Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2186: Evil land, who is in the coffin?

Master Yan said, "Nevertheless, try to find an exit. I feel that those magic marrow drills may appear here at any time. The martial arts in the entire hall are probably dangerous."

Everyone turned pale again, and the horrible feeling just now left their hearts lingering.

Yang Qingxuan asked, "Brother Ke, what is going on with that magic marrow drill?"

Jin Chuke looked ugly and said: "I don't know, those are indeed magic marrow drills, but they are really alive. I have never heard of alive magic marrow drills..."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Could it be a spirit transformation? After all, as long as everything has an opportunity, it can transform spirits, not to mention something as powerful as the magic marrow drill."

Jin Chuke shook his head and said: "It's impossible. All things transform into spirits. It is a coincidence that absorbed the power of the stars in the universe and gave birth to spiritual consciousness energy. And the magic marrow drill itself is the energy crystallization. The magic marrow drills transforms the spirit. It’s as absurd as saying that Xinghao’s petrified spirits. Take ten thousand steps and say that even if the magic marrow drill really appears spiritual, it can directly become a demon by itself, but what kind of bird spirit can it be?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "That's weird."

Everyone is puzzled.

Yang Qingxuan asked Guizang, and Guizang also believed that the magic marrow drills would not transform spirits, and said: "This matter is very strange, but don't worry too much. Those magic marrow drills have extremely strong energy. They have existed here for so many years and have not left. , It is very likely that there will be things that suppress those magic marrow drills."

Yang Qingxuan's heart shuddered, and he immediately understood that the lonely yin did not grow, and the lonely yang did not last. The reason for leaving those magic marrow drills here would never be the seal broken by Jin Chuke and others.

Although the seal is peculiar, but Jin Chuke and others can break it, how can it be trapped five hundred magic marrow diamonds?

At the moment, it is running with glaring eyes, looking in all directions.

If the things that Onizou said really exist, it must be in the Zen Dingyuan.

To be able to combine with the gilt devil palace to form such a strange building, the Zen Dingyuan must be of the same level as the gilt devil palace.

Yang Qingxuan scanned the hall carefully, and found no abnormality, only the word "ding" was shining brightly, exuding a solemn and admirable atmosphere.

"Could it be that the word'fixed' suppressed the magic marrow drill? It's impossible, isn't it? Who wrote such a terrible word, is it the King of Wuxiang?"

Yang Qingxuan was hesitant, and walked towards the word "fixed".

The whole figure seems to be constantly traveling through time and space, and every step taken seems to have crossed an extremely long distance. The shining light on the words passed through the body little by little.

Yan Shigu and the others felt the same way. In surprise, they did not dare to leave Yang Qingxuan too far behind him.

After a short while, Yang Qingxuan walked to the word "ding", and the whole word became illusory and vacillating.

Yang Qingxuan thought, took a step forward and passed through.

I only felt a wall of light dangled over my body, and came to the back of the word "ding". I was surprised when I looked at it.

In a closed void, without any light source, a huge ancient bronze coffin, **** by countless thick and dark iron cables, was suspended in the air.

The breath of ancient, long-lasting, decayed, nihilistic, and gloomy breathed on his face.

The ancient coffin was engraved with all kinds of strange patterns, and dense yellow paper was attached to it, painted with scarlet talisman, a strange evil spirit came from above, causing blood to coagulate.

Tiesuo was black and dull, and it was covered by a thick blood scab. It was obviously soaked in a lot of blood, and it was definitely not ordinary blood.

"Ah, this is..."

Yan Shigu and the others also came through the light wall one by one, seeing this scene in front of them, they were all shocked and speechless.

Master Yan said solemnly: "It feels so evil, how can this vast and brilliant word be so filthy behind it?"

Jin Chuke said: "I'm afraid that everything is hidden in this coffin. Open the inside, and maybe everything will be revealed." He paused, and then said: "It may be the unphased heavenly king, or the origin of that generation. Mo Xun."

Everyone gasped, and their hairs stood up.

Looking at the dense yellow talisman on the copper coffin, I couldn't help but my scalp was numb. The Wuxiangtianwang or Mo Xun would not be alive, right?

A group of people were silent for a while, and Tu Chou asked, "Do you want to open the coffin?"

"Guru", it's all the sounds of swallowing saliva, and I only feel that my throat is dry. This question seems unanswerable.

Jin Chuke pondered and said, "If it were the Wuxiang Heavenly King, he might have died early. But if it were the Yuanshi Moxun of that generation...maybe..."

Everyone understands what he meant. The situation of the demons is different from ordinary sentient beings. It is a kind of existence formed by the condensing of pure power. As long as the demonic energy does not dissipate, it may not be destroyed after hundreds of millions of years.

The magic marrow drills in the hall just now are the best examples.

Although Jin Chuke is a disciple of the Demon Palace, he has only practiced the Demon Clan's techniques, and he is not a Demon Clan himself, so he is extremely afraid of the existence in this ancient coffin.

Master Yan said: "Can you open the coffin or not? Yang Qingxuan, you decide."

Yang Qingxuan's strength is the strongest, and he seems to be the leader of the crowd at the moment, even the devil's disciple has no objection.

Yang Qingxuan sighed and said, "Don't talk about opening the coffin first. Look, can we still go out?"

Everyone's complexion changed slightly, and they hurriedly looked behind them, only to see nothingness, where they stood, completely in this enclosed space, with no exit at all.


Everyone had numb scalp, spreading around in a hurry, looking for exits and space cracks.

But quickly turned around and gathered next to Yang Qingxuan again, everyone's expressions were extremely ugly.

There were no cracks in the entire space, and no weak nodes could be found. It was a unified whole, like a prototype of the unopened universe.

As soon as Yang Qingxuan came in, he scanned it with fiery eyes and immediately discovered the predicament, and sighed: "Don't rush to open the coffin. Calm down first. This place is very strange. If you take a wrong step, you may be dead."

Everyone nodded one after another, the battle was calm, let yourself calm down first.

Suddenly, there seemed to be slight fluctuations on one side of the ancient bronze coffin, and the yellow paper on the blowing copper coffin was rippling slightly.

"who is it?!"

Almost everyone shouted at the same time, staring at the past nervously.

Seeing a flash of light in that space, a beautiful woman appeared, like a fairy from the nine heavens, she was so beautiful that she was spotless with a holy radiance.

Everyone is the top existence in the animal husbandry realm. In any star field, they are the powerhouses who suppress the world. I have never seen any woman, but I have never seen such a beautiful woman, as beautiful as unreal.

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