Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2191: Wuxiang Moxun, the sword of the true dragon


The halo on the Indra, the violent tremor, also turned to the extreme, all the planetary illusions poured into the rod, and the great power that overwhelmed the mountains and the sea rushed up.


The two forces finally bombarded together.

The entire desolate ancient land, the universe, is shattered.

The powerful aftermath pressure crushed all the structures of the main hall to pieces. Those Wu Xiu who watched in horror on the side desperately turned their defenses to the extreme, but they were still crushed by the aftermath, leaving no scum.

One gold and one black, two great powers, separated in the sky, forming an instant balance.

But in the golden enchantment, Yang Qingxuan and others could no longer support them. Starting from the low-level realm kings, they vomited blood one by one, and backed back again and again by the force.

The brilliance of the golden enchantment shook, and the magic light immediately took the upper hand, and it fell down fiercely.

"Do not!--"

Yang Qingxuan and others shouted desperately, heartbreaking.

Watching the joint blow, being smashed to pieces by the blood-stained magic knife, the huge image of the knife was manifested in thousands, directly hitting everyone's heart.


Yang Qingxuan spouted a mouthful of blood, and flew backwards like a broken kite.

But the moment he landed, he still stepped on the ground desperately with his feet, and did not fall down, showing his unyielding determination.

The rest of them also shook each other and fell to the ground fiercely, no longer able to fight.

A barren, destructive, blood-stained, and desperate mood spread across this broken land.

The golden Indra's brilliance was lost, and it calmly inserted into the ground, like a tombstone in the doomsday, as if it had accepted the arrangements of fate.

"Boy, you are very nice."

The figure retracted the knife and inserted it on the ground, with his hands behind him, and said quietly.

The handsome and evil face appeared and disappeared in the magic light.

Yang Qingxuan grinned and said, "You can kill my body, but you can't kill my Dao Xin. But I feel so distressed, Wuxiang Tianwang! A generation of powerful men has fallen to this point!"


The people on the broken ground all raised their heads in shock, looking incredible.

Is this person in front of him the unphased king? Isn't he Mo Xun, the first master of the gilt magic palace?

"Ha, ha ha, ha ha ha ha!"

The person suddenly laughed, and the dark eyes were full of sinful comfort, and the whole person's temperament was completely integrated with the blood-stained magic knife.

Yang Qingxuan had seen the petrified statue of the Wuxiang Emperor in the altar of Indra World, so he recognized the person in front of him as the Wuxiang Emperor.

"Do you think I am the King of No Phase?" the man sneered.

"Isn't it?" Yang Qingxuan asked unyieldingly. After performing a trick just now, he exhausted all his strength, and was counter-shocked by the power of the magic knife. He was already a little unstable, so he hurriedly took out the Tianxu and inserted it in the big Support your body on the ground.

"Or, do you think I am Mo Xun?" The man sneered again.

"Who on earth are you?" Yang Qingxuan wondered to himself, did he guess wrong? The person in front of him is not the unphased king, but should be Yuanshi Moxun. Could it be the third person?

"The king of heaven has no form, and the devil has no form. If people say that there is no form, it is not formless, but formless."

The man spoke truthfully, the evil light and golden light in the eyes flashed at the same time, mixed together, like the same unopened cosmic power, and said word by word: "I am neither formless nor demon. I am There is no phase demon."

In that saucy and heroic posture, there appeared a golden light and magic light twins.

It was Yuan Shi Mo Xun who poured into Wuxiang Tianwang's body, and guided the new generation of law body after Wuxiang Tianwang into the demon. Combining all the strength and memory of the two, it was Wuxiang Mo Xun.

Yang Qingxuan was stunned, and everyone was stunned.

But these are not important anymore. The important thing is that they are going to die. If there is death ahead, it does not matter who he is.

Wuxiang Moxun stood with his hand in his hand, and said calmly: "As an extremely outstanding you, I will give you a reward and let you ask another question."

Yang Qingxuan thought for a while and asked, "Will you let us go?"

Wuxiang Moxun smiled and said, "Haha, it's not good."

As he reached out and grabbed it, the magic knife stuck on the ground immediately screamed, bursting out a powerful force, and then slowly flew into the hands of Wuxiang Moxun.

"I will use this magic knife of thousands of sins and blood to cut away all the sins you have committed since the beginning of the karma."

The two pupils of the unphased heavenly king flashed, and said softly: "Die!"

Ling Ling's blood-stained magic light spread out in an instant, covering the entire desolate land.

Everyone was stunned, and then sank into the bottomless abyss, completely desperate.

Suddenly, on the top of a barren mountain in the distance, a girl in red slowly flew down.

A lock of beautiful hair flew slightly.

The slender willow eyebrows, eyes lingering, and the white as snowy skin, set off a small face with a peerless appearance.

She is petite, gentle and generous, and looks about sixteen or seventeen, gentle and lovely.

At the same time as the girl appeared, on the deadly and desperate barren land, a majestic voice suddenly sounded, surging on the ground, shaking up layers of air.

"Xu Mi has no me!"

As soon as the four characters came out, a blue aurora suddenly appeared in the dark and icy, bleak sky, penetrating the layers of space and shooting down.

Ling's blood-stained magic light that enveloped the earth seemed to stagnate.

Wuxiang Mo Xun's face changed slightly, his dark pupils flashed, and he looked towards the sky.

Within that Aurora, there was a fiery divine sword, which was swirled around by the sword gang, and a dragon chant faintly broke out of the sword, trying to tear the decayed earth.

Wuxiang Mo Xun's eyes shrunk slightly, his handsome face chilled, and the magic knife in his hand shook, the blade that had been slashed at everyone, instantly turned around and greeted the divine sword.


The sword light and sword light collided in the void.

The terrifying waves of air are like the sea, splitting the universe one by one.

Yang Qingxuan and the others were all shocked, and hurriedly fled to a distance to avoid the aftermath of this terrifying sword energy. Just getting hit at random is the end of a different place in the body.

At the same time, I was shocked, who was it? Actually capable of carrying such a terrifying opponent.

"Hey, I didn't expect that I would meet such a powerful person when I first came to this world." The loud voice in the void sounded again, stirring up.

Wuxiang Mo Xun said coldly: "Where are the bugs, can a true dragon sword slash my blood?"

Nasumi Wushang was immediately infested by the bloodstained magic light, and the sword energy was lost.

"One handle is not enough, then three more handles!"

"Heaven and earth can't!"

"The calamity has no beginning!"

"I really have nothing!"

A light flashed in the void, and a man with a strange appearance appeared. The cold light in the dragon's eyes flashed, and the three lingering divine swords directly turned into real dragons and rotated, and descended along with the man.

//I opened a discussion thread in the QQ reading book review area, students who have something to say at this moment, please come! I will answer for everyone at 20 o'clock tonight.

//Seeing this, do you feel deja vu? Who are the red girl and the man who uses the four true dragon swords? Old readers may have guessed it.

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