
The clouds are falling and the cold wind is getting stronger.

On the road around the mountain, the black van was driving at a constant speed.

"Nathan, there is a saying in the Xia Kingdom: Fire will harm the body."

Cao Wu looked at the screen in front of him with a calm expression:

"I just came to see an old friend I haven't seen for many years. I didn't even bring a gun, and I won't cause any trouble to the organization."

"There's no need to be so angry."

"Titan." Nathan said angrily with a livid face:

"Do you know how troublesome it is to send people to Xia Kingdom, and how much trouble it will be to take you out safely after the incident is over?"

"Just such a path is higher than my salary in ten years. If something happens..."

"Nothing will happen."

Cao Wu's expression remained unchanged:

"It's just that if an old man dies, the local police department will be called at most. I will have arrived in Haizhou by this time tomorrow."

"I'll go back after the matter is over in two days."

"I know the way those people in Xia Guo do things. They are procrastinating. In three or two days, they couldn't find anything on me at all. By the time they found it, it was already too late."


Nathan snorted:

"It better be this way."

"Tomorrow I will see your coordinates appear in Haizhou. If not..., you don't have to think about leaving Xia Kingdom."

"..." Cao Wu shrank his eyes and glanced at the screen coldly:


He said and reached out to turn off the video.


The sudden loud noise made him move. The van shook wildly, and dense cracks appeared on the side window glass.

"What's wrong?"

"Rock falling on the mountain?"

Judging from the situation, it looked like a stone hit the window. The huge force caused the van to lose its balance and slide on the mountainous road.

The driver tried his best to stabilize the car and said loudly:


"Something's wrong, it's not a falling rock!"


The sound of impact sounded again, the van trembled violently again, and a huge dent appeared in the iron sheet on the side, which was obviously caused by the impact of a heavy object.


The wheels rubbed against the ground, creating sparks, and barely stopped the forward momentum when they were only a foot away from sliding down the hillside.


Nathan, who was far away in a distant country, stood up straight and asked with a solemn expression:

"what happened?"

"It's not clear yet."

Cao Wu pursed his lips and signaled the driver to get out of the car to attract attention, while he opened the secret door under the car and slid silently to the ground.

No matter what the situation was, if there were no guns or artillery, it would not be a big trouble for him.


This is the mainland of Xia.

Firearms are still possible, but even their organization cannot transport artillery.

"The impact position was at nine o'clock." Cao Wu, who had experienced numerous rounds of artillery fire, remained as calm as ever:

"Did you find anything?"


The driver's voice trembled:


"Is there someone there?" Cao Wu had just taken cover and couldn't help but be startled when he heard this.

Does anyone have anything to wonder about?

no one,

That's not normal!

"He..." The driver's throat rolled, as if he had seen some terrifying monster, and his body took an uncontrollable step back:

"He's coming."

In the evening, with the clouds covering the sky, the sky was already dark.

The mountains on both sides of the road are steep and densely forested.

Visible to the naked eye, a black shadow was rushing against the mountain at an incredible speed, a few meters away in one flash.

He was obviously a human, but he burst out with a speed that would make even a cheetah inferior.


How can it be?

Even the woman who is famous for her speed and explosive power in the organization cannot achieve this level.


The figure fell heavily to the ground, and the asphalt-paved ground dug two shallow pits under his feet. The clothes on his body made a loud noise, and several pieces of gravel fell to the ground.

The one who crashed into the car was the gravel.

Fangzheng's eyes were red and his breathing was heavy. The energy and blood in his body were like boiling water, and the steaming heat turned into white smoke and came out of his body.

He looked straight ahead, pressed his hands down slightly to steady his breath, and walked towards the van.

"Who are you?"

The driver's throat rolled and he looked sideways at Cao Wu.

"Guo Ziran is my master." Fang Zheng lowered his eyebrows, his voice was hoarse and trembling, with an extremely suppressed anger:

"Who did it?"

"Your master?" Cao Wu walked out from behind the car and looked at Fang Zheng up and down:

"Why, after so many years, the old guy finally untied his knot and accepted a disciple?"

"..." Fang Zheng tilted his head and thoughts flashed through his mind:

"Cao Wu?"

"It's me." Cao Wu grinned:

"Looks like you've heard my story."

"Head." The driver whispered:

"There's something wrong with this person."

"Yeah." Cao Wu nodded.

It had been a while since they left the village. Even if they took a shortcut, it would still be a long journey, which ordinary people simply couldn't do.

This requires incredible endurance and speed.

It looks like...

The old guy trained a real martial arts master.

However, when he thought that the disciple Guo Ziran had worked so hard to train died in his own hands, Cao Wu couldn't help but feel hot in his heart, and with a ferocious look in his eyes, he reached out and pulled off his windbreaker.

"There is a way to heaven but if you are not there, there is no way to hell."


"I'll send you to see the old man!"


Before he could finish his words, Fang Zheng's fist full of rage was already coming towards him.




Hao Qiang drove the car slowly along the mountainous road with a satisfied expression on his face:

"I just said, there is no need to go to those famous places to see the scenery. What's the point of seeing people crowded around each other? If you say you are looking at the scenery, you are actually looking at the people."

"This kind of place is better. There are fewer people here and the environment is naturally not damaged..."

"Why are not you talking?"

"I'm tired." My girlfriend rolled her eyes:

"Aren't you tired after working for so long?"

"Hehe..." Hao Qiang scratched his head and said with a smile:

"Where is this?"

"You damn duck has a tough mouth." The girlfriend shook her head, took out the makeup box and applied it on her face, saying:

"I have a party tonight and I don't have time to accompany you. I'll call you when it's almost over and pick me up then."

"Who is there?" Hao Qiang asked:

"Do I recognize him?"

"A few best friends." The girlfriend picked up the lipstick and said:

"Why are you asking so clearly? Are you afraid that your girlfriend will run away with someone else?"

"How could that be?" Hao Qiang laughed dryly. Just when he was about to say something, his eyes suddenly widened and he stepped on the accelerator.



My girlfriend bumped into the passenger compartment, her forehead was instantly bruised, half of the slogan was stuffed into her mouth, and her makeup was completely messy.


She straightened up, looked at herself in the mirror and screamed crazily:

"what are you doing?"

"I told you to put on your seat belt a long time ago." Hao Qiang said subconsciously, then came back to his senses and reached out to cover his girlfriend's mouth and nose:

"Don't make any noise and look ahead."

"Ugh..." The girlfriend was about to struggle. When she looked forward, her body froze and her eyes opened wide.


Hao Qiang's eyes were blank, and he didn't know when he had released his hand covering his girlfriend:


"Yeah, yeah." The girlfriend nodded repeatedly, and just as she was about to agree, she saw someone in front of her grabbing another person and throwing it at the car on the roadside.


The car's iron sheet was dented and its two- to three-ton body was swaying.


Their throats rolled, and their faces looked horrified.

So realistic?

Hao Qiang had a dull look on his face and subconsciously reached into his pocket. Don't panic when encountering anything. First, take out your phone and take a picture of the circle of friends.



The terrifying power turned the ferocious smile on Cao Wu's face into shock, and he couldn't help but retreat. His right hand was so numb that he lost all feeling.

How can it be?

He is a ‘Titan’!

The ‘Titan’ who claims to have the power of a giant!

Unable to even catch the opponent's blow?


With a roar, he rushed out again.

Kung Fu is made through fighting. This sentence came from the mouth of Guo Ziran. Cao Wu also believed in it and practiced it for many years.

Artillery fire, assassinations, storming...

Since joining the team, he has gone through hundreds of battles, challenged himself on the line between life and death, and integrated Xingyiquan with all other boxing techniques.

Coupled with the blessing of certain technologies and the tempering of the physical body, the title of 'Titan' was obtained.

Cao Wu was confident.

Even among the martial arts masters recorded in the history of Xia Kingdom, except for a few, most of them are far inferior to me today.


The ground beneath my feet was torn apart.

Cao Wu jumped up from the ground, his broad back muscles spread out like a pair of flesh wings, and he flapped slightly before arriving in front of Fang Zheng.

Crane's beak!

The punch came out, and the energy roared.

Judging from the moves, it is the shape of a crane with the twelve shapes of Xingyi, but the method of moving energy has long been out of the scope of Xingyiquan, and there is a vague shadow of Muay Thai and other boxing techniques.

Even Fang Zheng could feel the ferocious punch.

He was worthy of being the most talented disciple according to his master back then. In addition to his cruel personality, Cao Wu was also extremely sincere to martial arts.


"Peng Peng..."

The two collided with fists and feet, and one of them flew out, knocking down a tree and smashing into the grass.


Fang Zheng twisted his neck and looked cold:


"There's still a lot to be desired!"

Even if his energy was exhausted after running all the way, even if Cao Wu was sincere in martial arts and established his own family, he still had no power to fight back against Fang Zheng.

two people,

One is a tiger and an eagle, and the other is a mountain and the sky. They are completely different.

In front of Fang Zheng, Cao Wu was as weak as a baby.


Cao Wu turned over and stood up, his eyes were red, and the veins on his arms were bulging again:

"This is impossible!"

Fang Zheng raised his hand, swatted away the incoming fist as if he were flying an eagle, grabbed his collar with one hand, and slammed the person into the car.


The car is dented.

At this moment, the driver, who had been shaking all the time, suddenly moved. His movements were like a rabbit on the run, and he appeared behind Fang Zheng in just a flash.

The body movements are agile and silent.

He stretched out his hand, and a dagger with a blue halo appeared in his palm, and he slashed suddenly.

The fear on his face disappeared.


He is also a mercenary who has experienced hundreds of battles in the organization, and he cooperates with Cao Wu tacitly, and the timing of his choice is just right.


The dagger broke through the air, but it didn't break the flesh.


As soon as the driver opened his eyes, before he could retreat, he felt his wrist go numb and the dagger flew out of his hand, followed by a stabbing pain in his neck.


not far away.

Hao Qiang and his girlfriend trembled and almost screamed.

In their sight, Fang Zheng snatched the dagger, and with a sudden slash, the man's head flew out from his neck, rolling on the ground with splattering blood.

Is this a movie?


"Da da……"

Hao Qiang's teeth were chattering wildly, and his lower body was already wet. However, the hand holding the phone was as stable as ever.


Cao Wu was strong and burly, like a black bear.

Although Fang Zheng was not short in stature, he was slender and not muscular. Compared with his opponent, he was obviously one size smaller.



Fang Zheng grabbed the incoming fist with a calm expression. On the contrary, Cao Wu had a ferocious expression and tried his best but could not stop his decline.

Fangzheng exerted force on his hand, and with the full power of three bloods, he could easily lift the car.

No longer human.



Cao Wu looked up to the sky and screamed, his arms twisted and deformed, his expression was filled with madness in pain, and his eyes turned red without knowing when.


Fang Zheng frowned slightly and slowly retracted his arm.

The opponent's power is getting stronger.


what happened?

"Get out of my way!"

Cao Wu screamed with his big hand, and pulled his left hand to his body. His clothes were torn to pieces, revealing his upper body covered with strange bloodshot eyes.

The blood threads squirmed like squirming earthworms.


Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes:

"Still want to struggle?"

As he spoke, he took a step forward, grabbed the opponent's hair and thrust it hard against the ground, rubbing it back and forth. It doesn't matter what you do, if you don't have enough strength... you just can't!


Inside an island thousands of kilometers away, Nathan's eyes were fixed on the surveillance equipment in front of him, his face full of solemnity.

Staff members dressed in white are busy gathering all kinds of information.

"Blood pressure rises, heartbeat accelerates, nerve activity decreases..."

"Titan has activated type three stimulants!"

"This is the latest stimulant. It can theoretically double his physical strength, but the chance of surviving afterwards is no more than 10%."

"What makes him desperate?"

"Turn on the camera in the car and retrieve everything you could see before..."

"There's a figure!"

One person raised his hand:


"How can it be?"

Before he finished speaking, his expression suddenly turned into shock and disbelief.

on the screen.

Two figures were fighting each other.


It should be said that some people were beaten unilaterally, and some were tortured unilaterally.

The person at a disadvantage is the 'Titan' who has been injected with the latest stimulants and is the most powerful in the organization.

A Titan with the power of a giant is almost powerless to fight back in front of its opponent.


The hard van was like a toy that was smashed flat by a punch, and the thigh-thick tree trunk was easily broken by a kick.


Crashed into rubble.

Taitan screamed and was blasted several meters away. Before he could even hit the ground, he was kicked away again. His body hit the rock hard and he could no longer move.

"This is impossible!"

Someone yelled:

"The power of the human body cannot reach this level!"

"Could it be Xia Guo's secret weapon?"

"It's impossible. Xia's research foundation in biology is weak. It's impossible..."


The screen flashes and then goes black.

There was dead silence.

In particular, the eyes of some researchers were full of despair. They did not want to believe that their years of hard work could be so vulnerable.

"Inform the rest."

Nathan lowered his head and his eyes flashed:

"Come back first. Xia Guo's mission is suspended until the investigation is clear."





Fang Zheng grabbed Cao Wu and ran wildly on the rugged path.

He kept going straight.

When you encounter a river, you jump across it or when you encounter a forest, you are like a fierce tiger rushing towards your destination along a straight line.


The wind blew wildly.

There were already crowds of people outside the small courtyard, but no one came close. They were all whispering and talking.

Guo Ziran collapsed in the ruins, his vision was blurred and he was dying.

at some point.

A blur appeared before his eyes, and a familiar figure appeared.



Fang Zheng knelt down on one knee, lowered his head and said:

"I brought the people."

"..." Guo Ziran turned his head tremblingly and looked at Cao Wu, who was kneeling on the ground covered in blood, with a gleam in his eyes.

Then it was dead silent again.


"Good disciple!"

Fang Zheng looked sad.

He knew very well that Guo Ziran was seriously injured and was no longer able to survive. He could only hold on until now and could die at any time.

No matter how much mental stimulation is given, it is useless.


He opened his mouth and said:

"What else do you want to say?"

"..." Guo Ziran looked at him blankly and suddenly said:

"I want to know, where have you... reached?"

He was equally curious about this apprentice. Although he had never practiced martial arts, his foundation was surprisingly good. After practicing martial arts for a few months, he had nothing to teach him.

Less than a year,

Naturally, Guo couldn't understand Fang Zheng's state.


These two words are no longer enough to describe it.

Fang Zheng raised his head, looked at Guo Ziran, then nodded and stood up.

He first assumed a three-body posture, then practiced the Five Elements Boxing, and finally twisted his body and transformed into the dragon shape among the twelve shapes of Xingyi.

He moved slowly and looked ordinary.

But in the eyes of Guo Ziran and Cao Wu, fanatical and unbelievable light burst out.


The Fang Zheng in front of him had a fiery aura all over his body, and his presence could be felt even without looking at him.

The two people who were so close had a deeper feeling.

They were like looking at an extremely huge mountain. The pressure of the breath alone gave people a feeling that was simply irresistible.


Following the square eyelids, there are twelve dragon shapes.

In the two people's perception, it seemed that a soaring, delicate and unyielding divine dragon appeared in the scene and merged with Fang Zheng.

Martial arts will!

There is a god in the boxing!

At this point in martial arts, one has become a heavenly being.

Cao Wu's body trembled and he burst into tears.

He didn't want to believe that his lifelong pursuit and exhaustion of methods to temper his body had actually taken a wrong turn, and that the right path was right in front of him.

"There is a spirit in the fist..." Guo Ziran laughed wildly, his body trembling wildly:



"My disciple, my disciple..."

From ancient times to the present.

The third martial arts master who realized that there was a spirit in his fists, and who was probably far superior to the other two, was actually his disciple.

If someone is like this, what else can I ask for?

"Master." Seeing that Guo Ziran's mood swings were too violent, Fang's expression changed, he quickly put away his momentum, and spoke in a low voice:

"Don't get too excited."

"Fang Zheng." Guo Ziran's eyes widened and he stared at him:

"Don't kill...Cao Wu."

There was silence.

Looking at Guo Ziran, Fang Zheng's eyes flickered under the other's slow pleading and hopeful gaze, and finally he sighed and nodded:


"Okay." Guo Ziran smiled happily:

"Martial arts are magical, and you will die without regrets..."

The sound falls.

He slowly lowered his head and lost all breath.


Cao Wu raised his head and sneered:

"In today's world, the Xia Kingdom can still give birth to a martial arts master. The master really has good vision, and the junior brother has good skills."

Fang Zheng turned around and looked at the other party coldly.


Cao Wu struggled to get up:

"I admit that I may have gone astray over the years, but it doesn't matter. Today I can see the right path, and one day I will be able to reach your current state."

He has this confidence.

Fang Zheng shook his head gently:

"You have no chance."

"Huh?" Cao Wu opened his eyes:



Before he could finish his words, Fang Zheng slapped his head with a palm. The force exploded, shattering his brain and causing Cao Wu to bleed from all his orifices and fall to his knees.

"Master asked me not to kill you because he was worried that I would commit murder and ruin my future." Looking at Cao Wu who looked in disbelief, Fang Zheng said calmly:

"It's for my own good."

"I promised not to kill you to reassure the master. You don't think I really won't kill you, do you?"

Cao Wu really thought so.

After all, in the Xia Kingdom, the concept of respecting the legacy of the ancestors is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and violating it is treason, especially in traditional industries.

Fang Zheng promised well just now.

Who would have thought,

As soon as Guo Ziran left, he turned his back and killed people directly.

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