of the side channel without passing through the exchange point.

The bald man's complexion changed drastically, his entire forehead was covered with cold sweat, his body was soaked with sweat, his body was trembling, and he trembled: "Master Ziyi, I have been stuck at the five-star peak for a long time. The cultivation technique is just right for the power of reincarnation. Some are similar, so I feel confused and greedy for a while, and I hope Master Ziyi will forgive me. Just five reincarnation fruits, I will dedicate them, and I don’t want a cent from the palace of God!"

He hurriedly took out a long sword, the layers of seal formation flashed on it, his bald head shook hard, and the sword was broken with a "bang", and five reincarnation fruits appeared in front of him.

I think this bald man thought he was hiding in the sword, and then putting a seal on, he could escape investigation.

But beside Ziyi, there is a Mirror of Universe, which is illuminating the scenes on the two passages. Any warrior passing by will inevitably be photographed by the Mirror, and no one can escape.

Yang Qingxuan glanced at it and found that five green light spots appeared on the precious mirror, which represented five reincarnation fruits. He couldn't help but was secretly surprised, thinking that the mirror was really powerful.

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