Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2148: Forced marriage, pick whatever

"A **** slut, I will call her a slut, what's the matter?" Zi Yan stared at Zi Yi coldly, provocatively.

Zi Yi trembled all over, no longer paying attention to her, but knelt down and bowed to Zi Xin, begging: "Please be merciful to my mother and save my eldest sister's life."

The murderous aura in Zi Xin's eyes disappeared a little bit, becoming a hazy, so that people could see her inner thoughts clearly, and suddenly asked: "Yang Qingxuan, how do you think I should deal with this bitch?"

Yang Qingxuan was stunned, a little unsure.

Ziyi hurriedly said: "The eldest sister was confused for a while, colluding with outsiders, and wanted to disadvantage her mother. Fortunately, she was discovered in time by her mother. The eldest sister has already learned her mistake and repented, son Qingxuan, I hope you can plead with her mother for her eldest sister. Exhausted."

Yang Qingxuan's thoughts turned, and he immediately understood one or two things. When he thought of leaving the Undesired Realm, the inexplicable way of opening the channel and the severe formation after coming out were probably related to what Ziyun was doing.

Want to kill God King, isn't this a capital crime? Can you beg for mercy? Instead of me, I also slashed her.

Yang Qingxuan thought in his heart, but since the little sister Ziyi had spoken, she couldn't refuse, so she coughed twice, clasped his fists and said, "My Lord God, it's so-called Jin Wuzu..."

"All right." Zi Xin directly waved her hand to interrupt, and said impatiently: "I know what you think." With a sneer, "It's not impossible to spare this bitch's life. Abolish all her cultivation skills. , Send to the brothel to pick up the guests."

Ziyun's face was instantly bloodless, and her face was full of horror, desperately kowtow for mercy.

Ziyan covered her mouth and laughed: "Haha, my mother is wise, picking up guests with the appearance of the eldest sister, presumably the business will be very good, and we can create some income for the Palace of God, hahahaha."

Ziyi also had no blood on her face, and said anxiously, "My mother!"

Zi Xin shouted: "Needless to say! I will not kill her, it is the greatest kindness."

Ziyun was trembling on the ground, and she couldn't help but cry, desperate to the extreme.

Zi Yi thought in her heart that as long as she saved her life, it was easy to say, no matter which brothel was sold, she would pass immediately, and she must not let her elder sister be wronged.

Zi Xin looked at Yang Qingxuan with a playful look in her eyes, and said: "This trip to the World of No Desires, you have the first joy, I will naturally let Zixia marry you according to the previous promise. In addition, there are corresponding Rewards will also be given to you one by one. Do you have a plan, when will you marry Zixia?"

Yang Qingxuan was shocked and stunned: "What? Married? I, Lord Shenwang will let me get married before my teeth are brushed? This..., I want those corresponding rewards. Fairy Zixia would never dare Blasphemy."

Zixia's face was expressionless, she kept looking forward faintly.

Zi Xin sneered and said, "Don't dare? Still think Zixia is not worthy of you?"

Yang Qingxuan hurriedly said, "Naturally I dare not, because I am not worthy of Fairy Zixia."

Zi Xin said jokingly: "Hmph, I think you deliberately shirk, since you don't want to marry Zixia, I won't force you."

Yang Qingxuan was overjoyed and was about to thank him, but he heard Zi Xin say: "But the God Palace will never take it back. If you know the situation, if you know that you don't want it, and if you don't know the situation, you will think that I am bullying you. So. Among my daughters, you can choose any one to marry."


Except for Ziyun lying on the ground trembling and desperate, Zixia expressionless, all the other five women were shocked.

Zi Xin stared at Yang Qingxuan with a sneer, and said, "My son-in-law, Zi Xin, you are determined. My daughters, no matter their talents or looks, are not worthy of you. Hurry up and choose. After getting married and entering the bridal chamber, this king is still very busy."

Yang Qingxuan: "..."

Zi Yan said with a bit of trepidation, "Mother, this is absolutely nothing..." She thought to herself that she was so beautiful, she was the best looking and talented among several sisters, and the probability of being selected was extremely high, so she stood up and stopped immediately. .

Zi Xin interrupted: "Nothing? Huh, everyone doesn't say anything, just say you, then you, let you marry Yang Qingxuan, and you will be married to the bridal chamber tomorrow."

"Ah?!" Zi Yan's face was dull, his face pale as paper, and he trembled: "Mother, no, no..." Once she married such a silly-D, she would be over forever.

Zi Xin said coldly: "I have decided, no need to say more. Go down and get ready, and you will be married into the bridal chamber tomorrow. So that the world knows that my God Palace always speaks and counts. Why, you have to disobey my orders Is it?" Seeing Zi Yan resisted vigorously, the murderous intent from Zi Xin lingered.

"Daughter dare not!" Zi Yan hurriedly bowed in fright, begging for mercy.

Zi Xin waved his hand and said, "Okay, no more talk." Then, looking at Yang Qingxuan, he said, "From now on, you will be my son-in-law."

Yang Qingxuan was full of black lines, and said: "This, this is too absurd, and I also ask Lord Shenwang to take it back!"

Zi Yan stood aside, not daring to speak to Zi Xin, but a pair of spiteful and murderous eyes stared at Yang Qingxuan, and said sarcastically: "What kind of pretense, now I am afraid that the smile will bloom in my stomach. You toad, Even if this fairy respects his mother's life and marries you, you would never want to touch me!"

Zi Xin was covered by a veil and couldn't see her face clearly, but her eyes were full of joking smiles, pretending to be solemn: "This king's words are oracles, who is absurd!"

Yang Qingxuan was speechless for a while, and suddenly said, "Even if I want to get married, I have to know my current wife and my parents first."

When Zi Yan heard that he still had a wife, she almost fainted with anger. Then she married, didn't she become a concubine?

"Oh?" Zi Xin asked casually, "What about them?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "The Lord God King made me feel restless in order to find me. It is impossible not to check my life experience information."

"Humph." Zi Xin snorted softly, and said, "You are clever and scheming. Want me to help you deal with the Ning family? Haha, how difficult is it."

Yang Qingxuan heard the words and was ecstatic. The other party said "difficult" instead of "impossible", which proved that there is a lot of room. He took out the **** king iron and handed it forward respectfully and said: "This is the **** king iron. I implore the Lord God King to help me. If you feel that the weight of God King Iron is not enough, other than the absurd thing of marrying a fairy, other costs are easy to talk about."

Zi Xin took the **** king iron in his hand, played with it for a while, and said lightly: "Really all other costs are easy to talk about?"

Yang Qingxuan swallowed and said, "Of course!"

With a smile in Zi Xin's eyes, he said, "With me, various conditions are easy to discuss. But the premise is that you first marry Yan'er and become my Chenglong fast son-in-law."

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