Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2304: The world has no way, the last formula


Shi Yan hurriedly ran over, lifted Lei Qu, and ruthlessly scolded at the sky: "Beast! You are also a human being. This eternal prosperous age was created by your brother himself! You should destroy it!"

Moon Soul, Madame White Bone and others all retreated to the Star Palace, defending in front of Lei Qu and Shi Yan.

Clear Sky Evening Zhao and Zhong Jie compared their gestures, and both nodded gently, commanding their hands to surround themselves, trapping the human race.

All the high-levels of the human race, as well as the strong people who have friendship with the human race, gather in this star palace.

Today's battle will be the beginning of the foundation for the future generations of the Hundreds and Demons.

Tian Ruqing was not angry, but sneered: "It is precisely because my brother created the foundation with his own hands, that's why I want to destroy him, so that I can prove that my ability is far above my brother. Furthermore, The human race is extinct? You have been thinking too much, and it is not only the human race in the sky star field. When you kill you scum, complete the agreement between me and the adult, then leave the star field, travel the universe, and achieve the supreme realm. Tsk, you guys I really can count on myself."

Qingkong said: "There are ants under the thousand worlds. Now our three thousand world masters are here, and none of you are here. There are only a few half-slapped half-step thousand worlds. What's the use? It's better to die with your hands. Save yourself a little dignity."

Yuehun said angrily: "Bastard thing! The dignity of a warrior is the battlefield!" Stepped forward, his body shook slightly, and thirty-six Demon Emperor Bone Orbs suddenly appeared, swirling in front of him.

Qingkong's face changed slightly, and he shouted, "Everyone, be careful! The mahayana trick of the Heavenly God Technique is infinite, extremely powerful, and powerful enough to match a thousand realms!"

Wu Que followed closely behind Yue Hun and said with a tender face: "Brother Yue Hun, you cannot be born in the same year and month and day, but you have to die in the same year and month and day."

Yuehun sighed softly and said, "I just wronged you."

Wu Que said: "I don't feel wronged, I am a human being, but I have caused Brother Yuehun."

Wu Que raised his hand, countless moonflowers leaned out, and suddenly all things appeared in the sky above the star palace, and the world was hanging upside down.

Qingkong and Wanzhao had a gloomy face, they opened their mouths gently, and they were communicating something in a low voice. Outsiders could not hear them clearly.

"Hmph, be a mandarin duck of the same fate, and fulfill you, as well as Shi Yan, the Great Demon Bull King, Mrs. White Bone, the three human emperors, and all the scum. Let's go on the road together!"

Tian ruthlessly used his hands to operate the magic art, the powerful sword aura on his body violently, countless divine swords burst out of the air, suspended over the entire star palace, and shot down.

Yuehun shouted: "Shoot!"

Among the thirty-six Demon Emperor ancient beads, a powerful force burst out, layer by layer, forming a vast sea in an instant, blasting away.

The moon shadow in Wuque's hand tilted, and with a sharp shout, countless Yuehua pouring out of his body, like a fairy in the moon.

The two forces merged together perfectly, sweeping across the six and eight wastes.


Mahayana Boundless and Fengyue Book slammed into Taixuan Jianyi.

The three magical powers are all the techniques contained in the Tianshen Jue. They all have the meaning of vastness and infinity. The huge energy instantly blows up the entire star palace, and countless buildings and creatures are instantly wiped out.

Tianshen Jue is the treasure of the towns and clan of the Celestial Clan in the universe of the first generation. It was brought into the lower realm by Yu privately. Although it was split into nine chapters, the profound meanings of Taoism contained in each one are extremely mysterious and difficult to penetrate.

Even the people at the Nine Stars Peak, the Moon Soul had to borrow 36 Demon Emperor Bone Beads as magical artifacts in order to display and stack the Mahayana Immeasurable; Witch's delving into the Book of Wind and Moon is even more intriguing and self-seal; The ancestors of the family, after obtaining the Taixuan sword intent, realized their own martial spirit, and then mastered the Taixuan sword intent for one or two; the two of the two in the clear sky and evening photo had to work together to show the back of everything.

At this moment, under the collision of the three supernatural powers, everyone's mind was shocked, one by one was shocked and inexplicably, and kept backing away.

Tian Ruqing's face changed drastically, and he said in anger, "Impossible!"

Moon Soul and Wu Que joined forces to form a rivalry with his one-star Intermediate Thousand Realms.

Wuque was full of horror, looking at the bone beads in front of Yuehun, a ghost of the demon emperor appeared on it, and cracks began to appear.

Even the largest one, Moon Soul's own bone beads, could not bear the immeasurable thirty-six stack of Mahayana, and began to tremble slightly.

The husband and wife are sad in their hearts, but at this moment of life and death, their bodies are even closer together, feeling the tenderness and companionship between each other, and will never leave it.

Wan Zhao suddenly yelled and said: "Everyone shot together, don't wait, send them to the west directly!"

At the moment, both hands pinched, a yellow light appeared on the arm.

The clear sky is also the same seal, which is the third chapter of Tianshen Jue.

The two brothers and sisters shot at the same time, and the situation changed suddenly, and the energy fluctuations of the entire sky instantly produced subversive changes.

Bailifu exclaimed: "No! We will shoot together, even if we die, we will drag them together!"

People on both sides immediately shot.

Hundreds of people, the lowest cultivation level also has the existence of the middle-level realm king, and they shot together, and the world was suddenly mammoth, forming two huge energy fields, violently colliding together.

The Hundred Clan and the Demon Clan, headed by Tian Ruqing, Zhong Jie and Qingkong Wanzhao, and the Human Clan, are doing their best together.

Under the collision of the two energy fields, the world shattered, and the sun and the moon disappeared.

Not only did the star palace completely collapsed, but even the central capital below was once again in desperation, and was shattered in a large area by the terrible spiritual pressure.

But the human race was weaker after all, the energy field was swallowed up a little bit, and the pressure came back.

The demon emperor's ancient beads in front of the moon soul finally burst one after another "boom boom boom".

The thirty-six layers of power were superimposed, and the balance was instantly out of balance, and the powerful force burst out at once, and swallowed its body.

"Brother Yuehun!"

Wu Que was shocked and immediately messed up in his hands, hurriedly protecting the Moon Soul who was vomiting blood from the Mahayana immeasurable backlash, his face was full of tenderness and love.

The two looked at each other, no matter where the white clouds were between the sky and the earth, the situation met.

It doesn't matter whether the end of the world or the corners of the world, or the Yellow Springs of the Nine Nether, are no longer important, as long as they embrace each other at this moment, it will last forever.

The two fell and lost, and the momentum of the entire human race suddenly collapsed.

The forces of the hundreds of races came together like mountains and seas, sweeping everything in the world and engulfing all the human race.


In everyone's hearts, they were heavily relieved, as if they had drawn an end to this era.

Shi Yan and the others sighed lightly, but at the end of this era, they felt lightened all over, and felt relieved.

Shi Yan, Midnight, Wu Qiyue, Shi Yuyan, Madame White Bone, and some powerful men flashed in their minds that solitary figure in the world, thinking to himself that if he were still in this world, the human race would definitely not fall. So far.

//Wait for another chapter, everyone hurry up and drop the tickets, (^_^)∠※...

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