Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2277: Funny days, inexplicable people

After Yang Qingxuan left Jiang's house, he immediately transformed into a half-fish and headed to the realm of Luofu.

Since he had been intercepted by the Ning family, there would be a second and third time until he was killed. With the Ning family's ability, even if he had seventy-two changes, he had to be careful.

Moreover, the half-dragon and the demon clan were all alert, becoming a murloc, looking low-key and not out of style, strange but still acceptable.

After half a month, Yang Qingxuan entered the City of No Desire.

Along the way, I was thinking about how to communicate with Zixin, and at the same time stabilize my thousand realms.

So I was not in a hurry to go to the Palace of Gods. Instead, I rented a secret room in the training area. I practiced for more than a month and trained the Immortal Artifact and Vajra Prajna to a certain extent.

In addition, he has a deeper understanding of the original wish sutra of the Wuxiang Tathagata. The mental method of this scripture transforms the form into the form without phase, and the phase with the phase can return to the form without phase, so it can stimulate various magical powers.

Yang Qingxuan uses this mental method to directly operate the five elements' magical powers. Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth all have the same appearance and have a deep understanding of the essentials. Can't help but feel the power of this mental method.

I also thought of the Wuxiang Moxun. Since the first battle of the ancient star realm, he has gone without a trace, and I don’t know where he has gone. Maybe there will be news from the Defeng Ancient Tower, but he is just a small thousand realms, not enough for the other party. Filling the gaps, it's better not to ask questions, and do your own thing in peace. When the sky has fallen, the four holy masters and eight domain kings will hold on.

And I haven't seen anything happen to the Muhai area for so long, so I don't have to worry about it.

On this day, I left the training area and went to Fang City to buy some mineral materials, hoping to sacrifice the imperial seal.

To repair ancient treasures, contemporary craftsmen have no good way, they can only pile up precious materials, refine the essence, and force them on, but this is also no way.

Therefore, the restored ancient treasures are easily damaged after the battle, and need to be repaired again with materials.

After all, Wuyu City is the main city of the Luofu Realm, and it is also the nest of the Purple Heart God King. There are still many good things. Many good mineral metals have been scoured in most of the day, and Yang Qingxuan bought them all.

When passing by a wine shop, a voice suddenly came from inside, "Friend, come in and chat."

Yang Qingxuan looked around and found that there was no one on the road. It seemed that he was talking about himself. He looked up and saw that a middle-aged man was sitting in the window of the wine shop, sipping his wine lightly, smiling at himself.

Yang Qingxuan frowned and said, "Do we know each other?"

The man thought about it seriously, and said: "You can say you know, or you don't know, this question is really difficult to answer."

"Oh?" Yang Qingxuan sneered: "Are you trying to pretend to be -B to arouse my interest?"

The man "haha" laughed and said, "Are you a beauty?"

Yang Qingxuan said, "No."

The man smiled and said, "I don't like men, let alone this man is still a fish."

Yang Qingxuan said, "Me too. So, there is no need to talk."

The smile on the man's face did not diminish, and he put down his wine glass and slowly said, "If you don't want to talk to me, I'm afraid that you will talk to the person behind you."

Yang Qingxuan was startled. He was now the Lord of the Thousand Realms, and he didn't even notice that anyone was following him. At this moment, he was reminded by this person that it was secretly operating the Wuxiang Tathagata Original Wish Sutra, and then he noticed a trace of abnormality.

Behind him is looming, and there seems to be an aura locked in himself.

But if you don't concentrate on investigating, you can't perceive it at all.

Yang Qingxuan was shocked in a cold sweat, and could track him so quietly, at least it was also the cultivation base of the thousand realms, who would it be?

The Ning family?

Or from the Palace of Gods?

Yang Qingxuan thought for a while, he was like a murloc at the moment, and it hadn't been long since the Ning Family and the people of the Gods Palace shouldn't recognize them so quickly.

After thinking about it, he turned and walked into the wine shop, and sat down opposite the middle-aged man.

This is a small wine restaurant, but it has a unique decoration style, very bright and simple, and generous. It is not good in Wuyu City, but it is still passable.

When Yang Qingxuan drank the wine provided in the wine shop, he could feel a hint of warmth, and it was already precious. It also had a slight sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance, at least it was comfortable to drink.

The middle-aged man laughed and said: "Wuyu City is a good place. When such a wine shop is opened, the Xinghao Stone earned is enough for a low-level realm king to practice. A son of the wine shop owner relies on this restaurant. The money earned by the wine shop has been cultivated to the realm king and now works in the palace of the gods."

Yang Qingxuan said calmly: "It seems that you have stayed in Wuyu City for a long time. At least you have been to this wine shop many times."

Middle-aged humanity: "There are only three kinds of wines here, all of which I like."

After speaking, the clear wine in the bowl was drunk, the white porcelain bowl was placed on the table, and a few copper coins were suddenly thrown into the bowl, making a "clang" sound.

Yang Qingxuan's pupils shrank slightly, and under the sway of the copper coins, there was a force of regularity to rotate around, and the patterns depicted on the sky and round places of these coins were actually the lines of the great road.

The middle-aged man glanced at the bowl, smiled and collected the copper coins, and said, "Today is really an interesting day."

Yang Qingxuan was puzzled, and suddenly walked into a gray-robed man from outside the wine shop, and he couldn't help but feel violent. It was this feeling, the looming and staring feeling, that the gray-robed man was following him.

The gray-robed man looked very ordinary, there was no place to shine, he walked straight to the table of Yang Qingxuan, and sat down without saying hello.

Yang Qingxuan suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart, as if he, the gray-robed man, and the middle-aged man in front of him seemed to be a little throbbing, or they were in touch with each other.

The middle-aged man stared at the gray-robed man for a while. He seemed very jealous of him, but then he smiled and said, "It's really unexpected."

The grey-robed man took a look at him and said, "It seems that you already know who I am. Do you want to go with me by yourself or want me to do it."

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "I won't go with you, and you won't have a chance to do it with me. You can't take the murloc in front of you."

The gray-robed man said coldly: "Where are you confident?"

The middle-aged man said: "I don't have confidence, but today is an interesting day."

Both the gray robe man and Yang Qingxuan frowned, especially Yang Qingxuan. This is the second time the middle-aged man said this, and he really didn't understand the "interesting".

Suddenly, a little girl's voice came from outside the wine shop, "Uncle Che You, let's go to this wine shop for a rest." Yinling was sweet, soft and very nice.

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