When Hu Yanting died, his face was hideous, his facial features were distorted, and his head looked more like a hood of snowflakes when it was soaked in salt.


Fang Zheng placed his head in front of the grave and sighed softly:

"I have avenged your revenge for you. I hope you, Izumi Izhi, can feel at ease and reincarnate as soon as possible to start over."


"Tell me why you were so anxious in the first place. We can wait until I come back and discuss it in detail before traveling through time. In the end, you lost your life."


The autumn wind swept the ground, carrying some fallen leaves.

Fang Zheng was chattering in front of the grave, and after a long time he knelt down on his knees, kowtowed and then left alone.

The next day.

The head was found in front of the grave, and the Sheriff's Department was busy for a while, but it was just a delusion to find out the identity of the deceased.

We can only guess that this person was the murderer of Fang Jian and was beheaded by Fang Zheng in revenge.


The Public Security Department had long been accustomed to Fang Zheng's lawlessness and did not bother to summon him without evidence.

Anyway, I couldn’t ask anything after I came.


Abandoned warehouse.

Most of the items in the warehouse were in dilapidated condition, except for a few diesel generator sets that could be used, and the dust on them had also been cleaned.


Fangzheng pushed the door open with a portable oil drum and stood in front of one of the generating units.

Rated power 1300 kilowatts.

V-shaped 12-cylinder engine.

Automation Control System.

Universal circuit breaker.

In addition to the generator set, there is also a cage-like thing made of steel bars and iron mesh in the field, with a futon-like shape in the middle.


It was the place he specially prepared for practicing the vowel thunder method.

"Don't rush back yet."

After moving his wrist, Fang Zheng turned on the switch. Electric arcs jumped along the steel bars and iron nets, and the electric current gathered in the field.

"Wu Hai and the others..."

"Bless yourself!"

The chaos in Gu'an County will be difficult to stop for a while, but Wu Hai and others are far away from the core of the chaos, so there should be no big problem.


It was impossible for Fang Zheng to protect them all the time. Besides, the martial artist from Wanbao Pavilion was still there, so it was hard to guarantee that there would be any means to track him.

Let's wait for a while before talking.


The arcs of electricity leaped in the air and gradually gathered in the middle, indicating that everything was ready.

After stretching his muscles and bones, Fangzheng stepped towards the iron grid filled with electric current. Every step he took, arcs of electricity fell on him.

But it’s different from the beginning.

At this time, he has become extremely resistant to electric current.

The energy and blood in the body are tumbling, fighting against the electric current flowing into the body, and the strength is flowing out of the body, and it is like an invisible air shield protecting the whole body.

The current, which is enough to paralyze and kill people, has become an auxiliary tool for Fang Zheng to temper his body.

When he came to the middle position and sat cross-legged, he took out a brocade box from his body.


The brocade box is opened.

Inside is a pill the size of a quail egg.

The pill is blood red, and if you look closely, it looks like there are waves of blood inside. If you smell it gently, you can smell an alluring aroma.

Blood Lotus Pill!

This elixir contains vast essence, which can help people temper their bodies. It is of great use to martial artists and mages, and it must be of the best quality for him.

If you can take it and refine it, you may be able to quickly reach the state of perfecting the three bloods.

After thinking for a while, he took out another piece of soothing incense and lit it.

Smoke curls up,

The restless spirit also calmed down.


Fang Zheng exhaled softly, his eyes were calm and indifferent, he tilted his head and drank the Blood Lotus Pill, closed his eyes and silently used the blood circulation vowel thunder method.



Qi and blood are rolling, as if there is endless thunder.

at some point.


A burst of fierce flames suddenly rose up in his abdomen, and in an instant it swept through his whole body, rushing towards his limbs and bones, even making his skin and flesh red and hot.

What a terrifying potion!

Fang Zheng was startled, and immediately used all his strength to run his skills and try to refine the medicinal power.

No matter what,

Compared with the endless flow of essence, his cultivation is like a mayfly shaking a big tree. It cannot be said that it has no effect, but it is definitely there.


Fang Zheng's heart was beating wildly and he secretly cried out.

With his current strength, he simply cannot digest this huge medicinal power, and it may even cause severe physical damage to his body.

"Shopkeeper Ba is really dishonest!"

This was a bit unfair to the shopkeeper. The Blood Lotus Pill was not meant for body-refining warriors, and he didn't know the specific situation.

It is only useful to speculate based on past circumstances.

Little did I know.

Blood Lotus Pill contains a huge amount of essence, and its medicinal properties are very strong. Otherwise, why would it be named after ‘blood’? Ordinary people would really not be able to bear it.

'If you continue like this, let alone improving your cultivation, I am afraid that your physical body will collapse first, and your cultivation will be greatly reduced even if you save your life. ’

‘The supreme foundation created by the Hundred Days Foundation Building Method will also be destroyed. ’

‘In the best case, it will take several months of cultivation to recover, and a priceless pill is wasted. ’

Thanks to the Anshen Incense, even if the situation was critical, Fang Zheng was still able to maintain his emotional stability and never panicked or had thoughts racing in his mind.

what to do?


My mind was tense and concentrated like never before, and I instantly noticed the only difference in my body.


The electric current surged into the body, colliding with the vast medicinal power as it penetrated the skin and flesh. The two canceled each other out, actually protecting the physical body.


Let the skin and flesh be tempered to a certain extent and become slightly stronger.

"There is a door!"

Fang Zheng opened his eyes, his eyes flashed with light, and then he picked up a small stone from the ground, flicked it towards the generator set.

Fifth gear!



Along with the crazy operation of the glaze generator, thick arcs visible to the naked eye followed the power grid at a speed that was difficult to discern with the naked eye.

It fell on Fang Zheng.


Electricity is booming.


Fang Zheng suddenly raised his head, the veins in his neck bulged, and the energy, blood and medicinal power in his body surged, colliding with the electric current pouring into his body.

Vowel Refa!

At this time, he was using the vowel thunder method with all his strength, using the power of the Blood Lotus Pill as qi and blood, and attacking the thunder according to the method.

The power of the medicine exploded and penetrated into the skin, bones, internal organs...

The power of birth and death grows within the body.

physical body,

Start growing stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye,

At first, too strong an electric current can damage the skin and flesh. As the resistance increases, it is gradually able to withstand the electric current entering the body.

The powerful medicinal power of the Blood Lotus Pill is also being consumed rapidly.

Time passed slowly, the sun rose and the moon set, and I didn’t know how much time had passed.




The joints on Fang Zheng's body trembled, and the energy came out of his body, causing his already tattered clothes to shatter and tremble wildly.


In the darkness, a ray of light shone through the surroundings.

Fangzheng's eyes were clear, like candles in the dark, reflecting everything in the warehouse.

See the night as day!

Reach out.

The skin and flesh seemed to have been reborn, as delicate as a baby's, without any roughness or pores that a man in his twenties should have.

Feel it inside your body.

The energy and blood are vast, rushing like a torrent of water.

The five fingers suddenly clenched, and a feeling of being in control came to my mind.

"Condensation of Qi and blood!"

Fang Zheng smiled:

"Three Bloods Completed!"

Now, he only needs a period of adaptation and adjustment, and when his energy and blood are abundant, he can try to attack the true energy realm.

"More than forty hours have passed."

After checking the time, Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows slightly:

"No wonder the generator has stopped moving. All the diesel fuel in it must have been used up, but at last it was a good harvest and no medicine was wasted."


"It's time to go to the old man's place."

Guo Ziran is getting older. When he was young, martial arts training caused the disease. Now he has to go to the hospital for check-ups every now and then.

If you take Yangyuan Dan, you should be able to improve.




"I just heard from the commander that Mrs. Aqing is really unusual..."

"Chief of Staff, don't ask for false praise. Don't take it seriously if you sacrifice yourself to save others. I open a teahouse and hope for prosperity. I have the highest loyalty in the world. The commander is always here and there. I have the intention to lean against the big tree to enjoy the shade..."

Cool breeze.

Clouds accumulate in the sky.

Guo Ziran was lying on the rocking chair, his body swaying slightly, and he was humming softly to the tunes on the radio, with a happy expression.

After working hard for most of my life, I should take a good rest at this age.

"Dang Dang!"

There was a knock on the door.


Opening his eyes, Guo Ziran lazily got up from the rocking chair without saying a word and walked outside:


"Come here at this time, why didn't you call in advance?"

When he opened the outer door, a huge figure as tall and strong as a black bear came into view, which made Guo Ziran's eyes shrink.

Surprise, fear, anger and many complex emotions emerged.


The visitor lowered his head, stepped into the small courtyard, and said with a grin:

"I'm here to see you."



"The number you dialed is currently unavailable, please call again later."

"What are you busy with?"

Fang Zheng put down his phone and turned the steering wheel:

"The weather is a bit wrong, so you won't be enjoying the shade in the yard."

He wasn't afraid of enjoying the coolness, but he was afraid that Guo Ziran would fall asleep directly. If he caught a cold, he would inevitably have to run to the hospital.

"I don't even answer the phone..."


Fang Zheng shook his head, and the pickup truck got off the national highway and turned to the side road.

The village is already visible in the distance.




"It's you!"

Looking at the incoming person, Guo Ziran's face tightened and he stepped back step by step:

"You still dare to come back?"

"There is no way." The visitor grinned when he heard this, and the ferocious scar on his face wriggled like a centipede, looking ferocious and terrifying:

"Who allowed the master I have missed for so many years to be here?"

"Cao Wu!"

Guo Ziran asked in a muffled voice:

"I heard that you worked as a mercenary outside?"

"Not bad." Cao Wu smiled and said:

"Thanks to the skills that master gave me back then, otherwise I wouldn't be able to survive now."

"Many years later, the apprentice you looked down on back then came back after completing his studies. Master... were you very excited when you saw me?"


The smile turned into a roar, and Cao Wu suddenly punched him hard.

His outburst was very sudden and extremely violent.

He took a sharp breath, and the fascia all over his body seemed to expand suddenly, and his clothes instantly felt like inflated balloons.

As the huge fist fell, the breath suddenly gathered at the edge of the fist and exploded instantly.

This punch,

Shocked and full of anger.


Guo Ziran was like a frightened grasshopper. His skin and flesh instantly tensed up and then suddenly bounced away. His body jumped sideways to avoid the incoming punch.

The Xingyi is shocking!


Cao Wu shouted:

"As expected of the master, he is getting stronger with age. He has not given up his martial arts after so many years. It seems that the apprentice has come to the right place today."

He danced his fists, connected with his elbows and knees, and attacked quickly and fiercely.

"Muay Thai!"

Guo Ziran touched the ground with both feet and flashed:

"Things that deceive the master and destroy the ancestors!"

"Deceive the master and destroy the ancestor?" Cao Wu laughed wildly:

"Old man, times have changed. How can we still have any sectarian opinions? How could you be where you are today if you didn't practice other boxing techniques?"


The hard wooden stake shattered in front of his fist, and the aftermath of the force alone forced Guo Ziran to retreat repeatedly.

This kind of power...

Guo Ziran's eye sockets shrank, looking horrified.

I'm afraid it's almost as good as the second blood mentioned by Fang Zheng, right?

"You didn't expect that, did you?" Seeing his expression change, Cao Wu showed excitement, and his fists became more violent and fierce, as if he was venting the resentment in his heart for many years:

"This is the skill I have learned from outside over the years. Even if you call me a martial arts master, how many punches can he withstand from me?"


Guo Ziran hummed:

"It's just a stimulant."

"Stimulants?" Cao Wu laughed:

"Old guy, you really underestimate the technology outside. A frog sitting in a well and looking at the sky cannot see the vast sky at all."


He moved too fast and with too much force. After all, Guo Ziran was old and lacked strength. He was accidentally brushed on the shoulder and flew out.


Cao Wu twisted his neck, stepped forward, and said word by word:

"You ignored the relationship between master and disciple and chased me for three days and three nights. Even if I knelt on the ground and cried for mercy, you didn't intend to let me go."

"Good master..."

"I keep all your great kindness in my heart, and I haven't dared to forget it for so many years."

"Today, I am here to repay you!"


The punch was so fierce that it shattered windows, walls, and wooden doors. The wooden floor beneath his feet fell apart one after another, and the soil below flew everywhere.

He was like a raging ferocious beast.

solid house,

She was so weak in front of him.


Guo Ziran vomited blood, staggered back, and glared at the opponent:

"I only regret that I didn't kill you back then!"

"You still have a chance today." Cao Wu paused and walked over slowly, his scarlet eyes staring at Guo Ziran:

"Take out your Xingyi Fist and beat me to death!"


"Beat me to death!"

Guo Ziran squinted his eyes and looked at each other, the air was dead silent.

at some point.


Like a whip hitting the air, there was a crisp sound in the void, and Guo Ziran's figure suddenly disappeared from the spot.

Cao Wu's face tightened, and there was a warning sign in his heart.


His body froze and he waved his palm to meet the attack.


A thin fist collided with his palm, and the strong force like a needle penetrated the flesh and penetrated the inner bones.


Cao Wu groaned and retreated violently. He raised his hand and looked at his palm, and there was a trace of blood.

"Gu Jin?"

He looked solemnly and looked at the old man who was bowing slightly in the field, with a complicated look in his eyes:

"You have actually cultivated to the point where you are so strong that your bones are strong!"

"The depth of martial arts has no limit." Guo Ziran's voice was calm and full of determination:

"Let me see what you have learned outside!"



Stepping on the Tiangang and walking on the seven stars, this is the oldest footwork. Under Guo Ziran's performance, it has taken on a new vitality.

Snake pulls grass!


Tiger Downhill Pose!

After decades of practice, Guo Ziran has long trained the twelve forms of Xing and Yi into his bones, turning them into instincts, and each move is completely natural.

Blessed by the explosion of bone strength, it even showed strength that exceeded that of the prime of life.


Seeing this, Cao Wu was not surprised but overjoyed. He looked up to the sky and laughed wildly. His strong body rushed towards him and shouted:

"That's it, it's so enjoyable!"



The two collided and entangled with each other, and the fish tanks and water basins in the yard were immediately damaged. They were either broken into pieces or trampled to pieces.

Five elements boxing!

Five elements boxing!

Two figures rushed forward at the same time, and time seemed to freeze. Their fists faced each other, one was as deep as the sea, and the other was violent and ferocious.


The sound of bone cracking sounded.

Guo Ziran's face turned pale, his body flew back and landed heavily on the ground.


After he landed, he turned over and stood up. His right hand hung limply, obviously disabled, but his left hand was still intact.

With a flick of his arm, he wrapped up the stick on the side, kicked the tail of the stick with one leg, held the stick tightly with his left hand, and stabbed forward with the stick.

Dragon snake gun!

This stab burned the remaining fire of life in Guo Ziran's body.


The stick body trembled slightly, and the air seemed to be knocked away. The extreme speed made Guo Ziran's eyes confused, and his consciousness entered a mysterious state.


Everything in the world has become different.



I only saw the prototype of the spirit in my fist and touched the true will of martial arts, but even if I die like this, I will have no regrets.


A solid object interrupted his thoughts.

Cao Wu opened his big hand, the flesh on his palm cracked and blood flowed, but that mysterious shot was ultimately defeated by the absolute power.


Slapping the long stick away with a slap, Cao Wu stepped forward and punched Guo Ziran in the heart.

Xingyi collapses fist!


The sound of bone cracking sounded.

Guo Ziran's body hit the wall heavily, and he collapsed limply on the ground, blood gushing out of his mouth, and his eyes gradually became dull.


Cao Wu lowered his head, walked over slowly, and said in a long voice:

"You really gave me a big surprise, at this age..."


He sighed and said:

"If anyone knew that 'Titan' was injured by an old man, I don't know how many people in the mercenary circle would laugh at me."


Guo Ziran raised his head tremblingly.

"It seems you have heard of my name." Cao Wu grinned:

"That's right."

"Your third apprentice was a traitor who escaped from the military. Now he is a legend in the mercenary world and the fourth 'Titan' in the organization."


"I have become successful, you can rest in peace."





A black van drove out of the village and passed Fang Zheng.

Fang Zheng turned the steering wheel and glanced sideways.

This kind of van doesn't look cheap at first glance. I wonder if one of the children in the village has a promising future. It looks like they are returning to their hometown with rich clothes.

Smiling, he drove towards Guo Ziran's courtyard.

Before they even reached the place, noise came from the front.


With slightly raised eyebrows, Fangzheng stopped the car and pulled over, grabbing someone:

"what happened?"

"Something happened to Mr. Guo." The man spoke subconsciously, turned around and couldn't help but be startled.

"you are not……"


Before he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly blurred, and the figure had disappeared. A cold wind happened to blow by, making his face instantly pale.

Where are the people?

Isn't it a ghost?


Fang Zheng passed through the crowd and jumped into a ruined courtyard. He raised his hand and shook several wooden boards away, and looked at Guo Ziran who was collapsed on the ground.

Guo Zizi's chest was sunken, blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were empty and lifeless.

Hear sounds.

His dead eyes were slightly filled with life, and he looked at Fang Zheng and smiled miserably, his voice was so weak that it was almost indistinguishable:

"You... are right, there is a spirit in the fist... the will of martial arts..."


Fang Zheng clenched his fingers and gritted his steel teeth. He bent down and approached Guo Zizi. He wanted to reach out to help him, but he didn't dare to act rashly.

Based on Guo Ziran's current situation, if he moves a little, maybe...

"what happened?"

Fangzheng's body trembled:

"Who did it?"

"No." Guo Ziran shook his head with difficulty:

"don't want……"

"Who did this!" Fang Zheng stood up suddenly, looked back, and said angrily:

"Who did it!"

He glanced over and saw that the people in the village outside the courtyard all had pale faces, as if they were being stared at by a ferocious beast, as if they were frightened.

Martial arts will!

The energy and spirit are strong to a certain extent, and there is spirit in Wu's fists. One look or one look can break a person's spirit. At this time, Fang Zheng has already entered this state.

"A black van."

Someone subconsciously said:

"The car left and no one was seen."


Before he finished speaking, Fang Zheng's figure disappeared from sight.

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