"Wow... wow..."

A car from the Public Security Department came down, set up a warning tape downstairs, notified the Transportation Department to plan a nearby route, and began to inquire about the situation at the scene.

"Jump off the building!"

"Three in a row..."

"Fuck me!"

"It's like dropping dumplings, one after another. Fortunately, it's not a sidewalk below, otherwise someone would definitely be unlucky."

"Everyone is fine, but I don't know whose car is in serious trouble. If two people hit the same car in a row, that car will be scrapped."


"It was impossible to survive after falling from such a high place. I died on the spot. You didn't see the situation at that time..."

"I was shocked when the first one fell. Before I could recover, another one came down. The last one must have regretted it. He was still screaming when he was in mid-air."

"How miserable!"


Zhou Ping looked gloomy, looked up, and waved his hand:

"Go upstairs!"

The manager of Yunhai Restaurant had been waiting at the door for a long time. He led the people from the Public Security Department straight to the rooftop and talked about the situation tonight.

"Boss Fang Ci?"

Zhou Ping was slightly startled:

"Fang Zheng?"

"Yes." The manager nodded:

"Boss Fang reserved the place and invited people to eat there. The people he invited... don't seem to be easy to mess with."

"It's him."

Zhou Ping's face was gloomy. When the elevator stopped, he rushed out first, pushed open the rooftop door, and turned his eyes to Fang Zheng.

"Senior brother."

Fang Zheng happened to stop his chopsticks and wiped his mouth with a cloth. He kept it aside and stood up with a smile and said:

"You came at the right time. Although there are many of us, we don't have much appetite. We didn't take a few bites of the food on the table. Why don't you deal with it too?"

“Yunhai’s food tastes pretty good.”

Zhou Ping ignored him and glanced at everyone in the field one by one.

Except for Fang Zheng, everyone in the venue had obviously abnormal expressions. Some people's legs were shaking wildly and the hand holding the chopsticks was trembling.

It's like being forced to eat.

I do not want to eat,

I dare not not eat.

There was also a smell of urine coming from the lower bodies of several people.


It's even more frighteningly white.

Especially the old man, it seemed like he was going to hit him immediately.

"Just now, three people here jumped from the building." Zhou Ping took a deep breath and said slowly:

"what happened?"

"Senior brother, you also said that someone jumped off the building." Fang Zheng said with a smile:

"We don't know what's going on. The three of them were saying good things, but suddenly they jumped one after another like crazy."

"Really?" Zhou Ping was noncommittal and looked at the others:

"Tell me, what's going on?"

One person raised his head tremblingly, opened his mouth to say something, glanced at Fang Zheng, trembled and immediately lowered his head.

"Don't be afraid."

Zhou Ping frowned and slowed down his voice:

"With people from our Public Security Department here, no one can threaten your safety. Just tell us what happened just now."

"We will bring those guilty to justice."

"Senior brother." Fang Zheng smiled and said:

"I've already said that someone jumped off the building. It was because they couldn't figure it out. It had nothing to do with other people. What you asked is easy for people to misunderstand."

"Do not believe?"

"You ask them."

He stretched out his hand and pointed at several people.


Someone nodded hurriedly:

"Yes... they jumped down on their own. It has nothing to do with... Boss Fang."

"It has nothing to do with Boss Fang."


Several people spoke hurriedly, as if speaking slowly would be a sin, and hurriedly proved Fang Zheng's 'innocence'.

The more they act like this, the more suspicious they look to the people in the Public Security Department.


Anyone who is not a fool can tell that something is wrong with the atmosphere in the venue. Three people just died, and a group of people are still eating here.

What a feast!

Besides, there’s no need to be in such a hurry to eat, right?


Someone ran from behind and whispered:

"There is surveillance here."


Zhou Ping's eyes lit up:

"Turn over."

Fang Zheng chuckled when he heard this, sat down again, calmly picked up the red wine glass, shook it in his hand, and drank it down.

So what if there is monitoring?

The three Yuan brothers jumped off the building by themselves.

He had already asked about this on the way to bring Xiao Han. Even if there were questions, it would be difficult to convict him. There is no such thing as magic killing in modern society.

After a while.

Zhou Ping put down the screen with a sullen expression. He had already decided to take the surveillance camera back to the agency for evaluation to see if someone had done anything to it.

How could a normal person jump off a building for no reason?

One is not bad.

Three in a row!

No matter how you look at it, it looks weird.

Judging from the surveillance, the murderer is indeed not Fang Zheng.


He glanced at the audience with a cold face, and finally snorted:

"Fang Zheng, don't think that you can do things flawlessly and that the sky net is full of holes. Sooner or later, I will catch you!"

"The surname is Zhou." Fang's face darkened and his smile faded:

"I call you senior brother for the sake of master. It's for master's sake, not for you. Don't think that I'm afraid of you!"

"I don't have a junior brother like you." Zhou Ping growled:


"It's time to help Master clean up the house."

"People like you don't take human life seriously, so you are not worthy of being the master's apprentice!"

"Ha..." Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes and chuckled:

"That's not a small tone. It depends on whether you have the ability to catch me. As for human life... my friend was also killed. Have you found out who the murderer is?"


Zhou Ping withdrew his gaze, pondered for a moment, and finally waved his hand:

"Close the team!"


Watching the people from the Public Security Department leave, Fang's facial expression gradually faded away, and then he kicked a wooden bench beside him to pieces.


Several people behind him trembled when they saw this and lowered their heads.

"You guys."

Fang Zheng turned around and said:

"Help me find out. A murder occurred under the bridge in the West District a few nights ago. Has anyone seen the murderer?"


"We must inquire carefully."


Several people in Yuanjia Village nodded repeatedly. They were really scared today.




Flying Star Hotel.

Penthouse luxury suite.


Fang Zheng finished rinsing, changed into loose pajamas, put his hands behind his hands and came to the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the bustling city below.

All the scenes of the previous spells came to mind.

Perhaps because of practicing the Yama Lord Contemplation, his memory has increased a lot and his thoughts are turning faster than before.

This is a very vague feeling that cannot be realized, but it does make a big difference.

"The spells of the Lushan Wutou Sect are indeed weird, but the reason why I can control the three brothers of the Yuan family is not just because of the spells."

"The blessing of the altar and the token also has a big reason."

If there is no seven-star altar and token, Fang Zheng can also cast spells, but he may not be able to control people to jump off the building so easily.

Especially Yuan Wen at the end.

At that time, he didn't have time to cast the Soul Seduction Technique, but directly cast the Soul Capturing Technique, which was similar to hypnosis, making him mistakenly think that he was running towards the door.

In fact, he rushed to the edge of the rooftop.


In the end, Yuan Wen actually woke up from the soul-stirring technique, but it was too late by then, and he had already jumped from the building.

"What the altar enshrines is not God, not heaven and earth, but oneself."

"Senior Chunyang Palace, I will not deceive you!"

He turned around, thoughtful.

In fact, people are originally worshiping themselves. They offer food and clothing carefully every day, and they also want to make their physical body comfortable.




Aren’t they all offerings?

"People are most pious to themselves. This is incomparable to any gods and Buddhas in the world. Everyone is worshiping themselves."

"I'm also asking for myself!"

"Seeking a better life."

"Only by being persistent in yourself can you be persistent in everything. The more pious you offer, the more you will receive."

"Infinite longevity!"

"Bah, bah..."

Fang Zheng shook his head urgently and gathered his thoughts.

Taoist things are most able to confuse people's hearts.

Obviously he doesn't say anything, and the Buddhist scriptures are not widely circulated, but it is accepted by people in daily life and subtly.

Even he

A staunch atheist even subconsciously chants the blessing of infinite life.

How terrible!

After calming down, Fang Zheng changed his mind again.

"What distorts people's hearts is often not evil, but their own personal experience. If a person encounters evil, his heart will also go in the direction of evil."

"Everyone you come into contact with is a master of the Tao, and you will naturally have your heart set on the Tao."


"As long as your beliefs are firm enough, you don't have to worry about mental distortion, and those so-called evil methods can be used without any hindrance."

"There is a god in the fist!"

"The most important thing in practicing magic is the power of the soul. This seems to be consistent with the third level of martial arts, the god in the fist."

"If what I expected is correct, warriors who practice certain spells are more likely to understand the realm of gods in their fists than warriors who don't understand spells."

Stretching out one hand, the long knife beside him was already unsheathed.


The sound of the knife groaned softly.

One word, clear heart!

Holding the knife in his hand, Fang Zheng's eyes narrowed.


All the distracting thoughts in his mind disappeared, and only a pure sword intention condensed, as if it had substance, and controlled the whole body's strength.


"Is it the realm where there is a god in the fist?"

When performing the One-Sided Clear Heart Slash like this, his explosive speed can be twice as fast as usual, and he has a feeling of being in control.

Whether it is his own body or external changes, everything is clear one by one.



"Compared to when I first practiced the One-Sided Mind Slash, it is obviously much easier now. The reason is that I have practiced the visualization method."


"Cultivating concepts can strengthen the power of the soul, and it can also speed up the understanding of the realm of the spirit in the fist to a certain extent."

"If the power of my soul is comparable to that of a mage, I will definitely be able to easily achieve the goal of having a god in my fist, without having to understand any martial arts principles."


Breathing out the turbid air, Fang Zheng slowly dispersed the sword intention, and the light in his eyes became more and more intense.

"I finally know what to do next. Before, there were only speculations about the realm of gods in the fists, but now it is clear."

After thinking for a while, he took out a Yangyuan Pill and drank it.

In the third level of martial arts, there is a way to have a god in the boxing, and you can't relax in refining the internal organs with three bloods.




Shi Xin's funeral was held in a hotel near the old district. Because it was a white-haired person sending a black-haired person away, it was not grand and not many people went.

"Fangzheng, Dapeng."

The second sister Shi Xin had tears in her eyes, and from time to time she stretched out her hand to wipe away the tears on her face:

"Shi Xin often mentioned you two. When he came back, he said he was looking for you. In Qu City... nothing will happen if you are here."

"Second sister."

Dapeng stammered, while Fang Zheng lowered his head and said nothing.

"I hurt him." The second brother-in-law had a pair of eyes and looked gentle. The skin on his face was rough and he didn't look like a city dweller.

He shook his head slightly:

"If I had not suggested that he major in journalism, this would not have happened."


The second sister burst into tears.

"My name is Shao Yihua." The second brother-in-law stretched out his hand and said with a cold expression:

"A reporter."

Fang Zheng nodded and shook hands with the other party.

He had heard of this man. Shi Xin admired his second brother-in-law when he was in school. Later, he became a newspaper reporter because of his influence.

"Shi Xin's death is related to Fuhong's restructuring."

Shao Yihua said:

"I will continue to investigate Fuhong's restructuring, firstly to complete what Shi Xin has not finished, and secondly... to find out who is the murderer."

"If you have any information about this, you can call me."

He said and handed over a business card.


The second sister suddenly became furious:

"Shao, are you finished yet?"

Shao Yihua opened his mouth and lowered his head when he saw people nearby looking at him.

"Everything in the world is impermanent!"

Watching the two people leave, Dapeng's eyes were complicated and there was some emotion in his voice. He picked up the wine glass on the table and took a sip.

He could tell that the second sister was also unwilling to accept Shi Xin's death.

But he didn't want Shao Yihua to follow in Shi Xin's footsteps, so he became furious. After all, one was his brother and the other was her husband.

Both are important to her.

"Why are there so many emotions today?" Fang Zheng filled the bottle for him:

"Not like you."

"A good friend is dead." Dapeng shrugged:

"This is the first time I've seen someone close to me die."

"In the past, I always felt that death was far away from me, so far away that I never considered it. This time I have grown up."

"Oh!" Fang Zheng raised his head:

"It does feel a little different than before."

"I plan to get married." Dapeng said:

"We'll get married this year!"


Fang Zheng was stunned:

"So sudden."

"It's not sudden." Dapeng shook his head:

"I just want to understand that my dawdling around in the past will eventually come to an end. My parents... are also waiting for my daughter-in-law."


Fang Zheng clasped his fists:

"Let me know if you find the target."


Dapeng nodded.

Fang Zheng raised his head and looked at the TV hanging in the hall, which was playing the latest news.

"Regarding the severance pay for hundreds of Longgang employees, Congressman Zhao has had in-depth and thorough communication with relevant staff."

"The new company will also allocate corresponding funds as soon as possible..."

"Congressman Zhao promises that he will never let any employee feel disappointed..."

"The latest news from our station is that after close talks between Congressman Li and Fuhong's board of directors, they have agreed on the next restructuring matters."

"Members said that when reorganizing a company, the priority should be to safeguard the rights and interests of the company's employees, not to lose public property, and to promote economic development..."

"According to statistics, Congressman Li's campaign support rate went from a disadvantage to an advantage in just a few days, surpassing Congressman Zhao by three percentage points."


"Heh..." Dapeng chuckled:

"It's all business."

"The sale of Longgang was completed with the help of Congressman Zhao. As a result, the manager in charge of employees' severance pay fled with the money and was killed, and tens of millions of severance pay went missing."

"Lian Laoshi..."

"His approval rating has also plummeted now."

"Yeah." Fang Zheng nodded:

"However, compared to Congressman Zhao, Congressman Li has almost no business experience. He may not be able to handle the restructuring of Fuhong Steel Plant."

"That's better than Zhao." Dapeng snorted coldly:

"The tens of billions of assets could be sold for more than a billion in the hands of someone named Zhao. Where did the price difference go?"

"At least……"

"Congressman Li really wants to do something for the people."

"Fuhong Steel Factory collapsed, the money should be spent on the people of Qushi, instead of disappearing into the background like Longgang's severance pay."

Fang Zheng said nothing.

He is now different from before and is qualified to contact a higher 'level'.

At least,

Among the people he knew, the big businessmen and rich people were still more inclined to Congressman Zhao. The energy of this group of people was terrifying.

Congressman Li is very popular among the people, but it is still unlikely that he can defeat Congressman Zhao.


There are too many things involved in Fu Hung's restructuring this time. It may not be a good thing for Mr. Lee to forcefully intervene. On the contrary, he may make a bad move.

"That's it!"

He shook his head:

"None of this has anything to do with me."


"Boss Fang."

Officer Lin pushed over a tablet:

"This is the information we can find so far. All the surveillance cameras nearby during the time of the incident that afternoon were retrieved one by one."

"In that hour, seven cars with different license plates passed by on the road, and three cars whose specific license plate numbers could not be photographed were..."

"You spent 300,000 yuan, and someone provided some clues, but..."

"Anyway, they all ended up under the bridge."

Fang Zheng took the tablet, slid it gently, and said after a long time:

"In other words, there are no really useful clues so far?"

Officer Lin said nothing.

"The murder case will be solved 100% of the time." Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes and said in a cold voice:

"It turned out to be a joke."

"Boss Fang, we have tried our best." Officer Lin was obviously unhappy:

"Do you know how many people were guarding the Sheriff's Department day and night for this case? Do you know how long we watched the surveillance video?"

"What's the use?" Fang Zheng said:

"What's the result?"

There was silence.

"If I could have a friend like Boss Fang, I would definitely be very happy." Officer Lin shook his head and stood up from his seat:

"It's a pity that there is no such opportunity."

"at last……"

He pursed his lips and said:

"Just like Director He said, I'm afraid there won't be any progress on the Public Security Department's side right now. The only person who might know the clues will only be in Fuhong."

Fang Zheng raised his head and his eyes gradually lit up:

"Thank you."


"Zhang Yongfeng is the manager of Longgang, which is one of Fuhong's three major subsidiaries and was sold to Mingzhou Group last year."

Tian Liang, the big-flowered arm, started his relationship with Yuanjiacun, and coupled with the information found on the Internet, he also found some information that Fang Zheng was interested in.

"Mingzhou Group is a multinational company, mainly engaged in..."

"Zhang Yongfeng is responsible for the dismissal of employees at the old Longgang Iron and Steel Factory. The tens of millions in his hands were given by Mingzhou Group."

"This person's bad conduct is well known in Longgang."

"I don't find it strange at all that he wants to flee with the money, but it's not easy to run away with tens of millions. There must be someone to help."

"Fuhong Steel Factory has a group of people who specialize in this area of ​​business."

"Oh!" Fang Zheng raised his head:


"I have never dealt with them." Tian Liang scratched his head and said:

"I just heard that this group of people has been doing reselling business at Fuhong Steel Factory. Some people also said that they stole steel and sold it privately."

"This group of people colluded with the leaders of the steel plant, and their forces are intertwined. Some of them are similar to the three Yuan brothers. Even Fuhong's board of directors is unwilling to provoke them."

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