Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2143: Happy first, at a loss

The bald head held the fruit in both hands, and respectfully raised it above his head, dedicated to Ziyi.

"Oh, why bother to lose a life for the five fruits?" Ziyi sighed with unbearable expression, "I think it is not easy for you to cultivate, so let's leave you a whole body."

The bald head trembled all over, desperately begging for mercy: "My lord, please spare me, I know I was wrong, I really know that I was wrong, and I will never dare again!"

Ziyi waved her hand and said: "If it is useful to admit your mistakes, why do you have to behave? Let's drag on, don't abuse him, leave him a whole body. But if he is uninterested, just do it."

"Yes. Master Ziyi is really compassionate." A man wearing a black cloak gave a chuckle, shaking his figure, came to the bald man's side and grabbed it.

Like an eagle catching a chicken, he lifted the bald man and shook it, and disappeared in place at the same time. The man in the dark blue cloak was the King of the Nine Star Realm, and the bald man had no resistance at all.

The entire venue was silent. Although there was no **** scene, the invisible coercion and killing made everyone's heart tremble, and they all walked through the two passages carefully, not daring to hide anything.

Ziyi said: "The rules of the king of the gods are not to be violated. I hope that all my friends will forgive me and cooperate more."

"Fairy Ziyi did the right thing. To do things on the site of the King's Mansion, he naturally has to abide by the rules of the King's Mansion. That bald man would die."

"Yes, he deserves the blame. Fairy Ziyi is small, beautiful and strong, and he is unambiguous in his work. He is more capable than those of us who have lived for hundreds of years."

"Among the godly goddesses, Fairy Ziyi is undoubtedly the most beautiful and merciful one."

All kinds of flattering sounds came from all directions, all vying for flattery.

Yang Qingxuan secretly sighed, all struggling from the line of life and death, step by step hard training, fighting, breakthroughs, and comprehension, the realm king who has achieved today can actually say these flattering words, afraid that it will be difficult to cultivate in the future. Diligent.

Yang Qingxuan, Ji Beiye, Master Yingchan and their apprentices formed a long line, exchanged the fruit of reincarnation on their bodies, and walked outside the passage.

Suddenly, he felt something, and the pace of his feet was stagnant, and he heard a long sigh, "Why are there always people who can't listen and think they are better than others? Or is it because of other things? I can persuade you, but There are always people going to die, and the world’s ignorance is so stupid."

"Aren't you talking about me? You have a pit in your head?" Yang Qingxuan frowned and turned around.

"Hey!" Everyone's heart is beating wildly, who is so pulling? Dare to talk to Ziyi like this? Countless lights all looked over.

Especially the people of the Palace of Gods, they were a little confused and couldn't believe it. Even the four mysterious old men opened their eyes slightly, and a ray of light came out of their eyes.

Yang Qingxuan looked at the Universe Treasure Mirror, and was stunned for an instant, only to see that the Treasure Mirror was shining on himself, and green light spots appeared on it, and it was increasing.

"It's Yang Qingxuan!" Someone in the crowd screamed, and then everyone changed their expressions.

Many people are grateful to Yang Qingxuan, but there are also a small number of people who are extremely jealous, wishing to see Yang Qingxuan's unlucky luck, and now they all show a vicious smile.

Jiang Yueliu, Wuming and others had already passed the passage. They wanted to wait to see the results of the competition. When they saw Yang Qingxuan, they all wanted to wait for him to come out to say hello, but they never expected this to happen.

Both of them were stunned. Looking at the Mirror of the Universe, they were all startled, thinking that Yang Qingxuan is not a stupid person, how could this happen?

Both of them were thinking that they must do everything possible to save Yang Qingxuan!

Ji Beiye was surprised: "My lord, what's the matter?"

Yang Qingxuan's pupils condensed, and suddenly stretched out his hand to take out a storage bag, the ordinary can no longer be ordinary, with a delicate seal on it.

Ji Beiye was taken aback, and said, "Xuan Tianji..."

Yang Qingxuan was full of black lines, and suddenly remembered what Xuantianji said before, what is in the storage bag, you will know when you go out...

Sure enough, you know...

This time the trouble is so big that I can't wash it by jumping into the Yellow River.

"Look! Oh my God, how many reincarnation fruits are there!" Another person exclaimed.

I saw the light spots on the Universe Mirror rapidly increasing, and soon there was a thousand, densely clustered together.

However, the presence of the world king experts, and many have cultivated spiritual eyes and supernatural powers, can see clearly at a glance, a total of 2,300.

Including the 320 pieces that Yang Qingxuan had exchanged before, the total is 2,620 pieces.

And the first place shown on the water curtain at the moment, the winner wins Hai, only more than 900, only one third of Yang Qingxuan.

"Hey!" Thousands of eyes in the audience all fell on Yang Qingxuan, quietly silent.

Yang Qingxuan: "..."

Zi Yi was also stunned, her pure and flawless face was full of sluggishness, and she didn't know how to deal with the situation before her.

According to the rules, Yang Qingxuan carried the reincarnation fruit privately, which was to be punished.

Moreover, Yang Qingxuan actually dared to say that his mind was flooded, and his heart was murderous, but now Yang Qingxuan's reincarnation fruit number is actually the first...

And judging from the quantity of this fruit, it should be the first place without any suspense.

There have been so many people in the past, and it is unlikely that latecomers will surpass, so according to the rules of the competition, Yang Qingxuan is the husband of his seventh sister, Zixia, and the son-in-law of Chenglong. This...

Ziyi was dumbfounded, staying there, at a loss.

"Haha, congratulations to Brother Qingxuan, for being the first to become the son-in-law of the King of Purple Heart God!"

Outside the passage, Jiang Yueliu reacted and immediately clasped his fists in joy. The sound was loud and the trembling space buzzed, making everyone hear.

As long as Yang Qingxuan is Zixin’s son-in-law, Zixia Fujun, then the selfishness of carrying the fruit of reincarnation will naturally cease.

And once Yang Qingxuan got involved with the Purple Heart God Palace, then his body value would be even greater. In the future, he would not be in vain to deal with the Ning Family, but would have matching power.

These are great benefits to Jiang Yueliu and Jiang Family.

Wu Wuming and others, those Wu Xiu who were grateful for Yang Qingxuan's life-saving grace, all reacted, and shouted: "Congratulations, Master Qingxuan for being the first!"

The entire space was filled with joy and joy, and happy emotions spread in the void of the universe.

Only the winner wins, his face is gloomy, gritted his teeth angrily, and roars: "Since he took the fruits out, it proves that these fruits do not participate in the competition and cannot be counted!"

Yang Qingxuan said, "You are right."

Win Hai was taken aback for a moment, and some reaction was too late. What was right? What did you say? Did you say something wrong?

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