Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2187: Friend or foe? Wuxiang Tathagata

"Luo Tinglan!"

Yang Qingxuan screamed, but then calmed down.

Luo Tinglan's strength is the three-star thousand realms, and now the ghost has the three-star peak thousand realms, don't be afraid of her.

The woman was Luo Tinglan, her eyes turned, her pupils condensed, and she said, "Yang Qingxuan!"

Everyone recovered from Luo Tinglan's beauty, looking at Yang Qingxuan weirdly, the two actually recognized...

And everyone discovered at this time that there were five ugly guys behind Luo Tinglan, just because Luo Tinglan was so beautiful, they attracted all eyes when they appeared, and they didn't notice the five Shizuo.

Among them, Captain Kesi has entered the Thousand Realms, and the remaining five have made great progress accordingly, all reaching the late stage and peak of the Nine Stars.

In the endless years of losing Luo Tinglan, Shi Zuo was unable to break through to the thousand realms.

But with the return of the owner, under the influence and help of Luo Tinglan, Kesi quickly broke through the thousand realms.

Yang Qingxuan and Luo Tinglan stared at each other and were jealous of each other.

At first, Yan Shigu and the others thought that the two of them were good friends, and they were both jealous and hated. After watching for a while, they realized that their eyes were wrong and finally realized the problem.

Yan Shigu asked in a low voice: "The enemy?"

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said: "It used to be, but now it is still not clear, it depends on the other party."

He didn't suppress the voice, it seemed that Luo Tinglan was deliberately heard.

Yu'an's angry roar came from Yang Qingxuan's ears, "This vicious woman, Brother Qingxuan, is about to tear her apart! Let her lift the seal on me!"

Yang Qingxuan calmed down and said: "Don't panic, even if she doesn't release it for you, you can still find Defeng Ancient Tower. As long as six trillion stars are enough. I used to have no money, but now I have one, don't be afraid."

Yu'an's anger gradually subsided.

Luo Tinglan’s beautiful face was also uncertain, and his gaze swept across Yang Qingxuan and others. There were several in the Thousand Realms. Although they were all only one star, after all, there were too many people. Once they fight, if they are restrained, five Shi Zuo must be dead.

Moreover, Luo Tinglan also knew that the ghost was hiding in Yang Qingxuan, but he didn't know how far it was now.

These are all good, the most terrifying is the monkey...

When thinking of that monkey, thinking of that monkey asking himself to call "Grandpa Great Sage" and beating himself unscrupulously, Luo Tinglan had no blood on his face and was terrified.

So Yang Qingxuan's words were thrown out, and she didn't know how to answer them.

Friend or foe? It's not easy to locate.

If you can beat you, then of course you are the enemy, if you can’t win, you’re friends, but now I don’t know if I can win, my brain hurts.

Luo Tinglan shook her head slightly, and stretched out her hand to beg to ask: "You give me the end-of-day Fangyuan and Indra, and the previous thing is completely wiped out."

Yang Qingxuan raised his eyebrows: "Why?"

Luo Tinglan said slightly angrily: "Then the last days Fangyuan was originally mine, Indra...and...should be mine!"

"Ha ha."

Yang Qingxuan smiled faintly: "The last days of the circle belonged to Yu'an ancestor Yu Zhuxiao, and Indra belonged to the unphased king. These two things have nothing to do with you? Is it shameless to be beautiful?"


Luo Tinglan was furious, with an angry murderous heart, and her eyes became cold, staring at Yang Qingxuan's hair, but thinking that she didn't need to be afraid of this woman, she mustered up the courage and stared back coldly.

This fearless appearance made Luo Tinglan even more uncertain. Is that monkey still? Is it still there?

He shivered all over, his murderous face disappeared, and he changed to a faint look.

When Ks saw it, he knew his master's attitude. He immediately came out to make a round and clasped his fist and said: "Yang Qingxuan, at this moment, we are in distress and it is not appropriate to pursue the past. Let's put aside our grievances and overcome this difficulty, then how about?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "Gratitude and grievance against me does not exist, it depends entirely on your master's meaning."

Luo Tinglan snorted. Although he was dissatisfied, he obviously agreed.

Yan Shigu also came out and said, "Hey, you don't know each other if you don't fight. We should work together and we will talk about any grievances after we go out."

The cold atmosphere eased.

Luo Tinglan also stared at the ancient bronze coffin, showing a look of surprise.

Luo Tinglan leaned toward her face, and carefully looked at the runes on the yellow symbols. It seemed extremely mysterious. Luo Tinglan looked at her face with different colors.

Yang Qingxuan and others also began to study the ancient bronze coffin and the iron cord that bound the coffin.

But the runes and imprints above were too old, they were magical secrets from ancient times. They were obscure and difficult to understand. After watching for a long time, they didn't see any clues. It seemed that only Luo Tinglan could see some famous halls.

Yang Qingxuan suddenly thought that the secret technique that Luo Tinglan used on Yu'an was the Hong Mongol Seal. It seems that this woman knows a lot about the secret technique of Gu Yuan.

Everyone did not say anything. After Luo Tinglan finished watching, Yan Shigu asked with a fist, "My lord, how?"

Luo Tinglan sighed, and sweat oozes out of his forehead, and said: "These yellow symbols depict scriptures that were born in the void of the universe when the cosmos was first opened. Each rune is printed on it. It’s just that the words of the scripture are all connected together to form a piece, and the scriptures are used to suppress the ancient coffin."

After a pause, he said again: "I even searched for this scripture deliberately, but it has been unsuccessful. I thought it had been lost in this cosmic plane. I occasionally got it today. It's really a blessing."

Yang Qingxuan couldn't help asking: "What scripture?"

Luo Tinglan pondered, still replied: "The Wuxiang Tathagata Original Wish Sutra."

Yang Qingxuan heard the name of this sutra, and said in surprise: "Could it be the law practiced by the King of Wuxiang?"

Luo Tinglan nodded and said: "Exactly." Then staring at the ancient bronze coffin, he said: "Then the suppression in this should be the original Demon Clan Yuanshi, Master Xun."

Everyone took a cold breath, and the atmosphere in the space became solemn and suppressed.

Judging from Jin Chuke's inference just now, if Mo Xun was suppressed inside, it is very likely that he has not died.

From the beginning of a generation, the great figure that the Unphased Heavenly King did his best to suppress it, if it is released, let alone their ant scum, there may not be anyone in the entire Southern Universe Alliance that can stop it.

Suddenly, Luo Tinglan moved, reached out and picked up a page of yellow symbols, and tore it off directly.

Then with a wave of his hand, the densely packed yellow symbols on the ancient bronze coffin were blown all at once, flying into the sky one by one, and poured into one by one.

Yang Qingxuan said in surprise: "What are you doing?!"

Luo Tinglan ignored him, but stared at the surging yellow symbols, constantly squeezing them together, and after a few breaths, they turned into a scripture, flashing in the void.

In the vast and ethereal golden Sanskrit, every word flickers and disappears. At the forefront of the scripture, a few simple, long and obscure characters are clear and eye-catching: The Original Wish Sutra of Wuxiang Tathagata.

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