Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2189: Eighty-four thousand Dharma, the only thought is guilty

Zi Qing gave Yang Qingxuan a grimace and said, "Brother Qingxuan, you are good or bad."

Yang Qingxuan flicked his sleeves angrily and shouted: "I have no time to **** with you! What the **** is going on, why are you in that ancient bronze coffin?"

Only then did Zi Qing show fear, and her voice trembling said: "I don't know, after Huanghe, I chased Brother Qingxuan over, and then entered this strange hall and found a secret room in it. A futon, when I walked over, I fell into this space and saw the copper coffin and the iron wire. When I wanted to check it out in the past, I found that the lid of the coffin moved by itself, and then... and then I lost it. Perception... When I was conscious, my brother-in-law, oh, no, it was Brother Qingxuan, and when I heard your voice, I desperately called for help and pushed open the coffin lid."

Yang Qingxuan stared at her and said, "You are a three-star Thousand Realm. How could you lose consciousness inexplicably? Think about it again."

Zi Qing stunned herself, and began to ponder. Yang Qingxuan was right. She was a three-star thousand world. Even the Holy Lord, it is impossible for her to lie in the coffin without any memory, unless the memory is erased. .

Luo Tinglan, Gui Zang and others also thought of this possibility.

Gui Zang hummed: "Erasing the memory, what a troublesome thing, why not just kill it?"

Ziqing blurted out, "Maybe that person doesn't want to kill?"

After speaking, he froze for a while, feeling that what he said was extremely strange, who is that person? Why do you know that he does not want to kill? Is it true that a memory of myself has been erased?

Zi Qing's face was extremely pale, and a chill flooded all over her body.

Yang Qingxuan saw her emotions and soothed: "Don't force it if you can't remember it. It's not a big deal to erase the memory, it's fine if you have nothing to do."

Zi Qing felt an inexplicable warmth when she heard the words. She knew that Yang Qingxuan was very sincere, and nodded softly, "Uh", with an obedient look.

Yang Qingxuan and others walked to the ancient coffin and began to look at the empty coffin. The inner wall was also inscribed with various complicated runes, like a sacrifice, but other than that, there was nothing more.

Luo Tinglan said: "The people inside should have already left."

Yang Qingxuan said, "If you leave, it will be better. One is that there is no danger, and the other is to prove that there is a way to leave. Everyone will look around to see if there is a way out."

The crowd dispersed immediately and began to carefully search every place in this void.

Suddenly, Yang Qingxuan's heart moved. He turned his head inexplicably and stared at the inside of the copper coffin. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand, put it down, and touched the bottom. A strange feeling spread to the fingers. The golden nine rings shook slightly.

Zi Qing suddenly exclaimed, "Brother Qingxuan, what are you doing?"

Yang Qingxuan raised his head, looked at Zi Qing and asked, "What was the unusual feeling you were lying in here?"

"Abnormal?" Zi Qing stunned, then she was full of horror, cold sweat rolled down, and she trembled: "Fear, very scared, very scared, it's like entering the hell, but I can't move. so afraid!"

The white teeth quivered slightly while speaking, and the chattering loudly.

Yang Qingxuan's face became dignified, staring at the bottom of the copper coffin, which could make a three-star Thousand Realm scared to be like this, what is inside the copper coffin?

He touched it gently with his hand, a cold and evil aura, with a palpitating sensation, flowing from his fingertips all over his body.

The Indra in the body felt more intense, and the Nine Rings shook greatly, rippling with circles of earth radiance.

Yang Qingxuan shouted in a deep voice: "Be careful, everyone, there seems to be something in the bottom of this ancient coffin!"

Everyone was searching for the node, they were all taken aback when they heard the words, and hurriedly turned around.

Yang Qingxuan's own alertness has also been raised to the extreme, but he still hasn't retracted his hand, and touches it slightly from the top.

Suddenly, when the finger stopped, it seemed to sense something, and exclaimed: "No!"


There was a terrible tremor from the ancient coffin, and the entire extremely strong copper coffin exploded upright, and a purple-black cold radiance appeared like a hell.

Yang Qingxuan's arm was cut off at once, blood splashed into the sky, and he backed away in a hurry.

The entire confined space was twisted at the same time that cold light appeared.

Everyone involuntarily moved towards the brilliance, feeling the terrible danger of death, one by one, they pinched their bodies in horror, resisting the twisting suction.

"what is this?!"

Everyone looked in horror, a vast blood-stained devilish gas spreading out in the cold light.

It was an extremely evil weird black knife, like a beast's head and horns, with sharp cyan barbs on both sides, and countless magic lights and blood mixed together, flowing between the patterns and gems on the knife.

The knife is like the king of the devil, heroic.

"Eighty-four thousand dharma, the only chanting is guilty!"

After the magic knife, a faint figure slowly turned out, unrealistically shrouded in the surging of blood-stained demonic energy.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes flashed with golden eyes and exclaimed, "Be careful!"

Gui Zang shouted: "Let's take action together and suppress this person!"

With the appearance of the magic knife and the figure, an indescribable terror pressure lingers in everyone's heart, as if to be dragged into the **** by the magic knife.

Gui Zang screamed, making fists with his hands on both sides, and the sword energy shot out from his body, transforming into a huge divine sword in the sky.

It was Hyakki Yexing, pinching the formula with both hands, and then slashed away!

Luo Tinglan moved both hands, raised her right hand, and golden brilliance spread out from the palm of her right hand and patted it forward.

The others also displayed their magical powers.

Yang Qingxuan directly displayed all the ten directions, took out the seal of the dynasty with his left hand, and blasted the two moves at the same time.

Under the joint attack of the people, the figure remained unmoved, but when the golden body of Dharma in all directions emerged, the figure seemed to move slightly, and said, "There is nothing and nothing, you are attached. "

Reaching out and pulling up the magic knife, the huge shock wave shook away suddenly, as if the world was about to be broken.

A powerful and unspeakable blood-stained demon energy flowed on the knife, and then slashed down.


A jet of dark blood and magic light, like the devil energy and sin blood that has been soaked for hundreds of millions of years, shattered the entire light world.

Everyone's attacks were instantly engulfed by the blood demons.

The vast sword light burst out, splitting the entire void, together with this strange combination hall!

In an instant, the majestic giant hall standing on the desolate ancient land shook the sky and collapsed continuously, and the entire hall split from it.

The terrible shock power also tore the ancient land apart, spreading like a spider web in all directions.

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