Luo Baotou led a group of people into Fang's Mansion. When he saw Fang Zheng, he was shocked at first, then his face filled with ecstasy, and he hurriedly came over:

"Master Fang, are you okay?"

"I'm worried about Lauro's arrest." Fang Zheng cupped his fists and raised his hands:

"Fortunately I'm fine."

"Okay, okay!" Luo Baotou nodded repeatedly:

"As long as it's okay. You've been missing for so long. I thought... forget it, let's not talk about this anymore. It'll be good if you can come back safely."

People are not like grass and trees, and no one can be ruthless. No matter what, the two of them have been friends for such a long time, so it is inevitable to care about each other's safety.


The most important thing is that he has shares in Fang Ci.

If something happens to Fang Zheng, Luo Captou's income will definitely drop sharply in the future, so he will be overjoyed to see Fang Zheng show up.

"Brother Luo."

Fang Zheng moved his eyes and said:

"How is this going?"

"This..." Luo Captou's face froze slightly, and then he smiled dryly and led someone:

"Let me introduce to you, this is Kong De Kong Baihu. During this period of time, Mr. Baihu will bring people to stay in Fang Mansion."

Fang's face darkened.

Come again?

Kong Baihu had a beard and hooked eyes. He was dressed in fish scale armor and had a long sword tied to his waist. He was followed by twenty or thirty soldiers.

The order of military attaches in the Wei Dynasty was complicated, including casual officials, regular officials, and lords...

Generally speaking.

A hundred households can be admitted to the rank, and a thousand households in a local area can be an eighth-rank official. Above them are the chief and deputy commanders of each guard. The commanders who are higher up can be called generals.

There is no emphasis on literature over martial arts here.


It has been a top priority in all dynasties.

To ordinary people, a hundred households in the ninth rank is already bigger than the sky. It should be noted that the head of a county in Wang County is only a seventh rank official.

Luo Baotou called Kong De the Master of Hundred Households, which was correct.

"It's nice here."

Kong Baihu took a step forward, ignored the two people, and looked at the entire manor with a look of satisfaction on his face:

"Since we knew there was such a place, we should have vacated it as early as possible. Could it be that Mr. Luo was deliberately neglecting the errand assigned by you?"

"Don't dare!" Luo Baotou's expression changed drastically and he said anxiously:

"Luo would never dare. Although this place is nice, it is too far away from the county government office. I... I am worried about missing the adults."


Kong Baihu snorted coldly:

"Don't worry about these."

Then he waved his arms and looked at Fang Zheng:

"Are you the owner of this land?"

Hearing this, Capt. Luo winked at Fang Zheng in a hurry, fearing that if he spoke rudely and offended the other party, things would get worse.


Fang Zheng took a deep breath, cupped his fists and raised his hands:

"I've met Lord Baihu down there."

"Founder?" Kong Baihu squinted his eyes and paused on his arm:

"Have you ever practiced martial arts?"

"So that the Lords of the Hundred Households will know that Mr. Fang comes from a wealthy family and has an extraordinary background. He has achieved the realm of three bloods not long ago." Luo Baantou said hurriedly:

"He is also a well-known figure in Gu'an County."

"Three bloods?" Kong Baihu raised his eyebrows, his face finally no longer so scornful, and then he snorted softly:

"In that case, he should have been recruited by the army. Why are he still here?"


Fang Zheng was stunned.

"Yes, yes, Master Baihu said that, but I believe Mr. Fang didn't mean to disobey. He probably didn't know about it yet." Luo Baotou bent down and looked at Kong Baihu with a flattering expression, and then looked at Xiang Fangzheng said:

"Young Master Fang, General Song has ordered that all warriors with blood level above 2 in the city, as well as those with wealthy families, must go to the military tent to accept his orders."


"He just disobeyed orders and was killed without mercy!"

Fang Zheng's mouth twitched.

"Master Fang."

Captain Luo pulled him aside and whispered:

"Never mind that Luo is not honest in what he does. Life is difficult for everyone during this period. I have no choice but to bring him here."

"He's here now, and it's definitely impossible to leave. You'd better pack your things and settle the women at home."

"Save yourself the trouble."

Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes and nodded slowly.

What the hell is this? I just came here and I’m about to leave. I knew I wouldn’t come back.

However, there are indeed two trouble-prone women in his yard. They need to leave as soon as possible before these court officers and soldiers find out.

Du Qiaoyun, on the other hand, has gone somewhere.




The next day.

The backyard of the county government office is adjacent to a street.


Almost all the courtyard walls on this street were knocked down, and many soldiers in armor and sharp weapons shuttled between them with neat steps.

The wealthy households and warriors in the city were also placed nearby to wait for dispatch.

No one was making any noise.

There was a solemn atmosphere in the venue.

Fang Zheng walked through the crowd and came to a narrow room and pushed the door open. Inside the room, Zhang Mingrui was measuring something with a tortoise shell in his hand.

"Taoist Master."

Fang Zheng bowed his hands:

"Long time no see. How are you?"

"Hmph!" Zhang Mingrui snorted softly:

"Looking at me like this, you know whether I'm okay or not."

At this time, Zhang Mingrui lost his former Taoist immortality, his Taoist robe was in tatters, and his long hair was in locks and had not been washed for an unknown amount of time.

two eyes,

It was even covered with bloodshot eyes.


Fang Zheng sighed softly and stepped closer:

"Unexpectedly, the Taoist priest also knows the art of divination?"

"I know a thing or two." Zhang Mingrui put down the tortoise shell and said angrily:

"There has been no news for such a long time. I never thought you were still alive."

"Luckily." Fang Zheng smiled. He didn't care about the changes in Gu'an County. After all, he lived in modern society.

If you really can't get through it, you'll probably just walk away.

This kind of mentality of playing with the world also allows him to deal with it calmly no matter what situation he faces.

Then he opened his mouth and asked:

"What's the result?"

"It's gloomy and there are few opportunities for change. I'm afraid Gu'an County will inevitably suffer a catastrophe this time." Zhang Mingrui shook his head with helplessness on his face:



Fang Zheng nodded, pulled the chair next to him, sat down, and asked:

"Have you got what I want, Taoist Master?"

"Even now, are you still thinking about things outside your body?" Zhang Mingrui was speechless, turned around and took out a book from under the bed:

"For this purpose, I asked my senior brother to send it specially by flying bird, but it was a waste of a lot of effort."

"Thank you."

Fang Zheng took the book.

"Chun Yang's Theory of Three Essentials of Martial Arts"

The handwriting is flying and phoenix dancing, with a high spirit, it must be from the hand of a master.

"More than two years ago, I still remember my first acquaintance with Mr. Fang. At that time, you went to your master to ask for martial arts skills." Zhang Mingrui said leisurely, with a complicated expression:

"In just two years, you have achieved the third level of blood, and you are even planning to achieve the realm of true energy."

"It's true..."


He remembered clearly that Fang Zheng hadn't even established the foundation at that time.

If he knew that Fang Zheng at this time had not only attained the three bloods, but also had the three bloods perfected, he had also realized the will of martial arts.

I'm afraid my jaw will drop!

Fang Zheng smiled and said nothing, and did not want to shock the other party. He opened the book with a smile and read every word.

"'On the Three Essentials of Martial Arts' summarizes the insights of those who have achieved breakthroughs in martial arts in the past generations of Chunyang Palace, and can help those who come after to avoid many detours." Seeing this, Zhang Mingrui said:

"But you've only just gained three bloods. Just take a look at it now. Don't take it too seriously."

This kind of method, which is similar to the summary of experience, is available in various sects and sects. It is not surprising, but it is not easy for outsiders to obtain it.

For Founder.

He has perfected the three bloods, and can even practice the vowel thunder method to the realm of the Great Zhoutian, but he doesn't know the specific key to breakthrough.

It would be a great benefit if we could take a look at the experience of those who came before us.


The realm of a martial artist is different from that of a warrior.

In addition to transporting qi and blood to explode with force, the most important thing is to use true qi, which is something that martial arts in modern society does not touch at all.

In addition to the vowel thunder method, experience can only be learned from warriors from other worlds, so "The Three Essentials of Martial Arts" is extremely important to him.


Fang Zheng nodded without explaining:

"The money thing may have to wait."

Naturally, you can’t ask for things for nothing.

"It doesn't matter." Zhang Mingrui changed his usual temper, waved his hand magnanimously, and sighed:

"Even if you have money to give me now, I can't hold it. Thieves are like combs, soldiers are like grates, I have seen this."

"Shh..." Fang Zheng raised his finger:

"Taoist Master, be careful!"



The drums sounded, the two looked at each other, stood up and walked out the door.


The highest governing body of the Wei Dynasty's military was named the Five Military Capital.

As the name suggests, there are five armies in the imperial court. The central army is stationed in Kyoto to protect the Holy Lord, and the east, west, south and north each suppress one side.

The Anxi army was divided into eight guards.

Each one has his own place.

It was one of the guards who rushed to Gu'an County this time. The supreme commander of the guard was the commander, but this time the person leading the army was the deputy commander.

There is a lord,

Hereditary military rank.

His surname is Song and his given name is Hope, and he is often called General Song.

The martial arts field behind the county government office had long been transformed into a school field. With the sound of drums, everyone gathered in the school field, and whispers continued.

"Li Qianhu's son is dead."


"Really, he was killed by a master of swordsmanship, and even the soldiers around him could not escape death. Qianhu was furious."

"Who did it?"

"have no idea."

"The Lihua's spear skills are known to be outstanding. The son of Qianhu also has the third-level cultivation level. He also has soldiers forming a battle formation around him. Is it possible that the person who can kill him is not a master of Qi cultivation?"


"People are coming."

Fang Zheng's ears trembled slightly and he looked away.

Didn't he kill it himself?

A figure jumped onto the school field. The armor on his body alone probably weighed more than a hundred kilograms. When it landed on the ground, it made a loud noise.


The sound was so loud that it silenced the whole place.

"He is Li Qianhu." Zhang Mingrui said in a low voice:

"He is a warrior who has cultivated his true energy. People in the army have a strong killing spirit, and many spells have no effect on them."

Founder is clear.

As his cultivation level improved, his understanding of martial arts and techniques also became deeper and deeper.

Most of the spells involve the power of the soul, and the same applies to ghosts. The methods are indeed varied, but they are also restrained by Yang Qi and evil spirits.

When the army goes out, a single shout can make all the ghosts within ten miles disappear; when the energy and blood rush into the sky, the evil ghosts will hide underground when they see it.

Even if he is a ghost king comparable to a real person...

There are also many records of being surrounded and killed by large armies and unable to fight back.

Ghosts are like this,

Spells are pretty much the same.


The two people's voices were not loud, but they could not avoid the ears of a martial artist. He glanced at them coldly, and a murderous aura rushed into the sky and hit their eyebrows.

Martial arts will!


The two of them groaned and stepped back at the same time.

However, Zhang Mingrui is true and Fang Fang is false.

He also realized that martial arts will, even if it was only in its rudiment, was still quite resistant to the pressure of other people's thoughts, and even a single glance could not hurt him.


Fangzheng's eyes flashed.

If your own martial arts will is like a tiger or a ferocious beast that makes people subconsciously fear you, then the opponent is like an erupting volcano or a towering tree.

Just a shake can make people's hearts tremble, as if it's the end of the world.

The kind of martial arts will honed from countless bloody fights seems to have substance.

Is this the real master?

"Our investigation revealed that there is a monster wreaking havoc in Gu'an County, causing trouble!"

Li Qianhu looked away and shouted with a gloomy face:

"General Song was ordered to conduct an inspection and vowed to quell the evil spirits and restore peace to Gu'an County. As wealthy households and warriors in the county, you should also do your part."

"We must obey the general's orders!"


"If you can find any use, please feel free to ask."


Everyone in the audience echoed one after another.


Li Qianhu nodded expressionlessly:

"Very good."

"Because we went into the mountains in the snow, the guardsmen were inevitably lacking, which even allowed evil demons to do their evil. Even my son..."

He gritted his teeth and paused before saying:

"In short, we need to recruit you to help suppress the bandits. The court will definitely reward you after the success!"


Many people looked bitter.

Just listen to these words, no one has any hope, and the army is satisfied if they don't plunder them too much.


Li Qianhu looked at him coldly:

"You don't want to?"

"Or are you secretly colluding with those evil demons?"

As soon as he said this, everyone in the venue changed their expressions and said hurriedly:

"Don't dare!"

"I'm willing!"

"I am willing to serve you!"


Even Fang Zheng and Zhang Mingrui also bowed their hands in the same way.


Li Qianhu didn't care whether everyone was sincere or not, he raised his voice and said:

"This riot was all caused by demons from the White Lotus Sect inciting refugees. According to the information we found, there are currently two incense masters from the White Lotus Sect in the city."

"One is named Jia and the other is named Liu. They are both martial arts masters who have cultivated Zhenqi."

Two martial artists?

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but change.

Before the army came, how many martial arts masters were there in Gu'an County?

"In addition to these two people, there is also a altar leader named Yin from the Beggar Clan who also colludes with the White Lotus Sect." Li Qianhu continued:

"He is also a martial artist."

Three martial arts masters!

"There are also some people who are also the source of trouble."

Li Qianhu took out a piece of paper full of writing from his body and read:

"An Shengwang, the head of the An family, Qi Xiuyu, the shopkeeper of the Qijia shop, brothers Xu Xiu and Cai Li from the Sharpshooter Hall, Zhang family's..."

The familiar name made Fang Zheng raise his eyebrows slightly.

Xu Xiu is also wanted?


It seems that Cai Li is Cai Jiuyuan's apprentice. The two masters are enemies. Aren't they also enemies? When did their hostility turn into friendship and become brothers?

"Che Zhongyang, Du Qiaoyun and his wife from Panshe Martial Arts School..."

Fang's expression changed.

"grown ups."

Someone said:

"Is there any misunderstanding in this? As far as I know, shopkeeper Qi Xiu Yu Qi hates evil and will never have anything to do with the White Lotus Sect demon."


Li Qianhu's voice stopped, he slowly put down the paper in his hand, and looked at the person who spoke:

"you sure?"

"OK." The man nodded with a serious look on his face:

"I know very well the character of Shopkeeper Qi."


Before he finished speaking, a cold light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. Before he could react, a spear had been pierced through his heart.

Li Qianhu held the gun barrel, his face was cold, and his arm suddenly shook.

Invisible force exploded from the tip of the gun.


The man's body seemed to be hiding a high-explosive bomb. The whole place exploded, and blood and fleshy foam spread everywhere like rain.

Like pear blossoms blooming.

The place was deathly silent.

Fangzheng's eyes shrank and his face looked solemn.

He has learned a lot from hundreds of schools, and he thinks that his luck is amazing, but he can't blow a person into bloody foam with just a shake.

So angry!

Only true energy can do this.

Such a brutal way of killing shocked everyone.

"Since he is so sure, he must be with that person." Li Qianhu slowly put away his gun, glanced at the audience coldly, and asked:

"Who else has an opinion?"

He glanced over, everyone bowed their heads, and no one said a word.

"Then follow suit!"

Li Qianhu waved his hand:

"Whoever disobeys the order will be punished by that person just now!"





The horse's front hooves were raised, and a man jumped down from above, knelt on one knee and shouted:

"Sir Qianhu, in front of you is the position occupied by the Wang family. There are White Lotus Sect demons inside. We have surrounded them all."


On the horseback, a man wearing heavy armor and a mask with a ghost head nodded slowly when he heard the voice, and pointed far ahead with a whip in his hand:

"Can you understand?"


"My lord, please give me your instructions."


In addition to the soldiers of the Anxi Army, there were also scattered teams composed of wealthy households, warriors, and guardians in the city. They nodded after hearing this.


The voice behind the mask was difficult to distinguish between male and female, and said slowly:

"I'll give you two sticks of incense to completely attack the courtyard in front of you. During this period, you can take away all the harvest from the destruction of the courtyard."


"If we can't break through within two sticks of incense, each person will receive ten sticks. There will be several more places to come. I can easily kill a warrior with twenty sticks here."

Everyone looked up after hearing this, with different expressions on their faces.

Some looked fearful and uneasy, while others looked excited and ready to move, just to name a few.


The Qianhu named Ming waved his hands gently and said in a cold voice:


Burn incense.

However, everyone in the field was obviously not used to this situation. They all looked at each other for a while, not knowing what to do next.

Until one person roared:

"Fuck, fuck!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand and rushed towards the door with a few people.

Someone took the lead, and others followed. Some people even jumped over the wall and were admitted to the hospital. Then there were shouts of death inside.

Those who can be summoned are physically strong even if they have never practiced martial arts, and there are many first-blood and second-blood warriors among them.

It is easy to deal with ordinary people.

"My boss?"

Wu Hai and Li San stood on Fang Zheng's side, looking sideways:

"what to do?"

"Now that things have come to this, what else can we do? Just keep up." Fang Zheng shook his head and saw that the door had been knocked open and stepped forward.


Both should be.

After entering the courtyard, what came into view was an ordinary courtyard. The residents in the courtyard were being beaten by people who rushed in, and the doors of the inner courtyard were also knocked open.


Suddenly there was ecstasy:

"There's gold hidden in this house! A whole jar of gold!"


"Look somewhere else!"

The allure of gold and silver was unparalleled, and for a while, the people who were still working hard became excited, speeding up and rushing to the backyard, their eyes full of enthusiasm.

Someone was smarter and caught the people in the yard, beat them wildly, and asked where valuables were hidden in the house.

The Lord Qianhu said that whatever he gained within two sticks of incense was his own.

The scene in front of him made Fang Zheng shake his head slightly.

However, it is indeed easy to get rich in this situation. As long as you can be ruthless and let go of the so-called kindness, you can reap enviable benefits.


Outside the hospital.

The Anxi Army was as motionless as a mountain, and you could clearly hear a pin drop on the ground, which was in sharp contrast to the noise and chaos in the courtyard.

"grown ups."

A man drives his horse closer:

"Are we really going to let them take away valuable things?"

"It's just a small family, how much wealth can it have?" Ming Qianhu said in a steady voice:

"Use this kind of place to appetize them and give them something sweet. When they deal with the White Lotus Sect, they will do their best."

"With these people fighting in the front line, we can save a few lives."


Subordinates should be.

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