Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2305: No regrets over time, one move to end

The women of Wu Qiyue felt even more sad, and said, "Brother Qingxuan, see you again in the next life."

At this moment, a powerful force swept through all the magical powers of the world, shot down from the sky, fell in front of everyone, and burst out with dazzling brilliance.


The two forces were cut apart by this golden light.

A figure standing alone in the world, stepped out in the sight of hundreds of unbelievable eyes.

"Hey! This..."

Everyone was dumbfounded, completely stunned.

Everyone knows how strong these two forces are, enough to sweep all the laws of heaven and earth, and even split the plane and smash the star field.

But this kind of power was torn apart by this figure and forcibly squeezed in.

The forces of overwhelming mountains and seas under the joint hands of the hundreds of races suddenly blasted on the golden figure, shocked with golden light, and it was stirred, but it could not be crushed.

The three women Wu Qiyue screamed in horror, but they were completely speechless, and a heart came to her throat. Even when I was scared to cry by the foreground, I didn't believe everything I saw in front of me, and felt too illusory.

The figure clenched his fists, his body exploded with powerful physical power, and the golden light spread in circles, with a physical body, hard to carry everyone together.

"This is the place where I was born and raised."

"Here are my teachers and classmates, my love and friends, I have respected predecessors and favorite people and things."

"Every inch of the sky and the earth here is flowing with the air I breathed, the water I drank, the road I walked, the people I met, and even... the blood..."

The golden figure faced the overwhelming power and walked forward step by step. With each step, the body trembled, bursting with dazzling brilliance.

At this point, Tian Ruqing and others saw the person's face clearly in horror, and cried out, "Yang Qingxuan!"

"No, it's impossible! No such thing, it's absurd!"

The people of a hundred races were amazed one by one, and a bad feeling enveloped everyone's heart.

The man was under tremendous pressure, and with every step he took, the sky was crushed, but the murderous intent and hatred in his eyes, like two sharp steel knives, penetrated into the hearts of all the people of the Hundred Clan, and said coldly: "So , Anyone who destroys every inch of this place, let me die today!"

Tian Ruqing, Zhong Jie, and Sunny Sky Evening Zhao had the strongest sensitivity to the avenue. They immediately noticed the great danger, and shouted: "Take it! Everyone, take it! This is dangerous!"

Supreme Profound Sword Intent, Flying Dragon in the Sky, Imperial Punishment Sword, Heavenly Demon Map, Backtracking of Everything, Shangbao Qinxin Rake, all powerful magical powers are all displayed.

Among the Hundred Clan and Demon Clan, all the masters also felt a burst of chills, frantically flooding the true essence into the magical powers and blasting out.

The world is completely shrouded in this huge energy field.

In front of Yang Qingxuan, it was like a huge tsunami rushing down wildly.

Midnight waited for the people to be in a hurry and was about to step forward to help, but Shi Yan held him back and said in a deep voice, "Don't move!"

The hearts of the many powerful people in the human race trembled, and they were shocked.

Should Yang Qingxuan stand alone?

When everyone was at a loss, Yang Qingxuan took a deep breath, waved his right hand, and the Indra appeared and shook in front of him. The nine rings banged, immediately spreading out a powerful earth. Tie the barrier, instantly blocking the front.


The force of that row of mountains and sea, dozens of people's combined blow, was immediately blocked by Indra.

But there are still countless tyrannical forces that penetrate the barrier one after another.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes were cold, his hands folded in front of him, his whole body turned into an eternally burning body, and the ancient Yan of Shan Heng instantly rose into the sky, burning the whole world into fiery red.

Several white brilliance gushed from Yang Qingxuan's body and merged into this formula.

"The hour is up, you can go to die!"

"Eight dragons, extradition in one ride!"

The flames all over the sky gathered again, blended into this move, and burst out wildly.


The power that penetrated the enchantment of Indra was instantly pierced by the Babu Yichengdu, with an extremely powerful one-handed force, sweeping the Eight Desolations in the Universe and purging all time forces.

The past, present, and future, countless rules and Taoism, seem to be integrated into this trick.

The earthly sea of ​​suffering, extradited sentient beings by one multiplication.

"Hey! No!—"

"Impossible! Impossible!--"

"Ah! No, I don't want to die!"

Countless convulsive and air-conditioned voices, frightened voices, pleading voices, horrified voices, and screaming to death voices, all mixed together, and then swallowed and annihilated by this trick.


As the Babu Yichengdu swept across the sky, all the calls of ghosts and sprites were annihilated and clean, and the entire void could only hear the "rumbling" echo and the endless emptiness after the sky was broken.

All the powerhouses of all races were all dumbfounded, unbelievable, and at the same time incomprehensibly looking at everything in front of them, with one person, they packed dozens of realm kings, plus three thousand realms?

Wu Qiyue rubbed and rubbed her eyes, showing her blue eyes, so she could faintly be in this white void. Seeing the figure who missed the day and night, day by day, tears could not stop streaming down, crying: " It's really him, it's really him..."

Shi Yan smiled bitterly: "This kid...this kid..."

A group of people looked at each other, not knowing what to say. At this moment, even if there are thousands of words, they can't say a word.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

In the void, there was a roar of ruthless anger from the sky.

A huge sword aura came from across the air and slashed at Yang Qingxuan fiercely.

In the other two voids, two powerful auras were also shot, one was the imperial sword, and the other was Shangbao's heart rake.

Evening photos of Zhong Jie and the clear sky, hiding in nothingness, were already speechless in horror, seeing the sky cruelly violent, immediately cooperated with the shot, and knew whether he could or left, maybe it depends on this, so it is all Do your best.

Up to this moment, they still couldn't believe the power Yang Qingxuan showed just now, and they felt that there must be a mystery inside.

"Oh, ants."

Yang Qingxuan raised his hand and frightened him directly with his palm. With a "bang", the giant sword was directly shattered by the shock.

Then he grabbed his backhand and hit the Yuxinghuangdao, bursting out a tyrannical wave.

The magic lines on the knife flowed, and it trembled with a "buzzing", and it continued to deform under Yang Qingxuan's palm, and finally broke with a "bang".

Zhong Jie was immediately backlashed, "Wow" spouting a big mouthful of blood, eyes full of horror and amazement, and muttered: "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Yang Qingxuan repelled the two attacks, raised his hand again, and grabbed at that Shangbao Qinxin.

A dazzling golden light broke out on the entire rake, struggling desperately to break free from Yang Qingxuan's restraint, but it was not available.

Wan Zhao yelled in horror in the void: "Brother, no! He wants to **** our rake!"

//Sleep, good night everyone, continue tomorrow.

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