Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2147: Meet Zixin

With emotion for a while, Yang Qingxuan converged his mind, the fire mark flashed between his eyebrows, and his divine sense came into a vast ocean of fire.

It was the Purple Flame Void, the sea of ​​fire at this moment, no longer purple, slowly turning into the original color of the fire element.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes flashed with golden eyes and found that Er Gouzi was already lying in the depths of the flames and fell into a deep sleep.

Yang Qingxuan raised his hand to pinch the tactics, a beam of flame sucked his hand from below, completely ignited himself, and then his body melted into fire little by little, and completely merged with the flame that burned himself, then shattered, turned into countless flames, and fell. Into the flames and disappeared.

The divine consciousness returned to the body, and the fire mark on the center of Yang Qingxuan's eyebrows flashed and turned into a blazing red color. It was the mark of the enemy in the world, which began to change under the original fire.

Yang Qingxuan just brought Mu Shaobai's original fire into his body and combined with his own original fire.

A raging fire burned vigorously in the dantian, and the energy inside was extremely chaotic and fiery. Although it was originally one, it did not integrate well, and it took a certain amount of time to blend with each other.

Yang Qingxuan recalled that when he merged into the memory of the fire source, the feeling was as if he had completely returned to the great road, one with the heaven and the earth, completely selfless.

At this moment, a green light shot out from a distance, turning into a light ball and hovering in front of Yang Qingxuan, with some words flashing in it.

Yang Qingxuan took a look, and waved the light ball and dispersed by itself.

It was the news from Ziran that the King of God had left the barrier.

Yang Qingxuan figured it out, he had stayed in this secret room for more than a month, and immediately took the breath of his body and went straight out.

Ziran was already waiting outside, glanced at Yang Qingxuan, and smiled in surprise: "Congratulations, Young Master Qingxuan, for a month of retreat, the cultivation base and the momentum are completely different."

Yang Qingxuan didn't know what the old thing really saw, it was just a polite flattery, and immediately clasped his fist and said, "Master Ziran is polite."

Zi Ran said: "The **** king is out of the gate and wants to summon the son, please come with me."

At the moment, the two of them walked one after another in the Palace of the King of Gods, passing through several corridors and courtyards, and came to a beautiful side hall.

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback, the decorations in the hall were extremely elegant and generous, without losing dignity. Under the exquisite and domineering empty throne, there were seven stunning women standing all over the country.

As soon as Yang Qingxuan entered, Zi Ran bowed and retreated.

Seven pairs of elegant eyes looked over together, and they all showed playful gazes with mixed thoughts. But without exception, they were all looking at him up and down.

Among them, Ziyun, Zixia, Ziyi, and Yang Qingxuan have seen them before, and four other women, all of them are graceful and noble.

Among them, the most strange thing about Yang Qingxuan was Zi Yun, her face was extremely pale, her whole body was thinner than when she first saw her, her eyes were quite dull, full of awe-inspiring expressions, and she seemed to be afraid of something.

But Zixia was expressionless, standing there quietly, just glanced at Yang Qingxuan, a playful and strange chuckle at the corner of her mouth, and then looked ahead, never looking at him again.

There were only one male and seven females in the whole hall. Yang Qingxuan was a little embarrassed, coughed twice, and greeted with his fists: "I have seen all the fairies, have you all eaten?"

Ziyi couldn't help but laugh with a "pouch".

Ziyun and Zixia were expressionless, and the other four women glanced at Yang Qingxuan contemptuously, secretly saying that they were boring, they thought they were a handsome young man, but they didn't expect to be a full-fledged bun, did they still eat it? Eat your sister! If you had to pay attention to the dignified appearance, the old lady would have cursed directly.

When Yang Qingxuan saw that no one was paying attention to him, he smiled and walked directly to a pillar, leaning against it with his arms folded, waiting for Zi Xin to come over.

Zi Yan covered her mouth and smiled, looking at Zi Xia jokingly, "Congratulations" and smiled: "Congratulations to Seven Sisters for finding a Ruyi Langjun. I think this brother-in-law's cultivation is in the early stage of Jiuxing."

The other women smiled on their cheeks, but their eyes were different and they seemed to have their own thoughts.

Among the seven righteous daughters of Zixin, except that Zixia is a clone of her own deity, no one knows, the other six daughters are all talented and talented, and they are all talented, otherwise they would not be selected by Zixin as the righteous daughter.

Zi Yan said again: "After Seventh Sister gets married, we are afraid it will be difficult for our sisters to see each other. Seventh Sister, you should write back often."

Zixia remained indifferent, but stood there quietly, her eyes burning.

Seeing that Zixia was ignoring her at all, Zi Yan consciously asked and was boring, snorted and brushed her sleeves, and stopped sarcasm.

Yang Qingxuan thought, wouldn't you really marry Zixia to me? This Zixia's strength is unfathomable, far from being as simple as it seems on the surface. As a foster mother, the Zixia God King should know her details and strength, right?

As he was thinking about it, suddenly a strong pressure fell in the air, and Yang Qingxuan's blood condensed as if he was about to suffocate.

But this kind of feeling passed away in an instant. On the first gilt throne, there was already a woman in palace dress, wrapped in a purple robe, with a light veil on her face, only a pair of wavy eyes were exposed.

"Mother Master!"

The seven women hurriedly stood in a row, knelt down and bowed.

Yang Qingxuan didn't dare to support it, stood upright, clasped his fists and said, "I have seen Master Zixin."

Zi Xin stared at him and snorted coldly: "When I saw this king, I didn't kneel down and worship?"

"Kneel?" Yang Qingxuan said without a smile: "I have some knee pain recently, and I really can't kneel down. I hope Lord Shenwang will forgive me."

All the seven girls changed their expressions, and were about to scold them, but Zi Xin said faintly: "If this is the case, then you just stand."

Except for Zixia and Ziyun, the seven girls all showed stunned faces. When did Master Mother become so talkative?

Zi Xin said to Qi Nu: "You guys get up too."

Except for Ziyun, the other six women all got up one after another, but Ziyun kneeled lower, and her whole body was trembling on the ground.

"Who is this kneeling? Oh, it's Master Ziyun, what is this, Lord Zhesha." Zi Xin's eyes were getting colder, and the murderous aura on his body showed a little bit.

Ziyun was so frightened that she sobbed softly, and kept whispering: "Mother, please forgive me, please forgive me, I will never dare anymore."

Ziyi couldn't bear it, and stepped forward and said: "Mother, the eldest sister is temporarily confused and willing to be punished, but she also asked her to save her life."

"Huh, save her life?" Zi Yan sneered: "Sixth sister, do you know what crime this **** committed? How dare to intercede for her? Let her live an extra month to see her mother, she is already the mother's biggest You’re kind. Did you collude with this bitch?"

Zi Yi said angrily: "Second sister, please be respectful when you speak!"

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