Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2188: Three days away, the person in the coffin

Yang Qingxuan was frightened and said, "You are crazy! This will wake up the Demon Race Yuanshi!"

Luo Tinglan sneered and said: "What about awakening? Could it be more important than the original wish sutra of the Wuxiang Tathagata? I will definitely get this sutra, regardless of his origin or not."

Yang Qingxuan was furious, and when his figure shook, he grabbed the scripture.


Luo Tinglan shouted sharply, and hurriedly made the same shot, but instead of grabbing the scriptures, he chopped away at Yang Qingxuan with five fingers like a knife.

A hint of cold light flashed in the air.

Yang Qingxuan's blood condensed instantly and was enveloped by death, but at the same time, Gui Zang shot, the same gloomy light flashed in the air, and the ghost sword smashed past.


The two forces collided and burst apart.

Luo Tinglan said grimly: "It's you again! This time I will send you to the West!"

The slender jade finger grabbed it straight forward, and there was a crackling sound in the void, as if the bamboo knot was trampled to pieces.

"You're not ashamed! I want to see who returned to the West. The last time I saw you were a woman, I didn't care about you, and you are merciful. Do you really think you can beat me?"

Gui Zang's face became cold, and Hundred Ghosts went straight down, and his realm cultivation instantly rose to the three-star peak.

Luo Tinglan smiled and cursed: "Do you still need a face?"


Another huge force exploded between the two and shook in all directions.

All Wu Xiu, including the five Shizuo, hurriedly retreated. This level of battle is no longer something they can participate in.

The vigor swept across the entire void, and the shaking bronze ancient coffin and the pitch-black iron rope all "coaxed".

Both Guizang and Luo Tinglan were shocked at the same time and exclaimed, "The three-star peak?!"

It turns out that both of them have reached the three-star peak.

Luo Tinglan's face was extremely ugly, and she said in anger: "How is it possible that you are faster than me?"

You should know that in the last World War, the ghost store had only one star and a thousand realms of strength, and could be crushed by him at will. However, for more than half a year, he has reached the peak from the first three-star level, which is an incredible speed, and it is basically himself. This is the Seven Star Thousand Realms, only because it has been suppressed for countless years, it fell to the three-star elementary level.

With such antecedents, coupled with various opportunities, it took six months to return to the top of Samsung.

Why is the other party?

Why is it faster than yourself?

Luo Tinglan didn't understand, didn't understand very much...

Gui Zang snorted and stood with a sword. He also discovered that this woman was extraordinary, she must have been a stronger existence before, and she fell into the realm so far, and felt sorry for him.

The two people were shocked, and the "Wang Fu Sutra of Wuxiang Tathagata" that flashed in the void was taken by Yang Qingxuan.

Luo Tinglan's face changed drastically, and she exclaimed in anger, "Return it to me!"

Yang Qingxuan sneered and said, "Return? How does this word feel strange, you haven't read a book, don't you know what'return' means?"

Luo Tinglan was very anxious, she was extremely eager for that scripture, and in the current situation, Gui Zang alone was enough to contain her. The five Shizuo could not be the opponents of Yang Qingxuan's group. They couldn’t ask them, or grab them. Back, anxiously at a loss.

Yang Qingxuan hummed: "You tore off this yellow talisman without authorization, regardless of the safety of everyone. If something happens, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

At this time, the void suddenly became quiet.

Everyone's complexion changed slightly, and they suddenly looked at the ancient bronze coffin, the lid of the coffin that was originally tightly closed, but a small crack appeared at some point.

And there was a slight "dongdong" sound inside, as if hitting the inside of the copper coffin.

"Hey!" Everyone was shocked, and hurriedly backed away, staring at the copper coffin far away, not daring to approach it.

Luo Tinglan was also stunned, and said in a daze: "No way, really not dead yet?"

Yang Qingxuan said angrily: "If something goes wrong, just wait to die!"

In addition to the sound of the coffin "doom", there was also a trace of bronze rubbing, which was a slight movement of the coffin lid, as if the people inside were about to come out.

Gui Zang Ning said: "Listen carefully, there is a sound."

Everyone pricked their ears, and as expected they heard a faint voice from inside, "Jiehu...Jiehu...", and she looked like a woman.

Yan Shigu stunned and said: "Jihu? Is it talking about the Tribulation of the Wuxiang Heavenly King and the Gilt Demon Palace? But, why is it female? Is the Heavenly King or Yuan Shi Moxun a female?"

Yang Qingxuan suddenly looked strange and walked forward cautiously.

Yan Shigu said in shock: "Brother Qingxuan, beware of danger!"

Yang Qingxuan was on his guard and walked to the side of the ancient bronze coffin. With a flash of fiery eyes, he seemed to see the scene inside the coffin clearly, and then pushed the lid of the bronze coffin away.

Everyone hurriedly looked into the coffin, and they were all stunned.

Lying in the copper coffin was a wonderful woman with a very weak breath, her eyes wide open.

Yan Shigu, Jin Shixi Langjun and others were even more confused, and then they realized that what is called "Jie Hu", is called "Brother-in-law"!

The person lying in the copper coffin turned out to be Ziqing!

Ziqing raised her hand weakly, and said softly, "Brother-in-law, take me out."

Yang Qingxuan said with a black face, "Samsung Thousand Worlds, how come you can't open the bottle cap? Come out by yourself."

Zi Qing said angrily: "People are really weak, otherwise they won't be trapped in the coffin."

Yang Qingxuan asked: "Why are you in the coffin?"

Zi Qing's eyes were full of doubts, as if she had lost her memory, and said in thought: "I don't remember anymore, it seems, it seems to be there suddenly..."

Yang Qingxuan knew that there must be something weird, and immediately stretched out his hand to take Zi Qing out of the copper coffin.

The nephrite is warm and fragrant, holding it in his hand.

Zi Qing was indeed weakened, and no real energy in the meridian was lost. The soft body and beautiful face were tightly pressed against Yang Qingxuan's chest, and said softly, "Brother-in-law, you are so kind to others."

Yang Qingxuan said angrily: "Xiu wants to bark, I'm not your brother-in-law, if you bark again, just stand by yourself."

Zi Qing hurriedly begged for mercy: "Don't, don't drop it. I don't have any true essence in my body at this moment. If you drop me, I will fall into this endless void, and I will die. Brother Qingxuan, you don't be my brother-in-law. I'm happier."

Yang Qingxuan found that everyone was staring at him quietly, and immediately perspired, and said in a cold sweat, "She, she has no true essence in her body. If she throws it down, she will die..."

Everyone said sparsely: "Oh."

Yang Qingxuan: "..."

It is embarrassing to hold Ziqing, but if you put it down, you will fall directly into the void, walk straight to the woman in red in the magic palace, and hand it to her and say, "You come and hold it."

The woman in red "hehe" smiled, and cast a wink at Yang Qingxuan like worship, and took Zi Qing over, and she was cautious and not daring to be careless. After all, she was the daughter of the **** king.

Zi Qing jumped up suddenly, pushed the woman in red away, and said coldly: "No, I can stand by myself."

Yang Qingxuan: "..."

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