Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2192: My name is Li Hongxiu

With the emergence of the three true dragon swords, the dragon spirit spread across the sky.

Xu Mi was wiped out without the bloodstained magic light on me.

Under the flashing of the four swords, like four true dragons flying through the sky, they hovered and merged, turning into a sword of the world, slashing fiercely on the magic knife, bursting out terrible sword energy, and finally suppressing the magic light. , Divide the universe equally.

A dragon chant came from the sword, and the sound shook the sky.

Yang Qingxuan and the others were all horrified. They saw that the monster man was covered with dragon scales, turned out to be a real dragon, and the sword of the world in his hand seemed to contain a thousand worlds, and the pressure of blood continued to explode.

Wuxiang Mo Xun finally changed his face, and the blood-stained magic knife in his hand rose again, turning into a magic light, and the countless golden runes flashed inside, shooting away.

"Shaking the world!"

A blood-stained devilish energy, a glorious golden light, two diametrically opposed forces, unexpectedly surged from Wuxiang Mo Xun's body at the same time.

The man's dragon eyes flashed, his right hand made a fist, and a real dragon immediately appeared on his arm, and he slammed it down, "Dragon Fist-immeasurable light!"


With one punch and one sword, two strokes of the ultimate magical powers of the real dragon, converge and shoot down.

The blood-stained magic knife's domain barrier was constantly compressed and shrunk.

The immeasurable light travels through time and space and connects the past, present, and future. It is the magical power of Fa-rectification that most restrains evil laws.


Wuxiang Mo Xun screamed, golden light suddenly appeared on his body, and immediately appeared a thousand hands, holy and solemn, and each pinched a shot.

The power of the great Brahman, like a peacock, spreads behind him.

The dragon gas immediately boiled and rolled, shocking the man, his hands and the sword of the world were trembling.

"Uncle Che You, be careful!"

On the top of the barren mountain in the distance, the woman in red shouted loudly, with a worried expression on her face.

A slender man in a green robe appeared behind the little girl at some unknown time. His face was full of calmness. He looked at the peak battle that shattered the universe in front of him. There was no waves in his eyes. He just said indifferently: " Cha You combines the power of the ancestor of the true dragon, and with one punch, he can burst the planet, nothing will happen."

But the sword eyebrows raised, showing a trace of sorrow and anxiety, and muttered to himself: "How can there be such a powerful existence in this desolate ancient star realm? I remember the top strongest in the southern alliance of this universe. One can obtain the titles of Great God King, Four Holy Lords, and Eight Domain Heaven Kings. Could this person be one of the 13 peaks?"

The red-clothed girl's eyes lit up and she was surprised: "Such a powerful character appears here, is it possible that what we are looking for is here?"

The man in Qingpao shook his head and said, "Your father estimated that the birth of that thing will be some time away."

The red-clothed girl said unconvincedly: "But daddy has also said that, glimpsing the mystery of the heavens, can't be accurate, otherwise it won't let us lower the realm early."

The man in the green robe said: "But with your father's ability, definitely not so much error."

After thinking about it, the red-clothed girl stopped struggling with this problem. She stepped forward and shook the man's arm in the green robe, and said coquettishly: "Uncle Wei Qing, please help Uncle Che You, I think he is about to beat him. "

Wei Qing was indifferent, and said: "If you can't beat it, you can't beat it, and you won't be killed by others. Don't worry, I will shoot before he dies."

The red-clothed girl dropped Wei Qing's arm, no longer begged, and said angrily: "Huh, you don't go and I will go."

With that, the figure flickered, like a red cloud, shooting towards the battlefield.

Wei Qing frowned, sighed, and then said loudly: "Che You, Hong Xiu said that you are about to lose and you are about to be beaten to death by the other party. I beg me to save you."

Che You's face shrank, "Wow" shouted: "How is it possible! I will lose to this kind of evil, both righteous and evil monsters? I just want to play with him for a while, and he didn't take care of the house. Just take it out. Red sleeves are not sensible, don't you, the old man, are not sensible?"

After yelling, he shouted: "Red sleeves, look at your Uncle You's true skills!"

The dragon scales all over his body suddenly violently, his body seemed to have more than doubled, and a huge dragon more than a hundred meters high appeared behind him, and his hands formed a strange mark.

The eyes of the giant dragon suddenly opened, and he looked down, as if he had seen through all the phenomena of the world, everything was empty, nothing existed.

Wuxiang Mo Xun's heart trembled, the secret path was not good, and he had already felt extremely bad.

Che You used all his strength to fill this trick, gritted his teeth and shouted, "Sigh of the true dragon!"


The whole world turned into a sea of ​​dragons, with thousands of dragons looming and tumbling, lowering coercion and restraining the devil.

The thousand hands of the Wuxiang Moxun were immediately suppressed, and the thousand hands continued to fall and shattered. In shock, cold sweat rolled off his temples.

Che You also clenched his teeth, his hands trembled slightly, cold sweat was also streaming down.

Just before the lower realm, I patted my chest and promised that in this universe, he beat the invincible hand all over the world. Who knew that just after coming down, the first opponent he encountered could not be beaten, wouldn't it mean he slapped himself in the face? After that, how did you build your tall and mighty image in front of the red sleeve?

Not only that, but he was also ashamed in front of Wei Qing, the old man, and this was the last thing Che You wanted to see.

So bite the bullet, even if the dragon scale is chopped off by that magic knife, he can't admit defeat.

"Wow, Uncle Che You is amazing, beat him, beat him!"

The girl in red hovered in the air, clapping her hands excitedly.

Yang Qingxuan was not far away, was stunned by this grand battle, staring at the red-clothed girl in a daze, wondering which family member is this young lady?

The red-clothed girl noticed Yang Qingxuan looking at her, turned around, blinked her eyes, and said in a friendly manner: "Don't worry, you will be fine, Uncle Che You will definitely defeat the demon."

Only then did Yang Qingxuan see the girl's face clearly, and couldn't help being taken aback. It was so beautiful, with a slightly childish face, long eyelashes, and bright star-like eyes. The whole body was clear and spotless.

Among all the women encountered, only Luo Tinglan's appearance can be better than this woman.

Yang Qingxuan stayed for a while and found that the girl's cheeks were slightly red. Knowing that she was rude, she hurriedly retracted her gaze, clasped his fists and said, "Thank you for helping this girl."

The girl in red chuckled and said, "My name is Li Hongxiu, just call me Hongxiu."

After a pause, he asked, "What is your name?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "My name is Yang Qingxuan."

"Yang Qingxuan, Yang Qingxuan..." Li Hongxiu muttered twice, then nodded: "Well, I remember, the first person I know in this world."

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