Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2198: Unaffordable price, sin city

Yang Qingxuan was stunned, and was even more curious about the identities of the three Li Hongxiu, and couldn't help asking: "You really don't have any news?"

The old man groaned and said, "Actually, I am very curious myself. I can tell you something I personally know, and it does not affect the rules of the ancient building. According to my guess, those mysterious people are most likely from the northern universe. Because when the big boss was investigating the identities of those people, he mobilized all the power of Defeng Ancient Tower in the northern universe."

Yang Qingxuan thought secretly, he really wasn't a person in the Southern Universe, since that was the case, he didn't need to ask any more questions.

After all, the northern universe is too far apart, even if something really happens, there are still four holy masters and eight realm kings carrying it. What's the use of myself?

Yang Qingxuan said: "I'll ask a few more things. After the ancient star realm incident, what happened to the Ning Family, Jiang Family, and Purple Heart God Palace?"

The old man thought for a while, and replied: "These three big forces have sent thousands of realm-level powerhouses to investigate the ancient star realm, but like other holy clan and clan, there is no result. The Jiang family appears to be relatively quiet, and There is no follow-up action. There seems to be someone in the Ning family looking for Yang Qingxuan in secret. In the God’s Mansion, the Purple Heart God King and Zixia Fairy retreat. Now the power of the God King’s Mansion is all controlled by the fifth fairy Ziqi. Moreover, Zi Yan and Zi Qing, In order to fight for Yang Qingxuan's right to marriage, he has openly torn his face and fought a few times, but Ziqi and several other fairies jointly suppressed it."

Yang Qingxuan almost squirted out a sip of tea, and his little mung bean eyes rolled a few times before filtering out the absurd news. He focused on asking: "The Ning family is looking for Yang Qingxuan? Are there any specific clues?"

The old man coughed twice and said, "This...you have to pay another 300 billion."

Yang Qingxuan said with a sullen face, "Are these prices you arbitrarily opening up?"

The old man chuckled and said: "How is it possible, all are priced according to grade."

Yang Qingxuan counted 300 billion Star Hao Shi and threw it over.

The ordinary-looking woman quickly took another jade slip and knelt on the ground with both hands.

Yang Qingxuan took the jade slip and couldn't wait to put it on his forehead and glanced over.

After a while, Yu Jian slowly put down, his face gloomy and uncertain.

The old man said: "Many people already know about the grievances between Yang Qingxuan and the Ning family. Some big families have even begun to pay attention to this matter. After all, such a comet-like genius will have much impact. And strength, no one can predict. No sect family is willing to have such an enemy. Therefore, it is reasonable for the Ning family to want to obliterate things in the bud."

"Hehe, Ning Family, is it finally coming?"

Yang Qingxuan's eyes flickered, and the blood in his body was warm at once. After a long-awaited collision, will it finally appear?

"Ning family, I will make you pay a price you can't afford!"

Yang Qingxuan receded his brilliance, his eyes dimmed, and returned to normal. With a wave of his hand, he put all the jade slips in front of him away, clasped his fists and said, "I see, the transaction is over, goodbye."

He got up and left straight away.

The woman who was kneeling on the ground gave a hurried cry. She originally wanted to please the Pippi Shrimp and see if she could mix some resources. Who knew that she disappeared in a blink of an eye.


A few days later, the realm of Luofu, the Promise City.

This is the junction of the jurisdiction of the Purple Heart King and the White Rune King.

At the junction of the two realms, both factions are in charge, and neither factions are in charge, which creates an extremely chaotic situation.

But this chaos seems to be intentional for the two gods palaces.

Because in this way, many inconvenient things can be handled and many inconvenient things can be circulated.

As soon as Yang Qingxuan stepped into the city, he felt a fierce hostility, faintly floating in the air.

The warriors who came and went with a calm face and a thoughtful look, and after a few steps, they disappeared at the end of the street.

From time to time in the sky, a powerful escape light flashed, like a white horse passing through a gap.

This is a city where you can release yourself at will. There are no rules, no emotions, only strength and money.

Yang Qingxuan was walking on an ancient bluestone road and found the warriors on both sides, turning around from time to time to look at him and peeping at him, with scorching eyes and fierce lights flashing.

Suddenly, a short teenager ran out, and slammed into Yang Qingxuan with a dull head.

Yang Qingxuan smiled faintly, and at a glance, he could see through the evil spirit flashing in the boy's eyes. Naturally, he would not let him touch the porcelain. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the boy's head so that he would not touch him. At the same time, he shouted: "What do you do? ?"

The teenager chuckled and broke Yang Qingxuan's hand with both hands. He chuckled and said, "My lord, you are from outside, is there anything I can help you? I am most familiar with Promise City, but I will be your guide for you. Just pay me a hundred-star Haoshi."

Yang Qingxuan was expressionless, staying on the young man's wrist, immediately dropped a storage bag, and sneered: "Hundred-star Haoshi, would you like to add another storage bag?"

The young man's face changed slightly, and he suddenly wanted to break free from Yang Qingxuan's hand, and shouted: "Let go of me! Let go of me! It's killing people, outsiders are coming to kill people!"

There was a commotion around the street. More than a dozen of the five big and three rough martial artists, all showing fierce faces, came over aggressively, and one of them shouted: "Dare to move my son, where is the outsider, look for death! Brothers, chop? Kill him!"

"Does foreigners bully the locals, is there a reason? Kill!"

Those more than a dozen people were all ferocious ruffian appearances, with strength ranging from the Three Flower Realm to the Emperor Heaven, all soaring into the sky, flying towards Yang Qingxuanji.

All kinds of punches, guns and sticks, all greeted Yang Qingxuan.

Yang Qingxuan threw the boy out casually, the breath on his body was slightly dispersed, and all these people flew out, one by one, bleeding heavily in the air.

"No! It's a hard idea, run away!"

These ruffians were thrown to the ground fiercely, full of horror, and they all ran away when they got up.

Yang Qingxuan was speechless for a while, and suddenly his pupils shrank, staring at the front of the street, as if to see through the end, as if seeing something amazing.


There was a huge vibration in front.

Numerous cracks were opened on the hard bluestone road, which spread to Yang Qingxuan's feet, and then cracked back.

And there is a strong vigor, which is transmitted along with the cracks in the earth.

A large number of building fragments, corpses, blood, and various residual limbs and broken arms were mixed in the energy.

The dozen or so people who just wanted to blackmail Yang Qingxuan from Keng Ci, were in that violent storm, but they were broken into pieces, and only a few heads were still vaguely discernible.

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