Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2276: Go ahead, life is like this

Yang Qingxuan said in surprise: "My Patriarch will take care of this for me? I kill Zhou Wenshan, and the juniors are absolutely unambiguous."

Jiang Futian smiled and said: "I didn't underestimate you, do you take it? The Ning family did not care about you before, so you can live well. Now that you have gained some reputation, you think the Ning family can let you go Happy outside? You can't afford a Ning family, but can you still be a Zhou family?"

Yang Qingxuan thought that before he came to Jiang's house, he was intercepted by a strong Ning family. Once he left Jiang's house, the interception would only get worse.

Yang Qingxuan said silently: "This is not easy to bear, right?"

Jiang Futian looked at Yang Qingxuan, and slowly said, "Anything in the world can be discussed, and the key is the price. The Jiang family is willing to help you carry it out, and you must understand my thoughts."

Yang Qingxuan said: "I would like to hear the details."

Jiang Futian smiled lightly, stood with his hands behind him, and said, "There are thousands of people who have enemies with the Ning family. There are also thousands of people who want to use the hands of the Jiang family to deal with the Ning family. But why should I help you? You have enough potential!"

Jiang Futian's eyes were full of radiance, and he said: "Two moves will defeat my dharmakaya at the same level as you. Even the six people who are called kings among the younger generation of the Muhai realm today cannot do it. With you As long as his talent does not fall, you will definitely have a place in the future Holy Lord and King."

Yang Qingxuan said: "I understand, Patriarch is going to bet on the future."

Jiang Futian said: "Exactly!"

Yang Qingxuan said: "Okay, no problem."

Jiang Futian said: "You didn't even think about it, so you answered me rashly? It made me a little guilty. Let's just marry sister Wenjun first."

Yang Qingxuan was full of black lines.

Jiang Futian looked at him and said, "I know about you and the Purple Heart God Palace, but this is nothing. In the Muhai area, there are marriages between sect families, and one man marries dozens of them. You can first Marry a goddess prince, and then marry sister Wenjun."

Yang Qingxuan said sternly: "Sister Wenjun is a very good girl, but I will not marry. Patriarch will bet on the future, if one day I become the Holy Lord Heavenly King, I will naturally not treat the Jiang family badly. This promise, Marriage does not need to be guaranteed, and marriage cannot be guaranteed."

Jiang Futian pondered and said, "Are you worried that you can't explain it to the Purple Heart God King? I can send someone to persuade you about this matter."

Yang Qingxuan smiled bitterly: "Naturally not, I will not marry the daughters of the Purple Heart God King. I never think that marriage is a child's play and can be sacrificed for profit at will. Benefits are what I want, but I will only Use your own hands to fight for it, and never exchange it for anything else."

Jiang Futian frowned and said, "You are still too young. How can the power of one person contend the whole world? You need too many friends, and many of these friends can be brought by marriage, even if it is just simple It is still an effective and feasible means to use once or twice."

Yang Qingxuan said sternly: "I will be young forever."

Jiang Futian furrowed his brows deeper, he pondered, and said, "I don't care if you reject Sister Wenjun. But if you reject the Protoss Queen, will Zi Xin let you go?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "I will solve this matter by myself. After the Jiang family's trip, I will go to the Luofu Realm Desire City, and find the Purple Heart King to solve the matter completely."

Jiang Futian said: "I promised you to deal with the Ning Family because of many considerations. In fact, a large part of this factor is that you are the son-in-law of Zixin's Dragon Dragon. If you lose this level of identity, it is very likely to affect you. To my decision."

Yang Qingxuan sighed and said, "I will use the power that can be borrowed as much as possible, and I will not borrow the power that cannot be borrowed at all. Patriarch can reassess me."

Jiang Futian said: "You are really a wayward person."

Yang Qingxuan sighed: "There is no way, I have been like this since I was young, and I can't change it."

Jiang Futian said: "It's just right. It will take some time for this seat to leave the customs. You should solve the problem of the gods and princes first. While I make some preparations, I send someone to Zhou's house to discuss how to deal with Zhou Wenshan's affairs. "

Yang Qingxuan thought for a while, and said, "I still think that one person is responsible for Zhou Wenshan."

Jiang Futian smiled and said, "So, you are still too young. The living Zhou Wenshan is very important to the Zhou family, but the dead Zhou Wenshan has no value to the Zhou family. The Zhou family is a clan, so you have to look forward. , You know? And when Zhou Wenshan died, many people in the Zhou family must be happy. So this matter is not unsolvable, but depends on how to resolve it and who will resolve it. I will handle this matter better than you. Many. And the Zhou family definitely wants me to deal with it. Because if the responsibility is passed on to you, the Zhou family will break your body into pieces at most, which will not do them any good. But if the responsibility lies with the Jiang family, the Zhou family can get the best. Great interest. It is equivalent to maximizing the use of this dead Zhou Wenshan. This is in the interest of the family."

Yang Qingxuan was stunned. He was so smart, he understood naturally, and smiled bitterly: "So, I will trouble the Patriarch."

Jiang Futian snorted: "I'm not troublesome, you can handle your own affairs quickly, and don't forget the Jiang family's help to you. As long as Zi Xin let you go, I will fully support you to deal with the Ning family. If it is Zi Xin If you don’t let you go, this matter must be considered for a long time. Although I am not afraid of Zixin, I do not want to conflict with the Protoss."

Yang Qingxuan clasped his fist and said: "The junior understands."

Jiang Futian nodded and waved his sleeves, and his whole body was dissolved as an air soldier, turning into debris and dispersed.

Yang Qingxuan turned around and left the main hall, looking at the endless sea of ​​clouds and the sky, suddenly felt his pride filled his chest, and he was indomitable for the future.

The next day.

Jiang Yunting hurriedly knocked on the door, "Sister, it's okay, Yang Qingxuan is gone!" There was a trace of sadness in his voice.

The door opened with a squeak. Jiang Wenjun stood in front of the door with a very calm face and said, "I know." He took out a letterhead and handed it to Jiang Yunting, saying, "He wrote this to you and me."

Jiang Yunting hurriedly opened it, and wrote on it with vigorous and powerful strokes: Everywhere in life is known, it should be like Feihong stepping on the mud; accidentally leaving his fingers on the mud, Hongfei repeats that thing.

Jiang Yunting leaned weakly against the door for a while, muttering to himself: "Hongfei's reconsideration thing...Did he finally leave..."

Jiang Wenjun said calmly: "Sister, look at the white clouds in the sky. Gathering and dispersing, dispersing and gathering, life is separated and reunited, and it is like being together again. Why bother?"

Despite what she said, she couldn't help but shed tears.

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