Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2199: Enchanted man

"It's killing! Ji Yu is killing again!"

Screams came from the front of the street.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of martial artists fled to Yang Qingxuan, all in horror, no one looked at him, they all flew through.

Amid the terrible power in front, a very thin man walked out slowly, wearing a little felt hat, and coniferous magic patterns on his arms and face.

A pair of eyes were scarlet as blood, flashing murderous and evil, but his hands were casually handed behind him, and he walked over while humming a small song.

After just taking two steps, he reached Yang Qingxuan and stopped.

"Dare you stand in my way?"

"Heaven and underground, the road is so wide, anyone can walk, how can I stop it?" Yang Qingxuan said calmly.

The man in front of him was very young and unruly, but the devilish energy and evil spirit on his body were extremely strong, and he did not know how many people had been killed to give birth to such a terrible evil spirit.

"You are in front of me, just blocking my way." Ji Yu said.

"You walked to me by yourself, and it was your own heart, not me, that stood in your way."

"Cut." Ji Yu looked disdainful, his eyes flashed with contemptuous sneer, "Little bunny, delicate skin and tender meat, this is the first time to come to Promise City? Saliva!"

A mouthful of sputum came out, like a sharp arrow, sprayed into Yang Qingxuan's face.

Yang Qingxuan shook slightly, and at the moment the phlegm came over, he raised his right hand and slapped Ji Yu's face with a fierce palm.

Ji Yu's pupils suddenly enlarged, shooting out a shocked look.

Yang Qingxuan's speed is even higher than his reaction. Although there is something to underestimate the enemy, the opponent's speed and strength are completely beyond the ability of the nine-star middle-level realm king.

Ji Yu screamed, twisting his upper body desperately, trying to avoid this palm, releasing his hands from behind, raising his arms to defend, but...


A sturdy palm slapped his face and slapped him out.

Yang Qingxuan's body shook slightly again, avoiding the phlegm.

Yang Qingxuan shook his wrist and said blankly: "This slap is to teach you to be hygienic and not to spit anywhere."

Ji Yu lay on the ground, staring at everything in front of him blankly, as if he couldn't believe it. He touched his face with his hand, as well as the blood on the corner of his mouth, feeling a trance.

"Swish swish."

In all directions, people flickered from time to time, but they kept a long distance away, and no one dared to come forward.

Many people are still the warriors who just ran away, and they are all shocked and surprised at the moment.

"Ji Yu was actually slapped and slapped!"

"Oh my god, how is this possible, Ji Yu is the king of the nine-star peak world."

"Who is this kid? There is only a nine-star intermediate level, right? I didn't see it clearly just now. Mostly Ji Yu was careless. This kid is going to die."

"Who to provoke is not easy to provoke, but to provoke this evil star, and Ji Yu is in a runaway state now? This evil star must kill every time he runs away, it is terrible!"

"Wuji City has no rules. You can kill if you have the strength. It's too late to escape now."

All kinds of discussions came into Yang Qingxuan's ears.

Yang Qingxuan didn't care, and continued to walk to the front of the street.

"Go? Hit me, and still fantasize about going?"

Ji Yu stood up, the scarlet eyes, like gems, looked even more dazzling.

Yang Qingxuan stopped and said calmly: "You mean, hit you again?"

"I mean, go to hell!"

Ji Yu yelled, that originally beautiful face suddenly became hideous and terrifying, his hair exploded, and all the needle-like magic lines all over his body surged, extending from the skin, turning into black wings behind him, stretching out Open and reach more than ten feet away.

The whole person floated into the sky, with wings and flaps, and suddenly the magic light shot out in circles, like raindrops.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The ground in all directions was immediately beaten into a sieve.

Every magic light exploded, spreading in all directions, superimposing each other, forming a sea of ​​magic light.

Yang Qingxuan stepped back with one foot, and the whole person rose up from the sky, and four profound flags flew out from the palm of his right hand, each transformed into an enchantment, and then joined together.

Yang Qingxuan flipped his right hand again, and the four profound flags immediately fell on the ground, thousands of golden lotus flashed, cyan light gleaming, red flames scorching, mysterious water surrounded, ten thousand demons retreated.

All the magic light can't invade, even within a range of several meters outside the barrier, a vacuum area is formed, blocking all the magic energy outside.

Ji Yu roared in anger, and his wings flowed behind him, constantly splitting the void, slowly emitting a metallic sound.

The two wings were linked together and fell off from behind to form a very mysterious weapon, like a whip and not a whip, like a knife and not a knife, like a chain and not a chain, but it has the advantages of combining three weapons.

A brilliant murderous aura burst out of Ji Yu's pupils, and he shouted: "Wingspin!"

The pitch-black wings slashed down from the air, and like a long whip, shot down fiercely.

Yang Qingxuan's heart moved slightly, and the young man in front of him was full of devilish energy, and his eyes shot out a strange look, but for some reason, he looked on with fiery eyes and felt that something was wrong.

"Could it be..."

Yang Qingxuan suddenly thought of Wuxiang Mo Xun, "Is it just like Wuxiang Tianwang, just possessed by demons?"

With a thought, he immediately pinched his right hand in front of him, and then moved a little to the right.

A circle of earth elements diffused out, forming a star ring, suppressing in all directions.

Even the warriors who watched the battle in the distance were convulsed and retreated one by one, because the crushing gravity of the earth element had already affected them, for fear that they would fall into it accidentally.

In the ring of countless Saturn stars, Indra slowly emerged.

Yang Qingxuan grabbed the star stick with his right hand and slashed at that Yixuan severely.


A earth-shaking sound violently broke, the earth shattered, and all the blue bricks instantly turned into dust.

The surrounding space was crushed and collapsed toward the front of the star rod.

The Wing Rotary Zhan trembled, and it fell apart inch by inch, and there was a terrifying scream inside, which was creepy.

The huge impact of the Earth Element broke through the air and hit Ji Yu hard.

The dull face suddenly yelled in pain, spouted a mouthful of blood, and flew out.


Ji Yu fell to the ground and slid hundreds of feet away in the air.

A shocking bloodstain appeared on the ground.

The Wu Xiu all around were so scared that their hearts were trembling, and they looked at Yang Qingxuan in horror, and at the same time looked at the eye-catching bloodstain, a chill of horror flooded his body.

"Uh, it's really interesting."

Yang Qingxuan was holding a star stick and received four profound flags, and his figure moved to Ji Yu's side.

The scarlet eyes and the magic pattern covered with needles have disappeared, and he has changed back to the normal appearance of a young man, looking at him in horror.

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