
Three vans parked in front of Yunhai Restaurant.

A group of more than a dozen people got out of the car laughing and laughing, looking up towards the restaurant.

Some of these people have colorfully dyed hair, some have fancy tattoos, and some have bare chests showing off their strong muscles.

one look,

You know that you are not a social animal who keeps to yourself.

There were more than a dozen people gathered together, so the pedestrians on the road naturally stayed away from each other, and looked at them with a little vigilance.

"Yunhai Restaurant!"

The third oldest Yuan Wei grinned:

"This is a high-end place. A meal can easily cost 10,000 to 8,000 yuan. It seems that our new boss has two on hand."

"Not bad." Someone laughed:

"I've never been to the Sea of ​​Clouds before, and I'm lucky this time."

"You don't have to be polite to him later. Even if you choose expensive and good dishes, it's a rare visit and you have to enjoy it no matter what."

"Not bad."

Everyone nodded.

"You look like you are useless." The boss Yuan Kui glanced at him coldly:

"It's just a restaurant. When we brothers get rich, we can come here anytime we want, but there's no need."

"That's what the eldest brother said." Yuan Wen, the second eldest brother, nodded:

"I've been to Yunhai before, and the food I ate was just like that. The taste was just average, but the service was better. It's not worth tens of thousands of yuan for a meal."


Yuan Kui waved his hand:

"Let's go!"

A group of people surged towards the sea of ​​​​yun. The guests at the door were already nervous, and their faces turned pale when they saw it, but they had no choice but to welcome them.

"Guys, we have a reservation system here..."

"What's the meaning?"

Someone in the crowd immediately shouted:

"Look down on us?"

"No." The welcome waved his hands hastily:

"There are limited dining places in Yunhai. In order to avoid being too noisy and affecting the quality of the meal, reservations are made."


"Why didn't you hear about it when you came here before?"

"Maybe... someone made an appointment before." The receptionist stammered and had to back away when he saw a group of people approaching.


"Everyone, stop!"

At this time, the security in the restaurant also came after hearing the news and confronted more than a dozen people from Yuanjia Village. Among them, the security captain took out his mobile phone:

"If you dare to break in, I'll call the Sheriff's Department right now."


Yuan Wei glared:

"Dogs look down on people, what? Why can't we come over to eat if we are poorly dressed?"

"That's right!"


"Beat the motherfucker!"

More than a dozen people were blushing and rolling up their sleeves. Some even pulled out telescopic steel pipes from their waists and approached the gate without saying a word.

"Wait!" Seeing that the other party really dared to take action, the security captain was instantly frightened, took a step back and said:

"Don't be impulsive, please. I'll call the manager and ask him if there are any free seats today that he can make them available to you."

"Ahem..." The only old man in the scene coughed lightly:

"We were invited."



Yuan Kui separated everyone:

"Fang Ci's boss invited us over."

"Xiao Liu." Just at this moment, the restaurant manager's voice sounded on the pager:

"They are friends of Boss Fang. Take them directly to the top floor and remember not to cause trouble."


The security captain responded hurriedly.



The door to the top floor was kicked open hard, and the cold-faced third-year-old Yuan Wei took the lead to step out, his eyes falling on Fang Zheng who was sitting upright.

"Boss Fang?"

"Fang Zheng." Fang Zheng nodded and said:

"Everyone, sit down."

"Hmph!" Yuan Wei snorted coldly:

"Boss Fang is trying to give us a kick. Our brothers almost couldn't enter the restaurant today."

"That's a misunderstanding." Fang said calmly:

"The fact that you all can come up means that the misunderstanding has been resolved."

"Yes, yes." Tian Liang, a big-armed man, was also present today. He had been hanging out with the three brothers of the Yuan family recently, and he also met Fang Zheng at the Public Security Department.

It just so happens that we can make a consensus out of it.

Pulled out the stool and said:

"Sit down, sit down and say, today we are here to discuss business, not to fight. Peace is the most important thing... Peace is the most important thing."

"That's fine!" Yuan Kui waved:

"I'll give Liangzi some face today."


"sit down!"

More than a dozen people pulled out stools and sat down one by one with unkind expressions. Their hostile looks made Xiao Han behind Fang Zheng tense up.

This group of people...

But none of them are good.

Two of them even held telescopic steel pipes in their hands and threw the steel pipes weighing several kilograms directly on the table with disdain on their faces.

They heard Tian Liang mention Fang Zheng and knew that he was a ruthless man with lives on his hands.

But so what?

People in Yuanjia Village are never afraid of trouble!

"Everyone should have heard about it." Fang Zheng did not greet the people in the hotel to serve the food. Instead, he played with the wine glass in front of him and said slowly:

"Fugui Porcelain Factory is mine from now on."

"Yes." Yuan Wei hummed:

"Boss Fang is rich and powerful, we can't compare, but so what? No matter who becomes the boss of Fugui Porcelain Factory, they can't occupy our land."

"You are?" Fang Zheng tilted his head.

"Third brother." Yuan Wei raised his head and said:

"Yuan Wei, the third oldest member of the Yuan family!"

"Oh!" Fang Zheng nodded:

"To be honest, I am a little surprised that so many people are here today. Can you please tell me later which one of you is the one who keeps your word?"

"The third child?"

"Second child?"

"Still the boss?"

"Boss Lao Fang doesn't have to worry about that anymore." Yuan Kui's voice deepened:

"We three brothers are of the same mind, no matter what anyone says."

"All right."

Fang Zheng sighed softly and said:

"I took a look at the mining area of ​​Fugui Porcelain Factory, and a small part does belong to Yuanjia Village. Although it is not used now, it may not be used in the future."

"So, I can give you some compensation."

"Oh!" Yuan Kui sat up straight and became interested:

"How many?"

"Three million." Fang Zheng raised three fingers:

"How about one million for each of you three brothers?"

"Heh..." Yuan Kui said coldly:

"Are you sending a beggar away?"

"Quite a few." Fang Zheng said calmly:

"There are only a hundred or so households in Yuanjia Village, and only a few of them have regular jobs. Fugui Porcelain Factory can also provide them with some jobs."

"As long as you work hard, you may not be able to get rich, but you can still live a stable life."

He felt that he was still too kind-hearted and always thought about others, but...it was obvious that the other party didn't appreciate it very much.

"Fuck your grandma!"

One person took action:

"Who do you look down on..."


Before he finished speaking, a glass wine glass hit him on the head. The huge impact caused the glass to shatter on the spot, and also caused the other person's head to break and bleed.

"Speak more clearly."

Fang Fang looked gloomy:

"Don't be so prone to swearing."




The atmosphere in the field was already tense, and his actions were like sparks igniting a barrel of explosives, instantly causing everyone in Yuanjia Village to burst into violence.

"screw you……"

The person sitting next to him clenched his fists and headed straight for Fang Zheng's head.

One person picked up the telescopic steel pipe on the table and swung it suddenly, then pulled it out without caring. Another person even lifted the bench and smashed it hard.


Fang Zheng hummed.

Diamond Kung Fu!




He sat on the spot and resisted the oncoming attack, his hands suddenly stretched out, and his fingers exerted force, but the sound of cracking of the ossicles was heard, and a series of screams instantly sounded in the field.

"If you don't eat the toast, you will be punished with alcohol!"

Fang was filled with anger. He twisted his neck and stood up from his seat. In a flash, figures in the field flew up one after another and fell heavily to the ground.

More than a dozen people,

In front of him, he is like a toy that can be kneaded at will!

Except for the motionless Tian Liang, the old village chief of Yuanjia Village, in the blink of an eye, everyone else was lying on the ground.

There was silence.

Only wailing sounds could be heard from time to time.


Fangzheng walked up to the main seat and sat down again, saying slowly:

"When dealing with people like you, I can't talk well. If I don't show my fists, I really think that Mr. Fang is a vegetarian."


The three Yuan brothers looked at each other. Yuan Kui struggled to get up, dusted himself off, and then said:

“Boss Fang’s good tricks!”


"Easy to say." Fang Zheng lowered his eyebrows slightly:

"Can we talk about it now?"

"There's nothing to talk about." Yuan Kui's eyes were cold:

"Boss Fang is very capable, and we know he is no match for us, but so what if we can fight? To be successful in this field, it's not just about being able to fight."


"What's more important is power."

"Behind our three brothers are more than a hundred households and hundreds of people in Yuanjia Village. Can you kill them all? Do you really think that the people from the Public Security Department are just free laborers?"

Fangzheng was silent.

After a pause he said:

"I called you here today just to discuss business."

"There's nothing to talk about!" Yuan Wen stood up, waved his hand, and said loudly:

"Fang, to tell you the truth, Fugui Porcelain Factory must give us 60% of the shares, otherwise it will be difficult for anyone to take over!"

"Is the porcelain factory from Yuanjia Village?" Fangzheng looked confused.

He really didn't know this.

"No." Yuan Wei snorted coldly, looking matter-of-factly:

"But since it is related to our Yuanjia Village, it must keep the benefits. Don't think that you are an exception because you are good at fighting."

"I understand." Fang Zheng said clearly:

"You are just a group of bandits. In ancient times, the bandits occupied the mountains and robbed the passers-by, but you relied on the strength of your numbers to buy and sell by force."


"Although they are different, they are not much different."

This is a bunch of parasites.

Fugui Porcelain Factory is parasitized by the people of Yuanjia Village. No matter how the business is doing, the profits will be sucked clean by this group of people.

Therefore, no matter which boss he is, he has no choice but to give up in the end.

I really can't stand the other party.

There are many of them.

The yamen is not willing to take care of it. After all, if so-called 'civilian chaos' breaks out, political performance will be greatly affected.

Sometimes being a rogue is also a skill.

Even Fuhong Steel Plant and Tongchuang Investment, which are large companies with assets worth hundreds of millions, are helpless against small figures like Yuan Jiacun.

In the end, I can only admit that I am unlucky.


It will look the same to a few people!

"Give us 60% of the shares, or leave half of the money you earn to Yuanjiacun, and you can continue to operate." Yuan Wei said:

"Otherwise, we will fight to the end."

"We would like to see..."

"Who can persist to the end!"

"Not bad." Yuan Kui narrowed his eyes:

"Yuanjia Village has been here for a hundred years, and nine out of ten people are named Yuan. If Boss Fang doesn't want his money to go down the drain, he'd better consider our proposal seriously."

"Ha..." Fang Zheng chuckled and said:

"You guys really know how to play."


As he spoke, he shook his head slightly and sighed, reaching out to pick up a napkin on the dining table, and then folded it with interest.

His fingers are very flexible and he can fold out a lifelike paper figure in the blink of an eye.

Even professional origami artists feel ashamed when they see this.

"Boss Fang is so interested."

Yuan Kui shouted coldly:

"Are you still interested in playing origami?"

"..." Fang Zheng shook his head, and when he turned his hand, a few more hairs appeared in his palm. He slowly wrapped the hair around the paper man one by one.

"I've been in a bad mood lately."

Raising his head, Fang Zheng looked at the three of them and said in an indifferent voice:

"Are you sure you don't want to change your request?"


Yuan Wei took a step forward:

"Scaring us?"

"Fang, I know you are difficult to beat and you have lives in your hands, but there are surveillance cameras here. Do you have the ability to touch us?"

"You dare?"

"You wouldn't fucking dare!"

He pointed at Fang Zheng, his facial muscles twitching, and his attitude was extremely arrogant. Even Xiao Han, who had been silent all this time, felt a surge of anger in his heart.

What a bully!

But the boss...

Don’t you want to play with origami people now?

We are all adults.


A table knife used for Western food was fixed on the solid wood dining table. Fangzheng flicked the blade, and the blade trembled rapidly, leaving afterimages.

"This is a good knife."

As if he didn't hear what the three brothers of the Yuan family said, he picked up the knife and made a gesture in his hand.


In the astonished eyes of others, he held a table knife and lightly scratched the pads of his fingers, and the sharp blade instantly cut through the surface of the flesh.


It flows from the fingertips.

Drops fell on the paper figurines.

"what are you doing?"

The expressions of the three Yuan brothers changed slightly, and Yuan Kui narrowed his eyes and said:

"Boss Fang, do you think you can scare us by hurting yourself?"

On the other hand, the old village chief of Yuanjia Village, who had no sense of existence, seemed to have thought of something when he saw this scene. His eyes looked over with surprise and suspicion.

And somewhat unwilling to believe it.

And fear.

No way?

Fang Zheng didn't say a word, and his blood-stained fingers quickly drew on the paper figurine, instantly drawing a complex and strange pattern.

At the same time, he whispered:

"Paper figures, paper figures, pierce the heart and soul; witchcraft and incantation sacrifices, seducing the soul."

"Seven stars help me."

"The soul follows my command and enters the Dharmakaya."

"Hurry as the law dictates!"

Lushan Aconitum Seduction Technique.

He spoke very fast and in a low voice. Even Xiao Han, who was very close, couldn't hear clearly. He only saw his boss mutter a few words in a low voice and then raised his head.

Look at Yuan Kui, the eldest of the three Yuan brothers.

"Yuan Kui?"


Yuan Kui subconsciously responded.

Fangzheng held the paper figure in his hand and shook it gently:

"What do you think of the night tonight?"

"Night..." Yuan Kui's body swayed, his eyes slowly became dazed for some reason, and he couldn't help but follow Fang Zheng's question:


"I think it's pretty good too." Fang Zheng nodded and looked into the distance:

"However, the night view here is somewhat limited. You can go over there and have a clearer view standing on the edge."


Yuan Kui nodded stiffly, turned around, and walked towards the edge of the rooftop.



Yuan Wen and Yuan Wei looked surprised. Seeing Yuan Kui approaching the edge of the rooftop step by step, they couldn't help but become a little anxious and rushed over in a hurry.

"Brother, what are you doing?"


"Danger ahead!"

No matter what.

As if he didn't hear his brother's warning, Yuan Kui walked toward the edge of the rooftop with dull eyes, and even climbed directly onto the outer wall.

Although the two brothers tried their best to stop him on the way, they couldn't resist the strange brute force that emerged from his body.


Yuan Wen's face turned pale:

"Get down quickly!"

Yuan Wei quickly stepped forward and hugged Yuan Kui's legs, shouting with a panic look on his face:

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

"Come down quickly!"

"Haha..." Yuan Kui smiled strangely, looked up at the stars in the sky, then turned around and looked at Fang Zheng, his expression stiff and dull:

"The night is so beautiful."

The sound falls.

Breaking free from the restraints, he jumped down from the tall building.



With more than a dozen floors and a height of tens of meters, the person who fell would definitely not survive. The only sound was the siren of the car downstairs.


Yuan Wei's body trembled. He didn't know whether he was frightened or angry. He suddenly turned around and glared at Fang Zheng:

"What did you do?"

He simply didn't believe that his eldest brother would suddenly lose his mind. He was fine before he came.


Just now, my eldest brother was fine.

How come...

Suddenly choose to jump off a building?

"Nothing done."

Fang Zheng didn't know when a brand new paper figurine appeared in his hand. He was holding it in his hand and baking it gently on the candle nearby:

"You saw it too, he couldn't think of it himself."

"You..." Yuan Wei stretched out his hand and pointed fiercely, about to curse, when he suddenly felt pain in his head, as if it was set on fire.


He opened his eyes and looked at the paper man in Fang Zheng's hand, feeling a sense of absurdity and deep-seated fear in his heart.


"The deep love you have as brothers is really touching." Fang Zheng squeezed the paper figure in his hand and spoke slowly:

"In that case, why don't you go down and accompany him?"

"..." Yuan Wei's body froze, and his eyes instantly became dull. He slowly turned around and climbed up the wall under the gaze of others.

Just like what Yuan Kui did just now.


He jumped up and followed the example of jumping down from a tall building.


Yuan Wen roared loudly, watching helplessly as his brothers jumped off the building one after another, his eyes filled with horror.



The piercing car alarm sounded again, and the noise of the crowd of onlookers downstairs could even be vaguely heard.

This time.

Anyone who is not a fool can see that something is wrong.

"Da da……"

Some people's legs were shaking, and their upper and lower teeth were clashing wildly.

Xiao Han's face turned pale, and a warm current surged out from his crotch and flowed along the surface of his pants to his shoes and socks. Even so, he did not dare to move.

The old village chief collapsed from his seat to the ground.


In an instant, the three brothers of the Yuan family jumped off the building. Yuan Wen, the only one left, screamed angrily, lifted a flower pot next to him and threw it at Fang Zheng.

At the same time, he held his head in his hands and rushed straight to the entrance.


"He is the devil!"

"What are you doing?" Fang Zheng turned his head to avoid the flower pot, letting the flower pot break beside him, looking towards Yuan Wen, and said in a faint voice:

"Those two brothers of yours are not going in that direction."



Yuan Wen shook his head desperately, covered his ears with his hands, and rushed forward, but he did not notice that everything he saw in his eyes began to become blurry.

And the direction of his forward movement also changed accordingly.


He actually made a circle and rushed towards the position where the two brothers jumped down again.

The distance from the gate is getting farther and farther.


Yuan Wen's eyes flashed, and he suddenly regained consciousness. He lowered his head and looked down, his face full of horror.




The sound came from downstairs again. There was almost no trace of blood on the faces of the people upstairs, and some even screamed and retreated crazily.

The way he looked at Fang Zheng was like looking at a... demon.

"Boss Fang, spare your life!"

The old village chief even shouted:

"You have the final say, you have the final say on the porcelain factory!"

"We have no objection!"

"no comment!"

"Really?" Fang Zheng tilted his head and looked at the other people in the field:

"You don't have any opinions?"

"No no."

"We have no objection!"

"Mom, I want to go downstairs, I...I don't want to die..."


For a time, all kinds of miscellaneous sounds sounded.

"Don't get excited."

Fang Zheng chuckled lightly:

"After coming for so long, it's time to serve the food."

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