The content of the video is a bit shocking, as a person can be pushed several meters away with a slight push of his palm. The legendary powerful person with dark power may be nothing more than this.


The Internet is a mixed bag, with both true and false news rampant.

There are also various editing and special effects. Except for a small number of people present who swear by it, few others really believe it.


Even those who were present that day felt a little unconfident when they recalled it.


It's not necessarily someone else's double act, and it's not necessarily that they were deliberately led to believe it. In short, the video went viral for a few days and was covered by other hot topics.

the other side.

Wen Lei finally made up her mind to join Fang Ci.

"As early as when I was in school, my family had already started planning my career, starting with the auction under Tongchuang."

“Then I joined Tongchuang, and finally used Tongchuang as a springboard to join Tiansheng and join the upper class.”

She shrugged and said:

"In the future, I will develop into investments, private equity, etc. For this purpose, I also took a certificate in this field, and my family even used a lot of connections."

"I admire you." Fang Zheng said:

"It's better for rich people like you. Every step of your life is planned. People like me... live one step at a time."

"Huh?" Wen Lei looked sideways, with a strange look on her face:

"It's just what others say. When it comes out of your mouth, it feels like you are laughing at me."


"never mind."

After arranging her hair, Wen Lei sighed helplessly:

“Plans never keep up with changes.”

"One wrong move may cause me to waste several years in Tongchuang. Now that you have kidnapped me, all the years of planning have come to nothing."

"It's not abduction." Fang Zheng said:

"It's an invitation, and joining Fang Ci is definitely the right decision."

"Okay." Wen Lei nodded:

"I can earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in Tongchuang. I am a real high-salaried person. The price Boss Fang pays for poaching people will not be lower than the original price, right?"

"Of course not." Fang Zheng waved his hand:

"I have decided to release part of Fang Ci's equity to outstanding employees. When the company is listed, the boss will immediately achieve financial freedom."

"Going public?" Wen Lei hummed:

"Let's take a step and see."

The two of them found a drink shop on the roadside and sat down, casually ordering a drink while Wen Lei slowly opened the file and read through it.

"This profit..."

"real or fake?"

"Really." Fang Zheng said slightly proudly:

"So I say joining Fangci is the right decision."

"The jade business alone has a net profit of close to 8 million a month." Wen Lei looked surprised and sat up subconsciously:

"how did you do that?"

Many listed companies cannot achieve a net profit of hundreds of millions a year.

"Secret!" Fang Zheng coughed lightly:

"You don't have to worry about the jade business. Our next focus is mainly on the porcelain business."

Buying and selling jade relies on otherworldly resources.

To be honest, I definitely can't continue to be so unrestrained in the future. After all, a large amount of jade flowing out of my hands will eventually arouse the suspicion of others.

Why can your inferior stone produce good jade and keep producing it?

This makes no sense!

Only a small amount of high-quality jade can be maintained.


Wen Lei suppressed her doubts and continued to look down:

"Your accounts are so clean that they don't look like a company. If everyone opened a company like you, 60% of the women working on sewing machines in prison would be accountants."


"Are you sure you can sell your porcelain?"

"I can confirm that even if my porcelain is placed among the best in the country," Fang Zheng said:

"There is no problem with quality, it just depends on sales."

"No wonder you are interested in Fugui Porcelain Factory." Wen Lei touched her smooth chin and said:

"Currently, the porcelain business has not yet started, so we must focus on three aspects: production, sales, and service. Are you sure you can handle Fugui Porcelain Factory?"

"Of course." Fang Zheng chuckled:

"You can rest assured on this."

"That's sales." Wen Lei took out the plan given by Xia Hong, reached out and tapped:

"This man is a master of promotion!"


Fang Zheng said:

"Her name is Xia Hong. I did underestimate her before. You can get to know her in the future."

"I know her." Wen Lei lowered her head:

"Myron's regular customer,"

"So I don't need to get involved in sales for the time being. The company still lacks a physical store. Where do you plan to put it?"

"Business Street." Fang Zheng said:

“It’s best to be next to top luxury goods and compete with them.”

"Domineering!" Wen Lei gave a thumbs up:

"Since the company has so much money in its account, I propose to do more business. We can buy shops in the commercial street and trade city at the same time."

"In terms of decoration, we invite the best designers to decorate it in the direction of luxury goods."

"Based on the unit price of 180,000 yuan..."

"The sales staff also need to be carefully selected. It is best to have luxury sales experience. You want to focus on high-end products, right?"


Fang Zheng nodded and took out his mobile phone:

"You can take care of this. I'll take a call first."


"Monk." Dapeng's voice came from the phone. His voice was full of confusion and confusion, so low that Fang Zheng suspected that someone else was on the other side.

"Come here, Lao Shi..."



Fang Zheng's wrist trembled.




Bridge hole.

People from the Public Security Department have surrounded the murder scene.

Apart from some curious nearby residents, some police officers were busy at the scene.

A heavy rain a few days ago caused the bridge to be filled with mud. Two bodies were dug out of the mud while police dogs barked.

The sound is disturbing.


It has never been interrupted.


The Shan brand pickup truck made a harsh friction sound, and the tires almost scraped sparks from the ground. Before the car came to a stop, a figure jumped out of it.

Fang Zheng rushed forward and looked at Dapeng:

"what happened?"

"I don't know." Dapeng's eyes were blank and his expression was in a trance:

"I don't know anything."

"You..." Fang Zheng clenched his fists and walked towards the murder scene.


"You can't enter here casually."

A police officer shouted loudly and stretched out his hand to intercept.

"Let him come over." He Jiangdong, who was inspecting the scene inside, waved:

"Boss Fang may be able to provide some clues."


Quickly arriving at the field, Fang Zheng lowered his head, his eyes fell on one of the corpses, his eyes couldn't help but shrink, and the veins on the back of his hands bulged.

Shi Xin! really dead!

how come?

Even though he had seen many dead people and corpses, it was still difficult for him to accept that his good friend who had been chatting and laughing with him a few days ago died unexpectedly.

"I just found out that the deceased was actually Boss Fang's friend." He Jiangdong patted Fang Zheng on the shoulder and sighed softly:

"I am sorry for your loss."

"Who did it?" Fang Zheng gritted his teeth and his eyes turned red:

"Who killed Shi Xin?"

This is modern society. It cannot be said that there are no murder cases, but they are indeed very few. He never thought that it would happen to his friends.

"That man's name is Zhang Yongfeng." He Jiangdong did not give a direct answer, but pointed to another corpse in the field and said:

"He is the former general manager of Longgang."

"Zhang Yongfeng?"

Fangzheng narrowed his eyes, he knew this person.

"After Longgang was sold, Zhang Yongfeng was responsible for severing and relocating the original employees. He had more than 20 million yuan in severance pay." He Jiangdong said:

"Now, take a severance package and disappear."


"He was also killed!"


Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes:

"You mean, someone killed him and took away his severance pay, and Lao Shi... happened to be passing by, and was killed and silenced by the murderer?"

"Absolutely." He Jiangdong nodded:

"However, the person surnamed Zhang had no intention of giving severance pay to employees from the beginning. Instead, he wanted to keep it for himself. A few nights ago, he took the money and prepared to run away."

"Your friend is a reporter and should have been keeping an eye on him, so he followed Zhang Yongfeng when he fled with money, and then... he met the murderer."

"Who is the murderer?" Fang Zheng lowered his head and said through gritted teeth:

"I want to know who the murderer is!"

"This..." He Jiangdong hesitated for a moment and sighed helplessly:

"The murderer's method of killing was clean and neat, leaving no traces at the scene. In addition, the murder occurred a few nights ago, and the body was soaked in mud."

"The possibility of finding the murderer cannot be said to be impossible, but it is indeed pitiful."

"Congratulations, Director." Fang Zheng tilted his head and looked directly at the other person:

"You are an expert at solving crimes at the Sheriff's Department. When you graduated from the security school, you were even known as the Eagle Eye Detective."

"There is never a case that cannot be solved by your hands!"

Industry specializing in surgery.

Maybe the other party's character is not very good, but the method of solving crimes is also one of the best in Qu City. There is no doubt about this.

"Heh..." He Jiangdong chuckled, his eyes complicated:

"It's because I know so much about murder cases that I understand more clearly that it is almost impossible for a murder case like today to have a result."

"Boss Fang."

He patted Fang Zheng on the shoulder, turned and left:

"People have to learn to accept that sometimes problems just don't have answers."

a long time.


Fang Zheng let out a long breath, looked around the scene, and called one of them:

"Officer Lin."

"Boss Fang." Officer Lin stopped what he was doing and looked back:

"Is something wrong?"

"I want to ask if you have any clues so far." Fang Zheng stepped closer and said:

"As a friend of the deceased, is it not too much to ask about the situation?"

"This..." Officer Lin pursed his lips and said helplessly:

"I can understand how you feel, but the Public Security Department's handling of cases is subject to the Public Security Department's regulations, and... I'm very afraid that you will do something wrong."

What if Fang Zheng learns something from him and then runs over to commit murder? He will be the one who gets into trouble.

"rest assured."

Fang Zheng said in a low voice:

"I won't be impulsive, and Officer Lin won't think that I can't know if you don't tell me, right?"

"You..." Officer Lin frowned, thought for a while and then sighed:

"All right."

He walked to the corpse and said:

"Both of the deceased were killed with one blow, and the fatal injuries were in the heart and the back of the neck respectively, which shows that the person who committed the attack had a very good understanding of the human body."

"Martial arts, not bad."

Shi Xin was not a tall man, but his physique was good. However, he was unable to resist the murderer and could not even escape.

It shows that the gap between the two is too big.

Big to the point of exaggeration.

"And the murder weapon."

Officer Lin squatted down and gestured with his hands:

"The murder weapon was slender, similar to a sharp chopstick, or it could be a sharp thorn, which can easily break through human skin, flesh and internal organs."

"It can also bleed quickly."

"Once you're hit, and it's a critical injury, there's almost no chance of survival."

Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes and looked solemn.

Judging from Officer Lin's description, the murderer was obviously not an ordinary person, but probably a professional killer. Moreover, he appeared at just the right time, so he must have been premeditated.

"He knew Zhang Yongfeng was here that night."

Fang Zheng said:


"He had a way to get Zhang Yongfeng to come under the bridge on the night of the murder, so the murderer most likely knew Zhang Yongfeng."

"Not bad." Officer Lin nodded:

"Not only do we know Zhang Yongfeng, but we also know that Zhang Yongfeng has money in his hands, so he can seek money and kill people. Now the department has begun to summon suspects."

"Don't be impulsive. When such a murder occurs, we want to catch the murderer more than you do and bring him to justice."

"Yeah." Fang Zheng nodded slowly and said:

"Officer Lin, I want to cooperate with the Sheriff's Department."

"Cooperation?" Officer Lin was stunned:

"What can we do to cooperate? Don't think about revenge in private. Setting up a private court is also not allowed."

"You misunderstood." Fang Zheng shook his head:

"I have money that I can provide to your Sheriff's Department."

"If someone provides useful clues, I am willing to offer 100,000 yuan. If there is conclusive evidence to find the murderer, I will offer 1 million yuan."

"There must have been someone near the bridge that night."


"It's not certain that someone witnessed the murder. I just want to help."

"This..." Officer Lin's eyes flashed:

"should be no problem."

After a while.

Officer Lin came to He Jiangdong and presented Fang Zheng's suggestions one by one.

"one million?"

He Jiangdong raised his eyebrows, then shook his head and chuckled:

"If he is willing to spend money, let him spend it, but I'm afraid the result will not be satisfactory."

"Why?" Officer Lin looked surprised:

"Now we have a lot of clues. We may not be able to find the murderer, and someone from Fuhong Steel Plant must know the inside story."

"I don't know why." He Jiangdong sighed:

"A deep feeling tells me that this time... we're afraid we're going to be in trouble."




Yunhai Restaurant.

Top floor.

This is an open-air rooftop with no obstructions. You can look up at the stars in the sky and overlook the most prosperous night view of Qu City.


The top floor of the restaurant was booked by owner Fang Ci.

one night,

At least hundreds of thousands are needed!

Not counting some expensive drinks and food, otherwise it would easily be hundreds of thousands.

Fang Zheng put on ancient clothes and soft cloth shoes, and slowly walked to the center of the rooftop under the guidance of the hotel manager.

"Boss Fang."

The manager lowered his head and said:

"This place belongs to you today."

"I don't know if you have any special arrangements. We can provide free cakes and have musicians stationed at the hotel."


He regarded Fang Zheng as a rich second generation who proposed marriage or showed love.

I have to say that if you bring the woman you like here to propose, it is indeed very romantic and can increase the chance of success.


"No need."

Fang Zheng waved his hand gently and said in a cold voice:

"When my guests arrive, just bring them up. As for the others... don't let anyone else come up without my request."

"Yes." The manager nodded:

"Then... you can sit down wherever you want."


Fang Zheng paced back and forth in the field with his hands behind his back, followed by Xiao Han, with some doubts in his eyes.

This time, when interviewing people from Yuanjiacun, the boss did not bring anyone else.

Just brought him.

It stands to reason that it shouldn't be.

After all, I am just a legal consultant, and the person I am negotiating with this time does not look like someone who can sit down and negotiate a contract honestly.

As for the close relationship...

Then it would be even more out of his turn. Not to mention Wan Dandan, the boss should also bring the manager Wen Leiwen who made his own signature.

Is it inconvenient because they are women?

Opening his mouth, his eyes fell on Fang Zheng's cold expression, and Xiao Han shut up knowingly.

The boss is very unhappy these days.

Don't touch its mold.

While Xiao Han's mind was filled with thoughts, Fang Zheng also fell into deep thought, and many descriptions of the altar came to mind one by one.

‘The altar is one foot high and the dharma is three points high. ’

When it comes to Dharma altars, theoretically the higher the better.

If you don't see the imperial court offering sacrifices to heaven, you will often choose the top of a mountain. Even if it's not good enough, you will set up a high altar in the palace for real people to go up to the altar and cast spells.

The higher.

The easier it is to connect with the energy of heaven and earth.

The power that can be unleashed by casting a spell will also become stronger accordingly.

Even Zhang Mingrui usually sets the altar on a sedan because the sedan is a foot or two higher than the ground.

If you are one or two feet taller, you will be one or two points stronger. When facing an opponent who is equal to yourself, you will have the opportunity to gain the upper hand.

“It’s nice here!”

Fang Zheng put his hands behind his back and looked into the distance, his eyes dark.

The top floor of Yunhai Restaurant is naturally not the highest place in Qu City, but the view is wide enough, making it perfect for a Dharma altar.

"The earth's energy rises and falls, and the stars in the sky shine."

"We can set up a seven-star altar!"

The Seven Star Altar is a relatively common type of altar. The seven stars can be projected to activate the power of the stars, and the spells related to the stars will also be correspondingly enhanced.

"Puzzled Star."

Fang Zheng counted with his fingers, his eyes twinkling:

"There are also some spells from the Lushan Aconite Sect that can be used."

With his thoughts turning, he moved back and forth in the field on the seven stars. Every time he reached a certain position, he would stop and look around.

Or move the flower bed, or pour some water, or drop a few things.

These things can affect the collision of qi machines between heaven and earth to a certain extent. They may seem inconspicuous, but they are essential.

Under Xiao Han's surprised gaze, Fang Zheng once again came to the center of the altar, where the food was served, and slowly sat down at the main seat.


With his eyes narrowed, he took out a black iron plate from his body and chanted in a low voice.

"Heaven Lingling, Earth Lingling, please bow before the disciple altar three times!"

"Invite Tianxing into Zi Mansion!"

"Second, please invite the spirits to come to the Xuan Altar!"

"Three please, five movements are summoned!"

His voice was very low and very fast. Even if Xiao Han listened carefully, he couldn't hear it clearly, but he felt more and more that today's boss was very weird.

The next moment.


On the calm rooftop, a strong wind suddenly rose.

The strong wind made the square clothes rustle, causing the tableware on the dining table to jingle and bump, and even made Xiao Han stagger around.


Xiao Han stabilized his body and his expression changed drastically:

"Boss, the wind has picked up and is still very strong. Shall we go below?"


Fang's expression remained unchanged and he sat there unmoved:

"Where does the wind come from?"

"Just..." Xiao Han stretched out his hand, and his expression suddenly became surprised. He looked around at everything. The surroundings were calm, and his eyes were full of confusion:

"It's impossible, it was clear just now..."

"Are you daydreaming? There is no wind today." Fang Zheng sat upright with his eyes closed:

"It's almost time."


"It's about time."

An elder in the family has passed away. There have been less updates in the past few days and I will take a few days off.

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